03||Wrong Answer

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"Do you think this is funny now huh?" Haechan said with a smirk across his face and look down on me, who sits on the floor with more bruises than yesterday "Now tell me Y/n, is this funny to you?"

I was busy sobbing on the ground as I tried my best to ease the pain I felt all around by body by caressing them till Haechan kneeled down and harshly pulled my hair to make eye contact "You talk with alot of gut yesterday but now what's the matter darling? Cat your tongue or something?" Then he chuckled.

I violently shake my head and started to cry more because he clutched on my hair so hard "I- I'm so sorry" I managed to say it with a trembling tone.

"Haha... hahahaha....hahahahhaHAHA" He continued to laugh hysterically which is not normal at all, moreover it makes me so scared of him.

He finally let go of my hair and stood up "Hey I have a great idea!" He suddenly stop laughing and clap his hand "Say who do you like most around us? And I'll forgive you and let you go? Hmm"

Jaemin and Chenle instanly stop playing basketball and interested in what Haechan just told me to answer "I want to know that too" Jisung continued.

"If I really have to answer this..."

Putting all my hate for them beside me, Jaemin and Renjun surely are not I like most because they got no patience and think physically violence is the answer for everything. Infact I'm scared of the most.

Haechan and Jeno don't usually use violence unless they're angry or something, they look flirty and calm at the same time but I know they hide their true self under that. Because they got more patience.

Jisung and Chenle rarely use violence but they are definitely very touchy and don't think about anyone feelings. Most likely to express their affection by physically touching, hugging or kissing.

And Mark? He never really do anything to me, all he do was stand and watch or sometimes I didn't see him everyday unlike others. Maybe it's because he's busy but the worst thing he had done to me was all this bullying thing was all his idea.

"As much as I hate them all, I think it has to be....Mark" I mumbled but Haechan managed to hear that "MARK!? REALLY!?" He clicked his tongue and look so annoyed by my answer.

"No way it can't be Mark" Jisung who stand beside Haechan said and grabbed both of my shoulder and shake me "It should've been me not him Y/n! Can't you see I care for you and I love you for eternity!"

"I can't see I'm blind, bLiNd bLinD~~"

Jaemin darkly chucked and said "He's not even here baby, he won't save you okay?" Seeing them like this is something I've never seen but I don't want to accept that they're jealous. "Why would they be jealous? Maybe it's something else. Yes"

"Wrong answer Y/n" Haechan said and started to forcefully pulled me up from my uniform collar "Y-you said you will let me- Let me go!" I managed to speak while crying "But you got the wrong answer"

Then Haechan laughed like a psychopath and harshly slap me across the face cause me to fall down "Awww I would have save you Y/n but you I'm not your favourite" Renjun said while pouting and look at me. Also Jaemin who wiped his fake tears.

I can see Chenle who look at me with sad eyes, but at the same time with jealousy and madness. He turn around and continue to play basketball.

And Jeno? He just sit there and watch me being tortured. When he sees enough he would just pulled his phone and play some games to ignored it.

Jisung being the dramatic one and can't control his emotions so he was crying out of jealous that I choose Mark while Jaemin patted him to stop crying.

"I wish I was just tortured to death right now because I can do this anymore. Life I'm done with you"


"Do tell me Y/n dear, who did this to you? Why are they bullying you?, This is wrong" The school nurse ask me while applying some ointment "Ah- that's kinda hurt" I said and let out a fake laughed.

She let out a defeat sighed "Just tell me when you're ready okay?" She softly said and give me a smile "Here take this ice pack put in on the injured area to numb the pain and I'll be back later, I have to go the principal's office okay" She said and I nodded.

After that the nurse left and I hold the ice pack on my knee, I can see my reflection on the window glass which make me teared up "My face is full of bruises" I mumbled. Then I heard the sound of door open.

There were no other students on the infirmary room, just me and the nurse who I think it was her came back already. Which was faster than I thought.

I was sitting on the patients bed and close the curtains before she left which make me able to see her shadow, but now I see a whole different shadow of person. I'm so sure that it was a boy not her.

His hand slowly reached and opened it as we instanly make eye contact. He gave me a sinister smile then chuckled deeply. It was no other person than

Mark Lee.

"Hey Y/n can I sit beside you?" Before I answer he take a seat "Gosh that look hurt and your face? Let's not say anything" Then he laughed "Oh wait! Should I hold it for you? No? I'm just being friendly you know" I rarely see him but like always he talks alot.

"I'm fine" I replied him weakly and short to let him know that I don't want to talk which he already knew but still talk. "When I went to the (school) gym, Jisung was crying like a baby so I ask him why"

"He said something unexpected, so unexpected that I'm your favourite around them" After he said that he laughed again. "He's on weed or something?

He put his hand on my shoulder "I think you really pick me because you don't seem to deny it" He said and I nodded slowly "Next time you should pick someone who's around" He spoked again seriously.

"Like Jaemin or Renjun, because I'm sure they'll be so happy and save you from whatever situation you're in" I was shocked that he's really being friendly but for what "Why are you telling me this?"

"Well I'm happy! I mean I've never thought you would pick me" To me it wasn't nothing that I choose who don't bully me the most but to them I think it's a big deal. "That person might go abit soft on you"

"Oh and not Haechan, it will only boosted his ego"


I let out a ridiculous chuckled on my way home because what Mark said keep looping on my mind "Ridiculous and hilarious, why would he even say that" I shake my head and open the door.

"I'm home" Before they say anything I immediately went to my room because I don't want them to see the bruises all around my face and body.

I plopped down on my soft bed and inhale my bedsheet scent which smell like strawberry and make me calmer everytime. It makes me remind that my room is the only safe place for me. "I miss you bed"


"I think she's exhausted and about to fall asleep, wait no- she's getting up and went to the bathroom" Chenle said while looking through the telescope.

Jaemin laughed at the movie he's watching "Tell me when she's removing her clothes" He said which make Jeno sighed and said "Y'all can't even leave her alone for second? Jeeze, Chenle let me see her"

He said as the younger boy give him the microscope "She had no idea that we literally live across her"


A/n : I hope you like this chapter and without giving warning I hope you know every chapters contain mature & sexual theme like I said. Please vote if you like this chapter and story! Thank you! <3

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