18||Another Confession?

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— Reader Pov

"Oh god, Y/n... I don't know what to do with you" My mom said with a disappointment in her tone while holding my test paper "I'm sorry" Was all I could say "If only I have the courage to tell you, then you would understand me. It's my fault" I sighed.

I glanced at my mom and her face look like she can explode any second then she count from 1 to 5 then let out a sighed "Okay, just- go to your room Y/n. I don't want to see you right now" She said.

I obey her and get up from the couch and went to my room "Is giving my best still not enough?"

Just then my room door creaked "Sis, mom says we're out of jams. Let's go buy it together, I want something to eat anyways" Sooyoung said it to me.

"I would love to hang outside at time like this, to clear my mind" I thought before I agreed to go to the store with my sister. I quickly take my hoodie and walk out of my room as she followed me behind.

Sooyoung take the money that my mom put in the table then we both left the house. I look at the sun which began to disappear slowly from the sky, it was more than beautiful to watch until my sister disturbed me "Mom is so rude sometimes"

"Yes but not to you, you're her 'little lovely princess' isn't?" I said while rolling my eyes "Seriously! She pushed you so hard to study and you did great if I'm being honest" She said and I was more than surprised to hear such words like this from her.

I blinked twice and look at my sister right into her soul with confusion plastered on my face "W-what! Don't look at me like that! Idiot..." She stumbled at her words and started to walk faster.

I chuckled and say "Wait for me my little lovely princess" I teased her "S-SHUT UP! DON'T CALL ME THAT!" She replied with aggression in her tone just to let me burst in laughter "I didn't realised I have a cute sister" I said while wiping my tears.

After a few minutes later we finally reached the convenient store "I'll wait you outside, buy me some chocolate too" I said with a grin across my face "Whatever" She rolled her eyes and went inside.

Before a second passed my phone make a 'ting' sound and took it out from my pocket. Seeing I got a text from Sungchan quickly put a smile on my face.

R'u okay? Just asking...

Actually I'm abit worried.
Just a bit.

Why won't you reply?

Soemtgjgn hapwn isnt?

Tell me hwhre u r!

I'm find. LOL


Don't do that again!

You got me?

I chuckled and before I was able to reply him my sister came with a lollipop in her mouth "You're boyfriend?" She ask with a smirk "Tch- I don't have one, shut up" I replied back at her.

Just as we were about to left I heard a familiar voice calling me "Y/n?" I mentally cussed before looking at Jaemin, and Renjun who is beside him.

"What are you doing?" Jaemin ask me with a big grin and before I answer, he speak again "Oh! And who is this princess? You're sister?" He said, looking at her.

Sooyoung jaw dropped just by seeing the two handsome men infront of her "Y-you guys are so HANDSOME!" She said with a crack voice "My name is Sooyoung, I'm Y/n sister" The words left from her mouth make me cringed "Are you an idol?"

The question she ask make the two of them chuckled "I'm sorry we're not. But I think you're more pretty, pretty girl with pretty name" Jaemin said and gave a boop on her nose which make Sooyoung giggled

They both look at my sister with adoration and Jaemin hand reach for my sister's hair to caress but before that I quickly pulled Sooyoung from her arm.

Jaemin dryly chuckled and look down on the ground before look back at me. I clenched my fist tightly while glaring at him "Sooyoung, why don't you go back and buy more something sweets?" I said with a serious tone to make her understand the situation and she quickly step away from us.

After making sure she's gone I look back at Jaemin then Renjun "Leave my sister alone or I will-"

"You will what?"

"Report me? Kill me?" Jaemin take step closer to me as I take a step back "I can't believe that I'm so interested in you Y/n?" He whispered in my ear before put his hand around my neck "I can barely sleep at night but now I'm wide awake thinking about you"

Renjun suddenly coughed which make both of us turn at him at the same time "Sorry, I catched cold last night" He said, avoiding the strong gaze from both of us. No one talk again until Sooyoung came.

"Sis! Let's go now or mom will scold us for taking too long" Sooyoung grabbed my arm and pull me away from Jaemin and Renjun. Literally saved my life.


"I thought one of the guy was you're boyfriend? Did you guys fight?" My sister said and look at me with a smirk "Ooh~ what is this drama?" She said and laughed "Just shut up, you're annoying"

After we reached home, I went straight to my room and plopped down on my bed. Thinking about what happen back there "Barely sleep at night? Thinking about me? Tch- What is wrong with that guy" I scoffed "Does he think I'm stupid? To belive that he like me? Haha ridiculous! So ridiculous and stupid!"

"Unless... He really does like me? NO WAY!" I shook my head and take my phone out to disturb my stupidest thought. I got a few text from Sungchan which make me realized I forgot to reply him again.

I sighed before calling Sungchan, knowing that I will get yelled. Within a second, he pick up "Y/N! YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME! ARE YOU OKAY!? DON'T YOU EVER DO THAT AGAIN! Jeeze... You're okay?"

"Nope, you making me deaf" I replied before chuckled. I heard him sighed "Sorry for that but I don't know... I was just so worried"

"You don't need to worry idiot! I'm fine... I'll see you tomorrow at school okay? My mind is too occupied with something else" Sungchan agreed then we both hang up. Few minutes later, I went down to eat dinner while avoiding my mom's glare.


A/n : YALL IM TOO LAZY OR EITHER BUSY TO UPDATE THIS BOOK OR MY OTHER BOOKS IM SAUR SORRY :((( I deserved to die a million times for kinda abandoning my books or we can call it RARELY update but anyways. ILY ALL FOR READING

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