08||They're Traumatizing

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After that day I've been so traumatized by them and make me don't want to school anymore. I lied at my mom saying that I'm feeling too sick to go to school as I stayed, spending time on my room all day.

Still I just don't want to give up like this so I will go back to school after my wounds and bruises are heal but however the cut on my neck I covered with band-aid might stay longer than the others.

The cut wasn't that deep so the doctor said it won't leave a scar which make me happier than ever.

Most bruises fade away within only two weeks but it will take a month to recover for the cut on my neck as the doctor said and I can't be absent for month so I have no choice but to go to school like this.

Days passed turns to a week and after skipping school for two weeks I decided to go now and it was monday. A sunny new day unlike me and my heart.

I look myself at the mirror and there's still bruises left on my legs but I can't hide it because my skirt and socks were short but I can cover the ones on my arms by wearing sweater which is great.

And I can barely hide the one around my neck because I was being choked. Just think back about that moment make me feel more traumatized.

"It'll be fine Y/n" I talk to myself and wish myself a goodluck. I was feeling confident until I stand infront of our classroom door and for some reason I can feel my legs trembling and my heart beating faster.

I counted one to three and opened the door and just as I thought I grabbed everyone's attention and it all went quiet. I gulped down the lumped in my throat and walk inside the classroom. All eyes were on me.

Gladly Misa ran over to me with a teary eyes and worried face which make it less awkward and some start to continued what they're doing and some still look at me like they see me for the first time.

"Y/N!" She said while crying and hugged me tightly "I was so worried about you! Why didn't you answer any of my messages? I was worried to death!" She said through while crying hard messily.

"I'm fine Misa, don't worry" Was all I could said to her because it was awkward with people staring at us.

With a side of my eyes I can see Jisung walking closer to me but before he could reach the bell rang which make me mentally sighed in happiness because I don't want to deal with them right now.

I take a seat which felt so new maybe because it's been two weeks? I guess so and I kinda missed it too "Hey switch seat with me" Jeno said to the boy who sit beside me and he instanly agreed because he was scared of him and so do other boys too.

"All I have to do is ignored his presence! Okay!" I let out a sighed quietly as the teacher walk in. After a minute pass the lesson went on and on.

I put my 99% of my brain to listen to the teacher but the 1% heard Jeno signalled at me then trying to ignore it but after more minutes passed it's getting more annoying. "What is it?" I mumbled at him.

"You have been absent for two weeks! Why the fuck is that!?" He whispered back at me and I rolled my eyes at him "And why do you care?" I asked back at him.

"Just answer the damn question!" He demanded which makes me really annoyed "I was sick! Now leave me alone!" I whisper yelled at him and look back at the teacher who's explaining something.


"Tell me the truth, why didn't you come to school for two weeks, TWO WEEKS Y/N!" Haechan said at me sitting on ground "I said I was sick!" I yelled at him.

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