04||Who Stalk Me?

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I was studying hard for tomorrow test until my nose was bleeding and when I realized it was already 10:27 pm which makes me widened my eyes "No wonder why I am so hungry" I talk and laughed at myself.

But then my mood was off and dark again when I opened the fridge "That brat Sooyoung eat my yogurt!?" I was so mad and wants to scream out loud but I stopped myself since it was already late.

"Ha- it's fine Y/n, you have some money and can buy it yourself" I said and talk to myself "I'm so going to buy it and eat it all by myself" I said while putting on my shoes and walk outside.

The convenient store wasn't that far from my home and it opened till 12:00 pm and I was craving for yogurt so much which is literally perfect for me.

On my way I was humming a song called 'Love Talk' by WayV, I love them so much like so so much!

I heard a footsteps behind me cause me to stop moving instanly. I slowly turn around but didn't see anyone "Haha- I'm being paranoid again"

I turn around and continued to walk and once again heard the footsteps sound too. It makes me so nervous that within a second I started to run.

Was I running to fast that I can't hear the footsteps anymore, I turn around while still running cause me to bump into someone. "Oh look it's my wifey"

I was too tired to deal with Renjun right now and breath heavily as it felt like I just done running a marathon "Wifey? You okay?" He ask me.

I let out a groaned and sit on the street "Glad he's with me even though he bully me because I want yogurt so bad I don't want to die right now"

"Y/n what happen?" Renjun ask me seriously while bending down to my level, I let out a long sighed "Phew- I thought someone was chasing me, I guess I was wrong" I replied him casually.

I chuckled thinking how stupid ridiculous about what I just said and when I take a look at Renjun he was looking so serious that cause chills down through my spine. I immediately stop smiling and look away.

"It's almost fucking midnight are you out of your mind? You'll get kidnapped you idiot" He yelled at me cause me to flinched hard "Okay- I'm sorry"

Why is he even worrying about me getting kidnapped and now he yelled at me? I mentally rolled my eyes.

Renjun then notice how annoyed I look caused him to realised what he just said "If you die then we will have to find other girl to bully, it's annoying"

"Ofcourse that's why he was worrying about" I get up and ready to walk "Anyway I'm going" I take one step but got grabbed on my arm by Renjun.


"Now my bully walks me home how normal is that" The thought roam through my mind and for some reason he insisted that I should go home alone.

As much as the reason doesn't look like it's because they wants to bully me, I deny the other reasons and thought like "What if it's because he like me? NEVER!"

I've seen some movies of bully secretly inlove with the girl but this is not a movie and it's ridiculous. Just thinking about him like me, makes me wants to throw up. They're are handsome I can't deny but I hate them, so much. More than anything else!

"You must like yogurt?" Renjun suddenly asked me "Ah- yeah it's tasty" I replied. We talk like we're friends or somewhat newly couple because how it's so awkward. "There's my house" We're poor.

When we reached infront of our gate I was about to thank Renjun but suddenly got pulled on my shirt collar. "Don't think I'll go soft on you because of this"

"No, don't hit me infront of our house, what if my parents heard the sound or heard me scream because I won't be able to hold it" All that throughs were roaming through my mind non-stop.

I nodded vigorously which make him loosen the grip and smirk "Night night wifey" He said and peck me on my nose. It was so sudden I didn't do anything.

After make sure that he left I wiped my nose where he kiss me out of disgust then went inside to find my sister standing on the window "Was she watching the whole thing?" I widened my eyes seeing her.

She walk closer to me and smile "Sis was that your boyfriend? HE'S SO COOL AND HANDSOME! I WANT ONE! How did you win his heart! Oh my god!"

She's literally only 13 and talk about boys? But gladly I'm more relieved that she didn't understand anything. "It's almost 11 pm go to bed"

Then she pouted "I want yogurt too" I swear sometimes I want to throw her out of the window "Or I will tell mom you have a boyfriend Y/n"

"How dare she called me by my name" But then thought again if she tells about the wrong information, it will cause a bigger problem and I would have to explain which I hate and don't want.

"Ugh- Fine" I give her one of my yogurt "Now leave me alone brat" I said and went to my room to continue to study until 01:00 am which I did.


"The fuck do you mean you didn't!?" Renjun angrily yelled at Jisung "Why would I lie! I didn't stalk her! I didn't even know that she went out!" The younger boy yelled back at the older one.

They continued to argue until they almost fight and the eldest Mark stood up "CALM DOWN! Renjun why are you trying to hit Jisung! He's just a kid" He said and sighed "I'm not a kid and I can fight too"

"AAAAAAAAH-" Haechan who had enough already started to scream out of nowhere so loud that everyone went shut up and cover their precious ears.


Haechan take a loud inhale and exhale "I'm tired" He close his eyes and sit back down and everything went quite. "Then who the hell follow her, at midnight"


A/n : I hope you like this chapter! Thanks for reading and voting❤️🥀 Please excuse me for bad english if some paragraph doesn't make sense. I didn't check it twice 🤷🙄 And will update anytime soon‼️

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