Chapter 2- Writing 'Art'

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The next day, I looked for Joey in homeroom with no luck. I hoped he was okay. He's a bit of an idiot sometimes, but I still felt bad. Shelby and Katherine both came today, much to my relief. However, they both seemed a Shelby was staring at Katherine across the lunch table more than usual, and instead of smiling back like usual, Katherine was avoiding her gaze. I could tell Lizzie felt the tension too. No one was speaking. I had to say something, the silence was killing me.

"So, what subjects do you guys have next?"

"French." Shelby murmured, distracted.

"History." Katherine whispered, still looking down.

"Math!" only Lizzie sounded alive.

Silence once more. I had to ask.

" something wrong, Shelby? Katherine?"


"Definitely nothing!"

"Riiiight..." I didn't buy it for a second, but decided to let it go.

"I think I'm going to hang out with Joel's group." Lizzie said after a while, seemingly desperate to leave.


"Have fun."

"Can I come?" I whispered as she walked past.

"Sure." she said.

I hopped up and walked with her towards Joel's table. I looked behind me, but the girls didn't even notice our absence. They were too busy staring at each other. I rolled my eyes and turned back around, where I was met by four people. One was Joel, who I obviously already know, one was a shortish, smiling boy, who must have been at least part goblin, one was a dark haired, happy looking boy, and one was very short, blonde, and blushing.

I started to blush too.

"Hey Joel!"

"Hey Lizzie! Hi Scott! This is fWhip, Sausage, and Jimmy."

So that was his name. Jimmy. Huh.

"Guys, this is Scott."

"I... hi." I was just embarrassing myself at this point. Get it together, Scott.


So his name was Scott. Good name. Great name, actually. What was I saying? Why am I going red? I promised myself never to fall for someone again! I wont! But that didn't stop me from saying what I said next...

"Scott, huh? Wanna sit here?" I asked, indicating the empty seat next to me. What was I doing?

"I... sure." 

It sounded like he hated me already! I'm an idiot. He sat down next to me.

"I'm Scott."

"That... that's already been mentioned."

"It has? I wasn't paying attention." He blushed and turned away. Why did he keep blushing? Could he... no, no he couldn't. Even if he did, I promised myself that I would never love another person again! However, that didn't stop me learning every single thing about him. His favourite colour, his homeroom class, his birthday...

I think I'm in love.

And I can't do a single thing about it.


Lunch was great! I love annoying the heck out of False. But now we're in class, and it's... it's... I can't even speak it's name! It's... maths. I want to throw my chair at the teacher, but from experience, that doesn't usually give me the results I want. Believe it or not, there are worse places than room 16, and the principal's office is one of them. The principal doesn't like it when I sing. Unfortunately, she will have to deal with it, I will probably end up back there soon enough. Speaking of...

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