Chapter 7: A New Journey Awaits

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I do not own My Hero Academia (MHA) characters or franchises. Those rights belong solely to Kōhei Horikoshi. English dubs belong rightfully to Funimation and animations to Studio Bones.

TRIGGER WARNING: A MENTION OF SUICIDE (more like a brief moment, cannot spoil).


King Masaru glanced over to Kirishima. The dragon could feel his stare. Already sensing what the king wanted to ask this red dragon. ". . . I tried tracing her scent but . . . I believe she hid it. I don't know how but . . . I couldn't find her scent." Kirishima had the best dragon nose amongst the other dragons in the Ember nation. His nose failed him this time. He couldn't find you through scent . . . This dragon wished he could at this dire time. Ever since the Ethereal Aeternum bond was made – your scent was gone. Kirishima only ever smelled it once and it was at the river they found you. Only for a short moment. Now, you were with Bakugo's scent. This made searching for you near impossible. Made you almost untraceable within the Ember nation since Bakugo's was everywhere. Queen Mitsuki placed her hand on Kirishima's front foreleg. "We searched (Y/n)'s room. There was no sign of any struggle either dear . . . (Y/n) . . . Left on her own accord . . ." She added even more bad news with a deep sigh.

The queen's words made the prince's head turn slightly. The cogs in his head were turning. Recalling what you tried to tell him that evening: "I made a breakthrough on this theory. It's really important. There isn't –" , he spun himself around. Marching back into the castle at a brisk pace, passing his puzzled parents and dragon. The three followed him out of eagerness and curiosity. Kirishima had quickly morphed back into a human before he stepped through the castle doors. "Bring me everything (Y/n) read in our library. Every book. Every scroll. Bring it to my room immediately!!" he yelled out for every servant, butler, and maid to hear his order. He yelled so loudly it could be heard all across the castle. "Hisashi?" King Masaru saw Hisashi, Midoriya's father, waiting with two neatly tied boxes on top of this large fabric he had in his hands. All the staff was bustling past the man to heed Bakugo's orders. "I came to deliver the newly sewn flags you wanted Masaru." He was looking around at the chaos "I feel like I came at a bad time. Did something happen?" he smiled nervously. The king stopped in front of Hisashi, Queen Mitsuki by his side, to converse with Hisashi. She watches her son and Kirishima go up the stairs while the two of them stay behind to discuss matters with Hisashi.

"What do you need all that stuff for?" Kirishima ran up to Bakugo's side, following him up the stairs. "(Y/n) made a breakthrough in that theory she was working her ass off these past few days. She tried telling me what it was. Saying it was important." He stopped for a moment at the top of the stairs ". . . But I didn't listen." He said, shaking his head with a deep sigh. Bakugo clicked his tongue when he reminded himself of his own actions and continued onward. "So what? You think (Y/n) leaving has to do with this theory she crammed over?" Kirishima followed Bakugo down the hall and into his room. Kirishima left the door open for the staff to come in whenever they had the things the prince commanded to be brought to him. "I do." Bakugo made his way to his desk and sat himself down "She sounded in a hurry to tell me at the time." Bakugo added.

"If I am right on this, we will be able to find and go after (Y/n)." Kirishima raised a brow at Bakugo " We ?" he enunciated. "You think I am going to go with you ? To fix your mistake after you were an asshole and jerk to her?" He scoffed at his audacity to drag him into his problem. He turned his back to the prince with a huff. His arms crossed across his chest. "Whatever she left you and me behind for — It probably was for the best." he trailed off on the last part. Saying a truth that knew would hurt once he said it out loud. A truth he didn't want to admit that was a possibility. Kirishima's gaze fell upon your bedroom door. It was across from Bakugo's and it was closed. For some reason . . . The door itself felt . . . Sad to stare at . . . Bakugo stood up from his chair, his stare stabbing the back of that red-headed dragon's head. "I admit my faults. So admit what you are really feeling shity hair." He narrowed his gaze at the back of Kirishima's head "I know you too well and I know you are angry at (Y/n) for leaving us behind." He traced his eyes down at Kirishima's hand. They gripped his sleeve and his black nails started to extend slightly. His body language was expressing what he truly was feeling without Bakugo having to see his face. "Just like how I know you want to go after her too." His words made Kirishima turn around and face the prince.

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