Chapter 4: Rough Start

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I do not own My Hero Academia (MHA) characters or franchises. Those rights belong solely to Kōhei Horikoshi. English dubs belong rightfully to Funimation and animations to Studio Bones.

I changed what you said in chapter one, originally you said "I AM WILLING TO RISK IT FOR MY NATION AND KINGDOM!!!" to "I AM WILLING TO RISK IT FOR OUR HOME!!" instead. Reasons for later involvement in the novel.


Dabi was laying his back against the armrest of the throne while his feet were up on the other armrest. Documents were in his hands of the upcoming plans he plans to blaze over the nations. A pen was in his other hand. Mr. Compress came into the throne room with a tray in hand "I brought you some food." he states as he made his way over to his side. A puppet guard was behind him with a small table which they put down before Mr. Compress set down the tray of food. He turned to Dabi "You haven't eaten since the day of the invasion. I encourage you to eat something. It may help with your focus, my king." he displayed his concern as he poured Dabi a glass of wine. Dabi grunts when he sat up, resting the documents on his lap. "I am just trying to stay a step ahead and prepare if all goes wrong." Dabi twisted his body around to be sitting. The food prepared was a classic steak. "I admire that you are but getting food in your body also helps with withstanding those things." Mr. Compress smiled behind his mask as he had his hands on his hips. Dabi waves his hand "Fine. Fine." he caved. Grabbing the fork and knife "Bon appetite I guess." Dabi half-joked and stabbed the knife into the steak.

The huge glass window near Mr. Compress shattered into pieces "What on earth –" Mr. Compress was startled and whipped himself around to see what the commotion was. Dabi shot up from the throne to his feet. The table flipped over and the food clattered to the floor. The wine pooled over towards the half-split dead body of Spinner. Dabi rushed over to the broken window with Mr. Compress behind him. They saw a shadow of a dragon flying over the castle. A burst of boasting laughter faded with the shadow. Dabi recognized the owner of that laughter. He slammed his fist on the window seal that had glass shards. "Dragon prince" Dabi growled. "Alert the guards! Send a troop to take them down from the skies!" Mr. Compress ordered the mindless guard until Dabi raised a hand "No." He turned back to Mr. Compress "There is no need to be so hasty." the magician was against it but he motioned the guard to remain here. "We have plenty of time before we start our rally. Let's keep stirring the pot hot until then." He walked over to Spinner's body. "He is just sending a message." He said enthusiastically as he towered over his body. "The Ember nation has spoken," He smirks "They are gonna wage a fight against us." He chirped.


Kirishima was flying above the clouds and he kept looking around. "Oi! Focus! I already told you! There is no one after us! We are too far for them now!" Bakugo assured through his yelling, his red fur cloak on his shoulders. Bakugo laughs, full of himself and proud too. He looked over his shoulder at you while laughing. You had a stern expression across your face that showed no sign of being impressed. "Hmph" You huffed, turning yourself around. Pulling your knees in and close to your chest. Hugging them. Bakugo's face dropped with a scowl replacing his cheeky attitude "You cannot still be mad at me! I already told you I didn't see you naked! That was just a misunderstanding!" Bakugo defended. Bakugo growled under his breath when you ignored him by giving him the silent treatment. "I don't see what the big deal is," Bakugo mumbled. An angry huff came from an annoyed Kirishima's dragon nose. "Just give me the word (Y/n) and I will gladly toss him off." Kirishima huffed. "Oi! You're supposed to be on my side!" Bakugo narrowed his eyes at the back of Kirishima's dragon head before he turned himself around. Your shoe met his face as soon as he turned around. The shoe fell to his lap. Your face flushed from embarrassment and anger. "I don't know what pisses me off more! The fact that you are lying straight to my face or the fact that you cannot understand in that egotistical brain of yours why it's a big deal!?" You went off on the prince. The blank and clueless facial expression he made added fuel to the fire. Engulfing you with rage. "It's pointless talking to a pervert!" You huff. "Pervert?! You must have a death wish to talk to royalty like that!" You rolled your eyes at his malarky. Enraging him with your attitude.

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