Chapter 12

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The date was going swimmingly.

Joey was happy and the sun was shining and the birds were singing... and then everything metaphorically exploded.

Xornoth's back flared in pain as his wings clawed their way out of it. His head felt on fire as antlers burst out, desperate for sunshine. And then, it was over.

The pain just stopped. Wait, what? As he gathered his composure, another coherent thought soared through his head, demanding immediate attention. Joey.

His boyfriend was in pain. His hands were clutched so tightly in his blond hair, he might have been ripping it out. Spots of blood appeared on his t-shirt and Xornoth panicked, doing the only sensible thing his problem-solving abilities could muster which was taking the t-shirt off.

Large gashes were visible as though a knife had carefully carved them out. That might have been their thought had two growths not been seen between the blood. Joey was hyperventilating. "Breathe, Joey, breathe." His breathing slowed. "What...?" That was all he could get out.

"The veil," murmured Xornoth, "It's fallen." Luckily, Joey hadn't passed out, earning a good amount of respect from Xornoth. If the pain was anywhere near his, it must've been literal hell. "What veil?" gasped Joey. "Before I explain, drink." Xornoth handed Joey a bottle of sweet, pink liquid.

"What is this?" asked Joey as the bottle was downed in a heartbeat. "Healing," replied Xornoth. Joey shot him a questioning look, suddenly very suspicious of the strange liquid. "I-It's not harmful. I made it at home. Do you really think I of all people would poison you?"

Joey sighed. "Of course not." Xornoth stood up, his brain working. The veil had fallen. The lies were gone. His wings were back after what felt like millennia of having no weight on his shoulders. Joey's were, too. Xornoth had never known Joey was part parrot.

Then again, Joey probably didn't know either.

"You-you have wings!" The blond seemed to finally come to that conclusion within five entire minutes of Xornoth having them. "Yeah," said Xornoth, not sure what to say, "So do you." Joey turned around to check but he didn't know how to properly manuver his newfound wings. "Here," said Xornoth, reaching back and gently holding one of Joey's wings, coaxing it forward from its tensed position.

It was then Xornoth remembered that touching others' wings was an act of great intimacy in Rivendell. Somehow, the elf couldn't find himself to care. He still blushed, feeling warmth rush up to his cheeks as Joey examined his wings. "They're really pretty, aren't they? Just a little... bloodstained. Hey, how did you heal me? You just gave me something to drink and poof! I've got wings!"

"What I gave you to drink has nothing to do with your wings being there," said Xornoth, "The veil has fallen... Magic. It's back. After so long." Joey struggled to comprehend, "Veil? Magic? Xornoth, what the hell?" Xornoth shook his head, "What the hell is right. They said it was gone but, it's obviously not so-"

"What a bunch of liars," hissed Joey, finally connecting the dots. "Liars..." murmured Xornoth before his eyes widened and the whole weight of what this would mean. "Exor... Exor! Exor can claim his champion. Oh, gods, no. No, no, no, no, no, I've finally found friends and happiness and a lover and oh gods, they're gonna take it all away and me and Scott will be where we started and oh gods, Scott's probably in pain right now! How?! I-I thought we were safe."

"Xornoth. Xornoth, listen to me!" Xornoth snapped to attention, looking Joey straight in the eyes, "Listening?" Xornoth nodded. "Ok, good. If Scott's not okay, we can go help him. Whatever you're worried about isn't happening right now. It's in the future. Just, focus on what's happening right now. That's what's important."

"Right now... Right now. Scott. Scott's probably dying of pain right now. We've got to hide these wings." He hummed in thought, "We can fly high enough to look like birds and land directly at my house. There's no one who will be outside at the moment." Joey nodded, "Riiiight. Except neither of us can fly."

"It's been thirteen years since I've flown but... I think I can do it. It's like riding a bike - you never really forget." Joey raised his eyebrows and gestured towards himself, "And if you never knew in the first place?"

"Hop on my back."



Joey laughed as Xornoth soared higher. "Faster!" he yelled, like a child. Xornoth absolutely loved Joey's laughs and would do anything to multiply them. "Hold on!" Xornoth flapped his wings and put on a burst of speed.

Joey lay down on Xornoth's back, wrapping his arms under Xornoth's arms. "You smell really good," he remarked, causing Xornoth to smile, "I washed my hair before coming." Joey gasped dramatically, "You washed your hair? For me?" Xornoth laughed, "C'mon, Joey, I know when you're surprised. Right now, you're flustered and are waiting for me to comment on your hair which you have undoubtedly washed."

"You enjoy leaving me speechless, don't you?"

"One of my favourite pastimes, darling."

Joey planted a quick kiss on Xornoth's cheek, using his fluffy, purple hair as a pillow and resting on it. "There. Now you're speechless!" Oh gods, Xornoth loved Joey.

Exor, if you take Joey away from me, I will find a way to murder a god.


Word count: 910

Good night.

<RubyBlueWrites left the game>

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