Chapter 14

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-Louis' pov-

I walked into the empty apartment. I started regretting coming home as soon as i closed the doors behind me. The apartment was deadly quiet and i felt so lonely already. I wish i stayed with the triplets but it really has been going too fast and i just wasn't ready for it all. I wasn't ready for my life to change so suddenly.

What do i do now? I'm alone and i don't really have anything to do in this apartment. Maybe i should just go for a walk to kill time. That's how i ended up walking in the cold streets just thinking about everything.

I hope Edward isn't mad at me, i'm so confused by him, first he acts like he cares than goes back to being cold and acting like he couldn't care less about anything. I know that's how he's trying to protect himself but i wish he would just show a little bit more emotion.

-Harry's pov-

"Eddie, we're back." I yelled when we walked through the front door but there was no answer. I rolled my eyes looking over to Marcel to see him smiling.

I ran up the stairs and into our room and as expected, he was laying on the bed hugging his pillow and he was actually asleep. I almost felt sorry to disturb him, almost. I jumped on the bed ending up right on top of him.

"Ow Harry get off, what's wrong with you?" I laughed as he rubbed his eyes and then pushed me off of him.

"Come on stop sulking, it's not a good look on you. You'll see him tomorrow and if you really miss him that much just give him a call." I said while drawing shapes on his back with my fingers. He turned his head to look at me.

"As a matter of fact i do not miss him. And i wouldn't want to annoy him anyways, he was obviously fed up with us." He turned his head away again.

"Stop with that Edward, when did you go from wise and reasonable, to a whiny baby?" I joked and i heard him scoff.

"I am being very reasonable right now." He mumbled.

"Yeah sure." I smirked but then he rolled on top of me and layed there, not moving an inch.

"Edward get off, i can't breath." I laughed trying to push him off.

"I'm not going anywhere until you appologies." He said, still with his voice hoarse.

"Truth hurts, i'm not apologising." I said still struggling to push him off. That's when we noticed Marcel standing in the doorway taking a picture.

"I'm so sending this to Louis." He chuckled and walked out of the room.

"Marcel don't you dare!" Edward yelled while getting off of me.

And that's how we spent the rest of the day, making fun of Edward and him getting annoyed as hell. And that's exactly how Marcel and I ended up sleeping on the couch.

-The next day-

"How did you sleep guys?" Edward asked while walking down the stairs, he was already ready for school.

"Shut up." I was extremely tired already and I didn't feel like listening to him mocking us.

"I slept so well, i had so much space, never had a better sleep." He said while smiling at us.

"That's what you get for making fun of me." He said after a moment.

"I'm going to make breakfast, go get ready. Are we picking Louis up too?" He asked and i shook my head. His smile melted as he quickly turned away and went to the kitchen without a word. He missed him, i know it. And he definitely didn't sleep well, or at least i could guess by the bags under his eyes.

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