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I bit my nails while shaking my leg thinking of a plan to get back my phone from Sungchan, ofcourse I could just ask him to give me back but I don't want to see him or talk to him because I was being so rude.

Even though I won't be able to trust anyone again I don't think he's a bad person so maybe I could ask him kindly "But I was so rude to him" I sighed.

"Whatever" I said and left the house to go to school but when I reached the bus stand Minji and Shotaro were already there and makes me huffed.

Just then Minji turn and see me then waved her hand "Hey Y/n!" She said happily as I slowly walk towards them "Good morning" Shotaro said to me and as usual I ignored them and act like I didn't see them.

After a few minutes passed more boys from our school came and stand beside me, they were so loud with no manners. They talk about girls and some discursting sheit which really annoyed me.

"Never hit someone in public, never" That thought make me calm down abit until one boy pushed his friend which make him bump into my back.

I hit the floor hardly as everyone instanly went quiet "I- I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" The boy said trying to grab my arm as I quickly yanked away his hand.

"Fuck off" I said glaring at him and get up "Y/n you're okay?" Minji ask "Watch out for people you idiot!" She said to the boy "We're really sorry" They said.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" Minji ask me with worry tone "I don't need your pity" I said harshly and walk away from the bus stand "Where are you going Y/n? The bus is almost here!" Shotaro said but I ignored.

"Just seeing everyone around my ages annoyed me and irritated me so much because of my past, Jinni leave me and everyone will probably leave me too. I don't need anyone, I don't want friends either"


I regret abit for not taking the bus cause I have to walk all the way to school which is so tiring but I finally reach my destination and I'm not late.

"Hey Y/n" I heard a familiar voice and when I look at where the sound came from it was Shotaro and Minji beside her standing infront of the gate "We were waiting for you" He said and smile brightly at me.

I felt butterflies on my stomach even though I tried my best to ignored it I can't, they make me feel happy but then the bad memory flashed back which make the butterflies goes away immediately.

I faked a coughed and walk past them "Wait for us!" They follow me behind "What do they want from me!? Can't they see I don't want any friends?" I thought to myself while making a sour expression.

When I opened the classroom door I bumped onto someone chest cause me to let out a groan and heard some students laughing at me and when I look up it was no other person than Sungchan "Hi Y/n"

I let out an annoying sighed and walk past him until he talk again "So I guess you don't want your phone back? Fine" He said and get out of the classroom.

I scoffed and thought for a second until I run after him to catch up "Wait!" I yelled as he stop walking and turn around "Yes?" He said with a cocky smirk.

I stopped when we were a few feet away from eachother "M-my phone" I mumbled while figeting my hands and tried my best to avoid eye contact.

Sungchan let out a chuckled which makes me look at him weirdly and started to doubt myself for no reason "Is there something on my face? Does he think I'm a joke?" I questioned myself with insecurities.

"I give you back your phone but... Let's be friend first" He said and smile at me but I didn't say anything or react "You can keep my phone tch" I raised my tone as I turn around to walk away.

I heard him sighed and said "By the way, you got alot of text from 'Sungie' I guess he's your boyfriend?" Jisung told me to exchange number with him by forced and he probably change how I save his name while I didn't know because I was sure that I save him as 'Park Jisung' not 'Sungie' which is so cringe.

"You guys have a fight or something? He apologized alot and ask where you are with alot of spamming"

We only met about two days ago and now he tried to interfere my life and ask me question which is none of his business "Who does he think he is to ask me?"

"It's fucking none of your business!" I yelled out by accident but I wasn't trying to yell at him, I was yelling back to the voice inside my head. I look at Sungchan as his face was plastered of surprised.

All of the students who are walking on the hallway look at me, judging me, whispering about me and felt anxiety crept up "This will make me an outcast again" My mind repeatedly said it to me.

Within a second I run away from the situation and like I always did I went inside the girls restroom and lock myself on one of the toilet and cry.

"They hate you" "Nobody loves you Y/n" "They deserve to die" "STOP IT! STOP! STOP TALKING TO ME!" I screamed at the voices inside my head.

"I hate boys, I hate them so much! I fucking hate boys" I mumbled while pulling my own hair harshly.


Skipping the first period I went to the rooftop to take some fresh air. It was nice until I heard the door got opened and it was Sungchan again "What do you want?" I ask with annoying and unfriendly tone.

"Chill, I actually wanted to apologize" He said which make me opened my mouth in disbelief. I don't even remember when was the last time someone truly apologize and say sorry to me except Jinni.

I blinked twice and didn't say anything which gives him the courage to continue and walk towards me "I shouldn't have read the messages and it's none of my business too so I'm really sorry and here's your phone" Then he hand me my phone.

I hesitantly nodded and take my phone "I understand if you don't want to become friends with me" He said and laughed nervously while turning around to walk away but then I grabbed his arm.

"I would... I would love to be friend with you" I said shyly and avoid eye contact until I heard him laughing "Really!?" He said happily and was about to hug me but stopped himself "I remember you don't like skin ship haha" Then he scratch his head.

For some reason, my heart told me to trust him and believe him. He made me remind of Jinni so much. He's handsome and have a goofy laugh like her.

"HEY Y'ALL!" Minji run out of the door and followed by Shotaro "Let's eat lunch here even though it's morning, I'm too hungry" She said and take something out of her bag "Y/n try this macaroni you'll love it!" Minji said and hand it to me.

"Is this what they called friends?"


A/n : Chapter without 7dream 😖 I hope you guys don't find it boring here, please vote for next chapter and if you enjoy‼️💕 Thanks for reading... ILYSM 🌹

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