A/N Hii, here's the new chapter i hope you'll enjoy.
Also if anyone needs to talk about anything or just wants to be friends my discord is nina_28 #9489 i'll answer as soon as i can :)
Next chapter will probably be out soon, love you guys <33In the next few days it was more then obvious that Louis was avoiding us, i just didn't understand why.
Did we do something? We really tried to give him space, maybe we were still too much for him. Maybe we were annoying or boring, maybe he thinks we're not enough for him. But how could he think that when he didn't even give us a chance?
I was walking with my head in clouds when i bumped into someone apologizing as quickly as i can.
I looked at the person and saw Louis with a bruise on his left cheek.
"What happened, are you okay?" i tried to sound as calm as possible.
"It's nothing." he tried to walk past me but i followed him.
"Please talk to us, what did we do?" i was ready to beg him to forgive us, or tell us what we did so we can change.
"You didn't do anything, just leave me alone." he said but i wasn't ready to give up just yet.
"I know you don't want to be alone." i said and he stopped in place. I froze for a moment thinking i said something wrong.
He turned around and looked me in the eyes. They were slowly filling with tears.
"Some people are meant to be alone Marcel." came out as a whisper. It was so nice hearing him say my name after so long but before i could think about what he said he was running down the hall, getting lost in the crowd.
'Some people are meant to be alone.'
What did he mean by that? Why would he think he should be alone? I wish he would let us show him he doesn't have to be so lonely.
At least now i know he doesn't actually want us to leave him, there's just something not letting him be with us, or was it maybe someone?
I hope we will find out soon. It's killing me to see him like this. It's only been about a week but we're all crazy for him already.
I went to find my brothers so we can talk about what we could do.
"Hey Haz, where's Eddie i have to talk with you both." i asked when i finally got to him.
"He's about to get here, what's wrong?" he asked taking my hand trying to calm me down.
When i saw Edward i started explaining what happened. They were both listening carefully untill i finished.
"I wish he knew that he doesn't have to be alone. I would give everything i have to make him see how precious he is."
"I know Haz. What should we do now though?" i asked looking at Edward. He is always, well in most cases, the responsible one.
"We should talk to him. He doesn't want to be alone, it's obvious, and if we give up now he'll probably just fall into that hole of darkness even more." he said and we all nodded. Since we had one more class now we all went on our way deciding to find Louis after school.
The whole class was spent planning on the conversation that was about to happen in less then an hour. What if he just puts his guard up?
Before any of us was ready the bell rang and we hurried to find him before he left. Luckily we saw him just as he was walking through the gates.
"Wait, Louis! " Harry yelled and before i could stop him he run, hugging Louis from the back.
Edward and i went after them waiting to see what will happen.
"Please don't leave us." Harry mumbled as Louis slowly turned around in his arms. He sent me a look over Harry's shoulder and i felt guilt washing over me.
"Harry i-" he tried to push him away but Harry held on tighter.
"Please. Don't you feel it? It's meant to be." i saw so many emotions running through Louis' eyes but mostly fear and anger.
"Harry. Let him go." Edward hissed as he pulled Harry away.
"We're sorry about this Louis, he's just like that, but we know you don't want to be alone and we don't care who or what is stopping you from being with us but we want to help." Edward said, somehow managing to stay calm.
"You don't understand, it's not that simple i-" but Edward cut him off.
"It can be that simple. Let us in Lou, i promise it'll be okay." i'm so glad he's good in situations like this. He learned to read people so well.
After a moment of silence Edward stepped closer to Louis making him look up.
"Who did this?" he brushed his cheek softly making Louis blush.
"I fell." he mumbled.
"We can see a handprint Lou. Who was it?" he repeated as Harry and i waited by the side.
"Can we not?" he asked and then something flashed through my mind.
"Was it your boss? What did he do?" i asked stepping closer taking his hand. He looked at me in surprise.
"How did you- i mean no, it-" I slowly hugged him sensing that it was getting too much. I felt him slowly relax in my arms.
"It's okay. You'll be okay." he started crying and i felt relieved he didn't push me away.
"Do you want to come over for a bit Lou?" Edward asked and i felt him nodding in my chest.
We led him to the car and i sat with him in the back trying to calm him down. He fell asleep in the meanwhile so when we arrivied i carried him inside and laid him on the couch.
"What's up with his boss Marcel?" Edward asked when he pulled me to the kitchen. Harry was sitting next to Louis on the floor with an excuse that he doesn't want Louis to be scared if he wakes up alone but it was actually Harry who just wanted to be with him.
"Well the other day when i was picking him up, when we had that fight, his boss said he needs to 'extend his contract' and he had some weird smile on his face. I saw Louis was uncomfortable but when i asked him about it he just said the thing about the contract." i tried to explain the best i could.
"What does he look like?" he asked and i had to think about it for a while.
"Uhh not that tall, i think he was bald or just had really, really short hair, he was wearing glasses, and oh- wait." i just remembered. I knew he looked familiar. How didn't i realise it sooner?
"Oh my god Edward, how is it possible? He wasn't supposed to get out of the prison for another 5 years at least." i couldn't believe it. That man, the man that brought us all so much pain, but especially to Harry.
It was Alex. Our dad's old friend. I was pulled out of my thoughts by Edward rubbing my shoulder.
"Stop thinking about it. We'll figure something out." he whispered softly and i tried to relax.
"We can't tell Harry, he can't know. It took him so long to get over it, i don't want him to go through something like that again." i whispered while Edward pulled me in a hug.
"I know, we need to talk to Louis though. We need to know what's going on there." i took a deep breath when we heard a voice in the doorway.
"Why wouldn't you tell me? He- He's back and you didn't even plan on telling me." he whispered and by the expressions on his face i could say that all of the flashbacks were coming back.
"Harry? Harry!" we tried calling him but he just kept shaking his head. I took his hands trying to get him to look at me.
"Get him some water. Edward said grabbing his cheeks trying to get his attention. I grabbed a glass filling it with water quickly and giving it to him. We were so caught up in this chaos that we didn't notice Louis watching the scene.
"What happened, who's back?" he asked looking between us.
I guess it's time to explain some things.

Light In The Dark (Louis X Styles Triplets)
FanficLouis Tomlinson. A 16 year old boy that moved schools because of bulling. New struggles and new problems will come his way but faith has some other plans for him as well. The Styles triplets, Harry, Edward and Marcel had a bad childhood as well, al...