07||Bullies Bullied

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Another day, another boring class for everyone even for me but I'm going to be the class topper this semester, I mean I'm always one of the topper but second place because there's one person I can't never beat and it's fucking Huang Renjun.

He doesn't seem to care about study at all but he did so great on every subject and exams without even trying and bet he don't cheat. But this time I'll be the number one and make my family proud.

All I ever want was to make them proud of me and they're not happy at all that I'm always on the second place "You should do better next time" Or "You can't even beat one person then how are you going to live and find jobs when we die?"

"I swear I'll be on the first place this time with the highest score on every subject and they'll be so speechless and shock. Saying they're proud of me"

I was in my deep thought when suddenly the bell rang "Then see you students on next class" Said the teacher, packing his things and left hurriedly.

"I forgot to pay attention again" I sighed and slam my head on the desk. I was able to hear the other students chattering and screaming on the background. I wish I had more friends.

The whole class know that I'm not from a rich family like them and maybe that's why they don't want to be friend with me except Misa who's so kind and always there for me on every hard times.

I sit on the class row not that I want to but the teacher made me sit it and it was so hard to focus with my eyesight which aren't that good but I don't need spectacles either gladly. Or they'll call me nerd.

The chair infront of me was making a creaked sound which means that someone drag out and sit on it but who cares. And there's me not knowing that the chair was turned around to facing my front side.

"Y/n" A familiar voice called my name which make me get up straight away from the desk. Jeno who also was leaning down and me look up instanly make eye contact. His face was so close to mine.

Few more inches then we might kiss, "Y/n what are you thinking?" My mind said which make me realized my situation and I at once stood up which make a loud sound and grabbed everyone's attention.

It was a dead silent and all eyes were on me, I breathe heavily know that they'll judge me for every single behaviour, within a second I ran out of the classroom and went straight to the restroom.

After five minutes of standing infront of the mirror crying at myself because I've never ever felt so pathetic. They make me feel miserable and uncomfortable and I don't understand why they do this to me. I didn't do anything to them.

When I take step outside the girls restroom there's three boys standing beside the door and when they see me one of them ask "Hey are you Y/n?" He said and I nodded. They look so suspicious with smirks across their faces. I don't know none of them too.

"Can you follow us for a second?" The other guy ask, more like a command and I really don't want to "I have to get back to class, sorry" I simply said and started to walk away from them but got harshly pulled on the collar by one of them and chuckled.

He then slammed me on the wall "Do you think you can escape easily?" He said with a serious tone as our face was only a few inches away from eachother.

I was so scared and started to teared up "What do you want from me?" I managed to ask it with a trembling voice "We haven't hit you yet and you're already crying?" One of the guy said and they all laughed.

Why am I always the target of bullies when all I did was studying, trying my best to success and that's all "I don't deserve this hellhole and I know that"

"Now will you follow us?" He asked and I nodded vigorously because I was so scared of them.


I fall down on my knees when I got slapped on the face for the 10th time as tears were running out of my eyes "I said stop crying!" One of the guy with blue hair said and pulled my hair "It's so annoying, just shut up!" He said and slapped me again.

After half hour passed of being tortured by them they finally stop and look at me lying on the ground. All of my body were full of bruises and my mouth bleeds with red cheeks like a tomato because I got slapped.

So far there is not alot of blood came out from my wounds and bruises. They are more worst than being tortured by Jaemin or Renjun. I just wish to escape from this horrible situation right now.

With all my strength I started to crawled on the floor slowly trying to escape and heard them laughing hysterically at my pathetic state while smoking.

"Please someone, help me" I mumbled the same words repeated, I don't wish to die like this.

I was still far away from the door but don't want to give up. I can hear one of them taking step closer at me and dragged me back on the same spot by my ankle which makes me cry out of pain and afraid.

He turned my body around to face him and sit on top of me and I saw him smiling like a psychopath then pulled out a knife from his pocket.

"No! Please don't" I cried out begging him to stop but he didn't "Let's leave a scar so that you'll remember this day till you die...hmm?"

"Wait Sangwoo! Isn't knife too much?" The blue haired asked so unsure about the situation "Shut up and hold both of her hands and you, grab her legs"

He commanded both of them and they hesitate at first but do as he told them to do it.


A/n : This chapter is abit short but however hope you guys like it‼️😽💞 Please leave a vote if you find my book interesting and thank you for reading. ✨

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