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— Reader Pov

Standing infront of a new apartment, I'm trying my best to forget about Misa and what happened in that karaoke room. I hope they won't bully me at my new school as my dad agreed me to transfer.

Today's wednesday and I'll start to go to school from next week which means I have no plans at all so I decided to meet Jinni as soon as possible.

When I reached Jinni's room her mom and dad were there with her, crying while she's sleeping peacefully.

No, I just wish she was sleeping...

I breathe heavily and my hands and back are sweating while I slowly reach for the door knob and opened the door and they both look at me.

"Please tell me she's sleeping" I ask with a trembling tone but I got no answer and Jinni's mom started to cry more "Jinni told me to tell you that she love you very much" Her dad said while crying.

"This can't be happening" For some reason I can felt the clouds and skies getting darker as my stomach started to ache while my breath getting heavy and heavier and I cannot accept the truth.

Jinni's mom and dad stood up and went outside to get some fresh air and for me to say goodbye to her.

I walk closer to Jinni's body and noticed her skin is very pale before my vision got blurred by the water in my eyes "Why Jinni? Why did you lie to me!?"

"You said you want to spend your last time with that guy Jaemin isn't? You haven't even done that yet so please get up Jinni! I'm begging you!"

"You promised you'll get better and go out on a picnic with me? Why did you lie Jinni!? I hate you so much" I managed to say it while crying my heart out.

After a day later it was Jinni's funeral and seeing her mom crying so hard breaks my heart and the person, the one and only who sees me as a real friend leaving me behind this cruel world is so unfair.

After Jinni's funeral her dad told me that she left letter for me and hand it to me as I immediately opened it and started to cry again.


"Dear Y/n"

"I'm sorry I can't spend more time with you and I'm sorry for lying, I actually only have a days left not month to make you feel better and my body's too weak and numb to meet you again but I hope you remember that I love you and cherish you more than anyone my best friend, please stay strong"

"Oh how I wish we could have more time and talk about that boy who I fell inlove with, you won't understand how my heartbeat was so fast that it might come out but what a shame we can't talk about that and just to leave you like this. Once again I'm sorry and please forgive me Y/n"

"P.s I hope you get a boyfriend who love you more than anyone or anything or me. Xoxo J's <3"


A/n: Jinni was my first bias on nmixx and I miss her so much 😭🫶 I hope you enjoy this short chapter and thanks for reading, please vote if you enjoy‼️💕

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