Chapter 13

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-Louis' pov-

I woke up around 2 A.M. and looked around in the dark room. I forgot where i was for a moment until i noticed the triplets sleeping next to me. With that realisation i started feeling uncomfortable, it wasn't because of them in particular but just because i wasn't used to these kind of things and now, when i think about it, this all seems like it's going too fast.

I have never been on a date, i wasn't ever even liked by anyone and now suddenly i have 3 most gorgeous alphas taking me on a date, driving me and picking me up from work, and now i'm sleeping in the same bed with them. I just can't stop thinking about something going wrong, i mean the last day was so bad already, what if it's my bad luck ruining their lifes too.

What if something bad happens to them? I brought Alex back into their lifes after everything they've been through. I didn't bring anything but trouble to them ever since i came into their life. I have to leave.

I was lying between Harry and Marcel but i somehow managed to get out of bed without waking them up. Or so i thought.

"Where are you going?" Edward asked me with a raspy voice, lifting his head of the pillow so he could look at me. How in the world did i manage to wake him up? He wasn't even close to me.

"Uh, to the bathroom." I lied hoping he would go back to sleep. And he did. Or so i thought; again.

I went out of the room and found a piece of paper in the living room to write them a note.

"I'm sorry that i was a bother to you, i'm sorry that i brought so much negativity in your life. We all know you would be better off without me, so i decided to leave. Please don't try to contact me, i won't answer. This is the best for everyone,
                                             I love you, Louis."

I left it on the table in the dining room hoping they would see it and made my way to the front door. Just as i was about to leave i heard a low voice behind me.

"Louis, I hope you know that that note was bullshit." I jumped and turned around quickly to see Edward standing in the hall leaning against the wall.

"You don't understand, i-" i tried to explain but he cut me off.

"Stop it Louis, i understand what you mean but i can tell you you're not right. Come on now, let's go back to sleep before Harry and Marcel wake up, we can talk more tomorrow." He said and waited for me to walk back.

I sighed and did as he said.

"Can this stay between us though?" I asked in a whisper while we were climbing up the stairs.

"If you promise i won't have to wake up to you trying to run away in the middle of the night." He said and i smiled a little bit.

I wish he wasn't so cold all the time, i can see he cares deeply for Harry and Marcel, and i hope for me too, but he's trying so hard to hide it.

We got back into bed and Harry immediately hugged me in his sleep. I again felt a little bit uncomfortable laying in the bed with all of them but i also never felt safer in my life. I felt like nothing could hurt me now.

Soon enough i was falling asleep and this time, i didn't wake up untill around 11 A.M. and to my surprise i was alone.

I slowly got out of the bed and walked downstairs.

"Marcel?" I called out waiting for the reply.

"In the kitchen." I walked in the direction of his voice to see him preparing breakfast.

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