06||Misa Like Haechan?

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"Y/n have your ever been hit by a baseball bat?" Renjun grab my shoulder tightly "N-no" I managed to answer with a shaky tone and breathe heavily fast. "Would you like to get hit?" He said seriously.

I quietly figeting my fingers because I'm too scared and nervous, I vigorously shook my head "No..." I said holding back my teary eyes to fall down.

Renjun sighed and bend down to my level as I sit on the floor "Do you know because of your annoying friend they were ran out of chocolate cookies?" He said it too serious that it somehow makes me want to laugh but I don't want to die right now.

"Am I suppose to apologize for that?" I don't even know what to do and it was dead silent "You can eat something else come on! Don't be such a baby" Jeno save my ass for the first time "Ugh- fine but I want it so bad" Renjun groaned and tapped his feet.

"Say Y/n, what snacks do you recommend?" Now they're asking me what they should eat, I don't even know what's happening anymore "Erm- I don't know...if you like sweet maybe macaroni or dessert sandwitch with some yogurt?" Dead silent again.

Renjun and Jeno look at eachother and started to burst out in laughter. The others who sits on the stage let out laughed too "I don't find it funny, I just said my favourite snacks and drinks so what"

"Phew- I've never laughed so hard in my whole life until I met you Y/n" Jeno said and wiped his tears "I don't find it funny" I said and look at him weirdly.

Then they started to laugh more "Okay 100% sure they all need help" Was all the thing running through my mind. "Okay okay" Renjun said and pulled out a wallet and when he opened there's alot of cards and money. He take some out and hand it to me.

"Then why don't you go buy us that one" He said and smirk, I have no choice and I don't want to break their good mood or I will go home with full of wounds.

I mentally sighed and take the money from him, I get up and turn around but when I take one step I almost fall back down because of that fucker Renjun stepped on my ankle. "Jeeze you're okay wifey?"

I look back at him while raising my eyebrows "I'm okay infact I'm totally fine as you can see" I said sarcastically and left, trying my best not to show it.


"Y/n! Y/n! Hey!" I heard Misa called me from behind "I've been looking for you everywhere, it's lunchtime where you going?" She asked me with a bright smile across her pretty face. "Buying some food"

"Oh- hey Y/n by the way, can I ask you something?" She ask me while we both still walking and I nodded "How come and when, did you become so close with them" She ask me with a curious face.

I just let out a sighed, if only she knew the truth "It's a long story, why though?" I ask back at her "I can trust you right?" She asked and I nodded "I actually like Haechan...for a long time" She said shyly and hit my arm playfully. "Oh that's why" Was all I could said.

"Y/n!" She said and move infront of me and look at me with a serious face "You and Haechan seems to get along so well! Will you please help me win his heart!?" She ask and acting cute.

"How can I say no when you act like that" I said and we both chuckled and went inside the cafeteria.

"How am I suppose to help her? Oh god what have I done" I thought while buying some macaroni and dessert sandwitch with yogurts for seven of them.

I want one so bad but I didn't bring any money to day sadly. "You gonna eat all that!?" Misa asked me and I just chuckled. I hate explaining and she ask alot.

I finally somehow escape from Misa and headed back to their so-called hideout which is the basketball court. "I thought you ran away Y/n"

I hate their unfunny jokes and sick of it, now time to just stare at them and shut up. If only I can.

"Here is your snacks and drinks master" I said jokingly and careless while rolling my eyes "What did you say?" He asked looking so serious.

I blinked twice and fake chuckled while covering my mouth "Haha- my stupid mouth said whatever it wants I'm sorry" I prayed that Jeno would save me again from this situation. "Please someone save me"

Putting all of my courage together I look up to make eye contact with Renjun who's already looking at me. In his eyes it filled with alot of emotions I can't tell.

"Junnie, the snack! I'm hungry!" Chenle whined but Renjun didn't move a bit and still look at me "Are you okay Renjun?" I unsurely ask him.

Before a second passed, Renjun dropped the bags that full of my favourite food and drinks which makes me flinched by the sound and wants to cry so bad.

"Uhhhhh....you dropped the b-" I wasn't able to finish my words because I was harshly pushed on the wall just behind me and felt his lips on mine.

It was a forced kiss and my mind was going through a rollercoaster ride of shock. Just then reality clicked me, I tried to push him away but he was fast enough to catch my hands and hold it tightly.

He moved his hand on my waist and the other on my collar and pulled me closer to him. He's stand firmly and his grip are strong there's no way I can push him.

[ The others be watching like :
js😭 cl😱 jm😠 hc😫 jn😬 mk😟 ]

"Renjunnaa what the hell are you doing?" Haechan said out of jealous and tried to pull away him from me till raging Jaemin join to him too "HEY- STOP THAT! You idiot" Finally he pulled away and now I can finally take the oxygen freely again.

As much as I want to punch him in the face, I kneel down on the floor, coughing while cover my mouth, my legs were shaken and I thought I was about to die.

"Why did you do that!?" Jaemin ask raising his tone "You said it like I did something wrong" Renjun simply answer him "What? You don't think that wasn't wrong?" Jaemin ask back again.

"Guys let's stop first and worry about Y/n! Are you okay?" Haechan said with worries and patted on my back. I felt like crying but I should hold back my tears.

I tighten my first and nodded at him "Oh god... let's just eat the damn food I'm hungry" Haechan said and get up. I've never felt so unimportant like right now, treating me like I'm not a human?

Jaemin pick up the bag and walk back to his seat too "Can I leave now?" I asked which grabbed everyone's attention "What do you mean? You'll eat with us!"

After what I just heard said by Renjun I felt a small butterflies even though I don't want to. It just nobody ever invite me to eat lunch with them.

My dramatic ass boosted up and I started to cry "H-hey what! Are you crying?" Renjun take a step closer to me but before he touch me I immediately stood up.

"Who cares about the consequence? This is too embarrassing" I thought and ran out of there.


A/n : I lost my braincells while writing down this chapter 🖇️ so it doesn't make sense that much 😭 Everything happen like so random and sudden because I write whatever I thought first sorry. 😹🙌

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