A/N Hi guyss, as promised here's the new chapter, i'm so excited to finally get it out and i hope you'll enjoy. I hope you all had/will have a great day, take care of yourselfs guys ♥️⚠️Tw: abuse and rape⚠️
"To work." He said with no emotion in his voice and without even glancing at us.
"Louis please listen to us for once. You can't go to work like this." He stopped in his tracks and turned towards us.
"Like what? Do you think i'm incapable of taking care of myself? Do you think i'm stupid? Well mind you i've been by myself for the past 2 years and i most definitely don't need you to tell me what to do." He said angrily and tried to leave but as he turned around Edward was standing in front of him.
"Louis just listen to us for fucks sake. I know you're very capable of taking care of yourself but you don't need to do that anymore, you have us now. You can't go to work because you're hurt, you had a rough morning, damn it Louis we thought we lost you. Now please listen to us and come home with us, we can just relax and if you don't want to be around us you can take the guest room, you have everything there and if you need anything more we want to give you everything just come with us." Edward said and honestly this just shows how much he actually cares, he never lets his emotions take over like this.
"I-i'm sorry. I need to go to work though, i need to keep this job i don't really have an option. You don't understand, he'll make me pay it off, please let me go you don't understand." He cried out while looking down and trying to hide his face.
"Louis please quit that job he can't keep doing that to you. We know him, we know what he is capable of and if you don't quit the job yourself we'll have to get involved. You have to listen to us." I tried to explain it as softly as possible.
"What do you mean? You never told me what happened, how do you know him?" He asked and i saw Harry tense up.
"If you agree to come home with us we can explain, it's kind of a long story." I glanced at Harry and he nodded as to tell me he's okay.
"Fine. But i'm not quitting my job and you won't be getting involved." Edward and i let out a long sigh as Harry wrapped his arms around Louis from behind.
"Not for now but we'll talk about it more later." Edward said and we all got in the car.
The ride to our house was quiet but i noticed Harry's leg bouncing all the way without even stopping when Edward tried to calm him down.
When we got home we all went into the dining room and got comfortable by the table.
"Harry if it gets too much please leave, you don't have to stay if you don't want to." Edward said and Harry sent him a half annoyed look but nodded with a sad smile.
"So Louis, we never talked about our family. We have a lovely older sister named Gemma and an amazing mother, her name is Anne, but our father wasn't really the best father or husband. He was abusive, first to our mother, then to Gemma and when we got a bit older Edward would try to protect them and that's when he started beating him too. At first Harry and I would try to stay out of trouble 'cause we were too scared but soon enough he thought that we were too weak and so he tried to 'learn us how to act like men' and how to toughen up." I looked over to Harry to see him looking at the table and he seemed to be zooned out. I took his hand and he flinched before looking at me with sadness in his eyes.
"And you see Edward was really the sweetest one of us, always. He was always so kind, but he was the bravest of us too, so he would always try to protect us and he would get it worse than anyone else because of it. And i guess he really killed that sweet child in him. He learned to hide his feelings so he could be there for us, so he could be our rock and so that he could protect himself in a way. He was forced to grow up too fast." I looked sadly at Edward but his face stayed emotionless further proving my point.

Light In The Dark (Louis X Styles Triplets)
FanfictionLouis Tomlinson. A 16 year old boy that moved schools because of bulling. New struggles and new problems will come his way but faith has some other plans for him as well. The Styles triplets, Harry, Edward and Marcel had a bad childhood as well, al...