A/N Hello guys i would really appreciate it if you read this, it's been a while right? I don't think anyone really read my post so here i'm just going to say the important stuff. First a little explanation, i didn't write for so long because i focused on my mental health but now i'm back and this time i hope i'm back for good.
I have a few chapters written already and i'm probably going to publish one every friday or every weekend, i'm not sure yet, and i'm hoping to finish this story this time. I'm open for any ideas about the story, and i would really appreciate it if you would tell me in the comments if you want more drama, or just some casual stuff and them going on dates and spending time together.
Anyways i think that's it, i hope you guys are doing alright, i'm sending you all a big hug in these hard times and i want you to know i'm here if anyone needs to talk. I hope you enjoy ❤️
Also guys it's late and i made some last minute changes so if there are any mistakes i'm sorry and i can just hope there are not.⚠️Self harm, suicide⚠️
-Louis' pov-
Here I am, sitting on my bathroom floor at 3:43 A.M. just letting all of my thoughts run through my mind like i used to run down the streets of my hometown when i was younger, when everything was fine.
I sat there and let those thoughts sink in. How could i ever be enough for anyone. I'm useless, i'm stupid, i'm ugly, i'm disgusting i can't see how anyone could want somebody like me. I cut, i'm thinking about suicide more times then i breath in and out on a normal day. How could anyone want someone so pathetic.
"You should end it." I heard a voice and it sounded so real and so familiar.
"You're just a waste of space. You're nothing, nobody could ever want to be near you. Look at yourself, so, so pathetic." i shook my head and covered my ears.
"Stop!" i said quietly as tears started streaming down my cheeks. With shaky hands i reached out to get my blade.
"They're all using you, it'll always be like that, everyone that comes in your life will leave as soon as they get what they want." i cried harder.
"STOP! I hate you!" i brought the razor to my arms and did what i was best at.
"No one likes you. Not even your family, not even your lovely sisters. You don't even have friends that could secretly despise you."
"I HATE YOU!" Came out as a scream as my breathing picked up and i started hitting myself on the legs.
"I hate you!" i felt a weird preassure on my chest as i hit myself harder.
"I hate you." still breathing heavily i hit myself one more time as i gave up. I sighed out knowing how i just spent half an hour only to come to the conclusion that i despise myself. How pathetic of me, sitting on the floor yelling 'i hate you' to myself as if i couldn't just think it and it'll have the same damage.
It actually wouldn't because actually hearing it, even if it's from myself, it hurt much much more.
I hated how every time something like this happened my breathing would always become so fast and the preassure would be here but i didn't know how to describe it, i didn't know what it was.
Before i knew it it was 5 in the morning and i should probably start getting ready for work.
But i'm just so tired, maybe if i just sleep for like 5 minutes. The last thing i saw was blood still running down my arm as i closed my eyes and let sleep take over me.
-Marcel's pov-
We drove over to his apartment as we agreed that we would take him to work. We climbed up the stairs and knocked on the doors.
After there was no answer we tried again.
"He couldn't have possibly left already it's too early." Edward said.
We were all very confused and slightly worried by now.
I tried to open the doors and to my surprise it actually worked.
"Louis?" We tried calling him but there was no answer.
"Edward check the kitchen, Harry check his room and i'll check the bathroom." they nodded and we went on separate ways.
I saw the bathroom doors were closed and i tried knocking.
"Louis? Are you in here?" after there was no answer i tried walking in.
I definetly wasn't ready to see what was behind the closed doors. Oh how i wish i could erase this image from my head but i know it'll haunt me for a while now.
"Fuck, guys come here!" i yelled to my brothers as i rushed over to Louis who was laying on the floor with his arms covered in dried blood.
"Louis? Please wake up, please." i felt tears in my eyes as i tried to find his pulse.
It was there, he was just sleeping, i hope so at least. Why didn't we come over sooner.
I didn't even realise my brothers coming in the room.
We tried to wake him up, to get him to open his beautiful blue eyes but there was no use.
"It's all my fault. I knew something wasn't right. What if we lose him?" my brothers tried to calm me down but they're voices sounded so far away.
We continued trying to wake him up and 5 minutes later, we finally did it.
"What's going on?" He asked looking around with his eyes barely open.
"Louis i'm so glad you're okay, we were so worried." I hugged him while being careful of the cuts on his arm.
"What are you doing here? What happened?" He was so out of it. I'm just so glad he's okay.
"We came over to take you to work. You weren't answering so we came in and found you here Lou. Let us help you." I explained softly as i searched for a gauze and alcohol to disinfect his cuts.
I guess that's when he realised what was going on.
"No, no , no, get out, go away, leave please." He started crying and backing away from me.
"I'm going to be late for work i need to leave." He said standing up quickly but he lost his balance. Luckily Edward caught him before he could fall and hurt himself any further.
"Calm down Louis, let me get you on the couch, it's okay." Edward spoke softly and even though he tried to stay calm i could see the worry in his eyes.
"Let me go please, i need to go to work!" He struggled in Edward's grip but he was obviously stronger than Louis.
"You can't go to work Louis, let us help you, it's okay." Harry said as Edward placed him on the couch, i slowly took his hand and he let me clean him up, bandaging his arms when i finished.
"I want to be alone. " He said and we all looked at eachother and then at him.
"I'm sorry Louis but we can't just leave you alone now, it's not right." Harry said with a sad look in his eyes.
"I said i want to be alone, i'm going to walk you to the door now, and you are going to leave me alone." He said angrily and stood up while pushing us towards and out of the door locking them behind us.
"And what do we do now?" I asked looking at my brothers.
"We can't just leave him, what if something happens?" Harry said and i could see the anxiety pilling up in him as he started picking at his cuticles. That's a habit he picked up growing up.
Edward took Harry's hands in his, trying to calm him down, and it seemed to work just like always.
"I know but if we try to go in there now it'll just make him more mad, let's go for now and we'll come to check up on him in a bit." Edward said and even though none of us liked the thought of leaving him alone we knew we can't just invade his space like that, he doesn't trust us yet.
As we got in the car we couldn't get ourselves to actually leave, we were all too worried.
"We need to go back,we can't leave him alone now." I said already getting out of the car but that's when i noticed him leaving the building.
"Louis, where are you going?" I asked as I crossed the street.

Light In The Dark (Louis X Styles Triplets)
FanfictionLouis Tomlinson. A 16 year old boy that moved schools because of bulling. New struggles and new problems will come his way but faith has some other plans for him as well. The Styles triplets, Harry, Edward and Marcel had a bad childhood as well, al...