Chapter 15

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I am writing this while listening to the rain, fully knowing I have to wake up at 3:30 to start work at 5am... (life as a culinary student.. I work at any time from 05:00-22:00 (5am-10pm) Soo life is good)🤡

The next few weeks were gone so fast, They all were very busy with work. Jungkook was peppering his debut soon together with Namjoon, Yoongi, Jin, and Hoseok. While Jimin and Taehyung needed to grade a lot of test, and projects as the break was just around the corner. So they needed to be done so the kids could get them on the day and not worry about it on the break.

Jungkook had asked them all to come back to Busan again, to meet his parents and friends. To be together and enjoy some time off, from work. They all instantly agreed, especially Taehyung, he missed it all.. he hadn't been in Busan since he left 9 years ago. That's partly due to his parents moving back to Daegu again after he left for Seoul. They moved to be closer to his grandparents who turned sick at the time, and unfortunately he lost his grandmother a few years ago.

But it's also because Busan had turn more against his heart, every time he tries traveling he was somewhere afraid to see his past. It was like he had lost something here, he was afraid to find again. But now he was ready to go back 'Home'

And right now 20 people where sitting anxiously awaiting for the bell to ring.. the vacation was almost here and they couldn't wait to leave this, even tho they loved the teacher who was there right now.

"I know you guys are awaiting, so I won't keep you guys here for long," the now brown-haired said. He decided it was time to go back to his true colors. The blue was only a washout, so it wasn't really permanent.

"I have given you all, your test back to review it and learn from your mistakes. It's okay, to make them because you learn by that. So try to understand what you did to make the mistake, and try to remember it. I won't be mad if you do it again. But I will if you haven't learn it the third time.. because it means you don't really wanna know. You need to understand, you need to learn. We all make mistakes, but we have to learn from them" Taehyung said and smiled lovingly at his students, he really loved his job especially when we can see they take in what he teaches them.

"Just read the last chapter and you can leave for the vacation guys" he finished.

After a little while One student raised his hand. "Yes, what can I do for you Yejun?" The teacher asked while smiling. "What are you doing for the vacation?" As usual, his class is always noisy and really wanna know everything they can about the golden teacher. Taehyung laughed and caught all the student's eyes on him.

"I knew one of you was going to ask at some point. I'm actually going to Busan for the first time in a while. I'm going with my friends! So it will be very exciting, I think Tannie will join also, so no whining about the devil" Taehyung said smiling, already dreaming about Busan, meeting The Jeons once again! And Hantae! He couldn't wait.

"You alright Mr Kim? It looks like you dreamed about something. Did Mr Jeon join you guys?" One girl asked and squealed! She had been in all of the classes Both Jimin and Jungkook and turned up in, so she was the Tea queen of the school. The class all tuned to the teacher, waiting for an answer.

Taehyung looked at the students, he knew they were noisy but not like this, he shook his head a little in disbelief. "I think you guys need early vacation, now go guys," he said laughing

This got all the students to forget about the jungkook topic, and running out of the dor happily, knowing they had a whole week off from now on.

Taehyung laughed a little and went to his desk to clean up so he could leave for the day. Meanwhile, he cleans the desk, his phone starts ringing.. and without looking at the caller, who's name wasn't coded in. He took the call.

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