A/N Hello guys, sorry for the wait but i really have a lot going on right now, i hope i'll be able to update more soon. I hope you'll like the chapter <33⚠️TW: self-harm⚠️
Louis' pov
After the class i had with Marcel i spent the rest of my day thinking. In classes- thinking, on breaks- thinking, on work-thinking. You can already guess about what, or let me say who.
It was obviously the 3 boys that entered my life and now i can't seem to stop myself from thinking about them all the time.
I'm so thankfull that they didn't leave me, that they actually care enough to get to know me. But i know it won't end like all of the childhood fairy tales my mom used to tell me. It will end just like everything else in my life, in a disaster.
That's the thing that scared me the most. What if something bad happens to them, they don't deserve my bad luck ruining their lifes like it did mine.
I was pulled out of my thoughts by my boss yelling at me for not working, even though there was nothing to do. The store was empty, all of the shelfes were full and my shift was about to be over which meant that the 3 boys i've been day dreaming about will be here soon.
And i was right. Around 10 minutes later i saw their car pulling up in front of the store and Marcel walking out. I was waiting to see the other 2 but seems like he was alone. I saw him wiping his eyes before entering the store and looking at me.
I gave him a smile while he was walking towards me and he returned it but it was that kind of a fake, sad smile.
"I'll just go get my stuff." i mumbled feeling bad he'll have to wait for me even if it's less then a minute.
"Louis you will have to extend the contract soon." my boss smirked from the staff room and i felt disgusted knowing what it means but this is the only job i can get, and i know that is the only way to keep it.
I went over to Marcel after getting my torn bag and we left.
"What did he say?" Marcel asked after a moment and i shook my head.
"I have to extend my contract." i said and it technically wasn't a lie he just didn't know what it meant.
"Where are your brothers?" i saw him tense for a moment before answering.
"We had a fight." he said and i frowned. Why do i have a feeling it's my fault? Well, because it probably is, i knew something will go wrong.
"Can you drop me off at my apartmant." i asked and he looked at me in confusion.
"Are you sure? Did we- did i do something?" he asked and my heart ached at how sweet he is.
"No, i'm just tired." i lied and he nodded. I will forever despise the dark cloud above my head ruining every good thing that happens in my life.
"See you tomorrow? Do you want us to pick you up?" he asked when we arrived and i just got out a quiet 'No' before closing the door behind me and walking into the sad building i'm forced to call home.
I was dying for some relief and i don't even remember getting into my apartment, then my bathroom and grabing the razor and letting the feeling of physical wash over the emotional pain caused by my miserable life.
-Marcel's pov
"Why did you leave him alone like that?! He probably thinks we didn't want to see him or that he's a burden to us!" Edward yelled at me and i just let the words sink in.
"You're really stupid sometimes, you saw how broken he was, you know it, why did you leave him alone?!" i felt a slight pain in my heart at his harsh words but i know it's just his alpha being protective.
"Thanks for reminding me." i saw regret fleshing through his eyes but anger was quickly back and he stormed out of the room while shutting the doors loudly.
Harry sat next to me hugging me.
"You know he didn't mean it, he shouldn't have mentioned it, i think he might be the stupid one here." he joked and i shook my head.
"He's not, i understand that he's worried but i couldn't just force him to come over or make him let me stay." i mumbled cuddling closer to him.
"Where did he go?" Harry asked and i shrugged.
"You know how he is. He probably just went on a walk. Let's sleep we'll talk with Louis tomorrow." i said and he nodded while we laid down.
"You know he didn't mean it right?" he asked again after a while and i smiled before nodding.
"I know love."
About half an hour later Edward walked into the room. Harry was already asleep but i still laid awake waiting for Edward to return.
"Why aren't you sleeping?" he whispered while changing into some comfortable clothes.
"I was waiting for you, i was worried." i whispered back and he got in behind me hugging me while i cuddled Harry.
"I'm sorry Marcel, i didn't mean it and i had no right to say things like that. And i'm sorry for earlier today too." i felt a kiss on the back of my neck as i remembered the fight we had hours ago.
"You're always being a bitch." he said as i closed my eyes trying to stay calm.
"You know you can't just bring him here if he doesn't want to come." i said and he grabbed me by the colar of my shrit pushing me against the walls. I knew he would never hurt me so i didn't really get scared.
"And you know what could happen if he stays there alone." he growled before pushing me away and storming to his room.
I hope we'll finally stop fighting about it, i hope he realised Louis has the right to choose what he wants to do and we can't do anything about it as much as we want to help.
I made myself stop thinking about it as i slowly felt sleep taking over me. My dreams were filled with the images of the blue eyed boy that has taken over our lifes.

Light In The Dark (Louis X Styles Triplets)
FanfictionLouis Tomlinson. A 16 year old boy that moved schools because of bulling. New struggles and new problems will come his way but faith has some other plans for him as well. The Styles triplets, Harry, Edward and Marcel had a bad childhood as well, al...