It's obvious that we were all surprised with his question but just one look to his broken face and none of us could say 'no' even if we wanted to.
"Of course Lou." i said and we all went inside. I looked around the flat and felt incredibly sorry for the poor boy.
Everything was gray and pretty much falling apart. I didn't want to make any comments on it as it wasn't important in this moment, and i didn't have anything to say either.
"Come on, sit on the couch, do you have any tea we can make you?" i figured he probably doesn't and my thoughts were confirmed when he shook his head.
"I know a store not too far from here i'll go get some." Edward said and left the flat. Louis let out a small whine when he left but Harry sat next to him and it seemed to calm him down.
"He'll be back soon, don't worry. Do you want to cuddle?" Harry whispered to him and i remembered the blanket we had in our car for no reason.
"I'll be right back." i said and walked out, quickly running down the stairs and to our car. Luckily, Edward didn't leave yet. I got the blue blanket and made my way back, trying to get there as soon as possible.
When i was in the flat again i stood next to Harry and Louis and put the soft fabric over them.
"Are you okay Lou?" he seemed really out of it. He wasn't shaking or crying, only staring into space with sad eyes.
"Try not to think about it. Edward will be here soon, we'll make you some tea and then you can rest yeah?" Harry said and rubbed his back slowly as Louis cuddled up to him.
Around 10 minutes later we heard footsteps and the door opening before Edward was here with 2 bags full of different kind of things, but mostly food.
"I'll make us tea. I got you some chocolate Louis, i didn't know which kind you like so i got you a few different ones." he said and placed the bags on the small table in front of us, taking the tea and going into the kitchen.
"I don't know if i'll have enough money to repay you." he said while looking down cheeks turning red from what i'm guessing is embarrassment.
"It's okay, you don't have to." i said and sat next to him cuddling him from the other side.
"I do." he said quietly.
"You don't." i said taking a chocolate bar from the bag.
"But i do, it's not okay." he said a bit louder.
"No you don't, it's fine Lou." i said and opened the chocolate.
"I d-" he tried to say but i put the candy in his mouth making him shut up as i saw his cheeks turning an even darker shade.
"There we go." i laughed a little bit at his reaction and hugged him closer to me.
"Here's the tea." Edward walked in carrying four mugs of tea and placing them in front of us.
"Do you need anything else?" Edward asked him before he sat on a chair opposite from us.
"No." he said and then the silence filled the room, to some point it was comfortable but deep down we were all waiting for something to happen.
And it did.
Louis started shaking between Harry and me, tears streaming down his face as his eyes filled with fear once again.
"Hey, Lou, you're safe." i said turning my body towards him,trying to hug him. He struggled to push us away but once i got him in my arms i leaned closer to his ear and started singing a lullaby that my mom sung me every time i was upset.
I felt him relaxing as his eyes slowly closed and he leaned closer to me.
Harry and Edward got closer trying to comfort him as well. It seemed to work as he soon fell asleep surrounded by our scents and arms all around him.
Before we knew it, we were all slowly closing our eyes, mugs of tea slowly going cold on the table and the only light being left in the room was the shine of the moon.
The next day i woke up seeing Edward missing from his spot where he was last night.
I looked around seeing Louis and Harry still sleeping next to me, cuddled up as soft breaths quietly left their mouths.
"Morning Marcel. Come here, i don't want to wake them up." Edward said and i followed him to the kitchen.
It was rather small with barely any furniture and color in it. It looked like someone drained all of the brightness of the room, changing it into pale, sad shades.
"We have school soon. We need to go home to get ready." i said and he smiled.
"I went back and got us everything we need. You have some clothes in the living room." i peeked back and realised i might be going blind. The clothes were on the couch right next to where i was sleeping.
"Thanks." i said and went to get changed. When i got back i saw Harry slowly waking up too and Edward making breakfast.
"Hi Haz." i said and kissed his head.
"You have clothes here, i'll wake Louis up so he can get ready too." he nodded and went to change as well.
"Lou." i slowly rubbed his arm, trying not to scare him, realising i didn't manage to do that when he jumped and looked up at me.
"It's okay, we just have school, you should get ready Eddie is making breakfast." i told him as gently as i could.
"You didn't have to do all of this." he looked down and i wish i could've just hugged him.
"We wanted to though. Now come on, get up we need to leave in about half an hour." i said holding myself back from rubbing his hand. I don't want to make him uncomfortable.
After a lot more thank you's from Louis and a rather quiet and peacfull breakfast we left for school.
I hope our day will be as peacfull as this morning.

Light In The Dark (Louis X Styles Triplets)
FanfictionLouis Tomlinson. A 16 year old boy that moved schools because of bulling. New struggles and new problems will come his way but faith has some other plans for him as well. The Styles triplets, Harry, Edward and Marcel had a bad childhood as well, al...