Chapter 6: Dinner

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I do not own My Hero Academia (MHA) characters or franchises. Those rights belong solely to Kōhei Horikoshi. English dubs belong rightfully to Funimation and animations to Studio Bones.


Knight Orca led you to the same hallway you felt most familiar with. Although all of these hallways appeared similar, the feeling was different. 'The same hallway as the dragon prince's room there.' You thought as you glanced at his door. "Alright." When he turned around, you quickly take your eyes off the door to Knight Orca. He opened the door and stepped aside for you to walk in. The room was very different from Bakugo's. Instead of the iconic red and gold colors of the Ember nation, it was a deep purple and golden accent room. "This room is usually used for highly honored guests and it will be for your room in the meantime. Make yourself at –" Knight Orca patted the bed and broke into a coughing mess. Dust came puffing out that even made you cough. "Goodness! What the heck are the maids doing?! Leaving this room unclean to this extent!?" He coughed out. He went back up to you "I will have to scold the maids and make them have this room spotless for you little starfish!" Knight Orca said as he dusted himself off from the room's dust. You watched him do so and it ignited a crazy idea in your head. You clear your throat "Then in the meantime, can you lead me to the library? To ya know, read while the maids polish up the room?" You ask with your hands behind your back. Normally, you would have no problem cleaning up the room yourself. To take your mind off the chaos but there was something you needed to do that required going to the library of the castle.

"Is that alright with you . . . Uncle?" You pushed your luck by calling him that. It was hard to tell by his facial expression but the air felt floral and warm in a comforting way. He was heart warmed by you calling him "Uncle" since you always called him by his title whenever he visited. Not out of rudeness but politeness. He would always try having you call him that but never pushed too hard on it. It was safe to say that you won him over. "Of course my beloved niece! Don't want you to be bored! Allow me to show you the way!" He linked arms with you and walked out of the room. A few maids came down the hall and he started to yell at them to do their jobs properly . . . He then apologized for yelling. He gave them a firm talking to about being efficient in their duties as staff of the royal household. Knight Orca was tough but he wasn't cruel. A bit of a softie once you get to know him. He just wanted them to learn from their mistakes and do better. Also to make sure they won't do it again. "Alright, come now little starfish. The library is this way." You lightly chuckle while walking with him down the hall to the library.


Day has come and gone in the Lux Kingdom. The Ember nation was soon taken over by the night that swooped away the day's sun with its beautiful waning crescent moon that stood high in the night sky. It was seen through all the windows of homes and the Lux castle. Bakugo knocked on your bedroom door "Oi! Dinner is gonna be served in 30! My mother wants us all to look pretty and shit so you better not take long (Y/n)!" He called from his side of the door. He waited for a response but nothing came from the other side. Kirishima was behind Bakugo and saw a vein pop out on the now ticked-off prince. "Maybe she is asleep, let's come back la –" Kirishima stopped talking when he heard shuffling from inside your room. He didn't smell your scent from the room and this was when he was on alert. Bakugo noticed Kirishima raising his guard, he also had heard the noise from inside. The two of them were prepared to barge in when the door opened. It was a maid that had opened the door. A few maids were behind her too. "Something the matter your highness, Master Kirishima?" She asked, seeing how both of them were alarmed. The two let down their guards, both relieved it was only the maids in the room. They were fearing the worst happened to you since there was a bounty on your head. "No. Nothing is the matter." Kirishima told the maid with a light chuckle. The dragon shifter felt a little dumb for worrying over nothing. Bakugo peeked over the maids to look around the bedroom. You were nowhere to be seen in the room. "Where is (Y/n)?" It was his turn to ask the maids his question. A maid from the back poked her head out "Knight Orca escorted her to the library while we cleaned her room. I don't know if she is still there, your highness." She told him, holding an empty bucket in her hands. "Thank you," He turned to Kirishima "Let's go." He turned his heel and started making his way down the hallway with Kirishima following closely behind.

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