Chapter 8: Into The Forbidden Woods

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I do not own My Hero Academia (MHA) characters or franchises. Those rights belong solely to Kōhei Horikoshi. English dubs belong rightfully to Funimation and animations to Studio Bones.


A blonde man in a black hooded cloak was walking to the Ember Nation's borders with a brown-coated horse when a large shadow of a dragon loomed over him. He looked up and saw Kirishima flying over the border. "Well, well." His silver mechanical eye's camera zoomed in on Kirishima. "Looks like my job will be easier after all." He chuckled. Grabbing a small tracker device from his pocket and pulls his arm back. His arm grew unnaturally large and he threw the small device like a baseball. It attached itself unknowingly underneath Kirishima's tail, right before Kirishima took the dragon prince above the clouds. "Now," His arm returned to its normal size and he hopped onto his horse. Pulling its reigns to turn around. "Just where are you two going, hm?" He grinned as his mechanical eye made him see the tracker's location. "Hyah!" He shouted. His horse galloped away from the Ember nation's borders to follow the dragon prince and his fearsome yet sweet dragon.


Midoriya was getting dressed in the bathroom when his beaded black bracelet blinked green. They were the beads he had made before adventuring out of the Ember Nation. It was the only way his mother would let him leave if she contacted him at least once a week. He was washing up for the dinner that Fuyumi was having everyone prepare since Midoriya caught it, he was the exception that did not need to help with cooking and got to take a nice bath. He was getting dressed after he had taken that bath when his beads went off.

Midoriya tapped the beads and it beamed a green light that formed a round-shaped light that flashed to show Inko, Midoriya's mother, on the other line. "Mom! How are you? How's (Y/n) doing by the way? She has swung by to give you my greetings no?" He asked as he slipped on his sword's cross-body sheath belt. Slipping his mighty All Might sword in the sheath on his back. Midoriya immediately looked at his mother when she didn't respond to his questions. "Mom? What's wrong? You have that worried look on your face." He asked as he slipped the bracelet on. He was done changing at this point and he sat on the bathroom's sink counter. "It's about (Y/n) . . ." Midoriya listened with his full attention to her. "Your father went to deliver his orders to the king and when he got there, the entire castle was in chaos. Whispers about (Y/n) disappearance from the castle. I even saw dragon rider knights last night on a search! I didn't know what for until your father came home and told me about her being missing." Inko watched her son's face shift into a mix of worry and distraught. "What!?" Midoriya quickly refrained from shouting anymore. He was lucky that no one could hear him since the bathroom was far from the kitchen where they were currently hiding at. He cleared his throat "(Y/n) disappeared!?" He whisper-yelled, talking in a hush tone now "Do they know why?! Was she kidnapped?!" Inko shook her head at most of the questions he was whispering to her. "From what your father managed to gather from some of the chatty maids, she left on her own. As for where they are heading, he heard they were going to these woods. I don't know if such a place exists in either Nation. Never heard of woods before." Midoriya's ears perked at the mention of woods. "There are woods. Only one exists. The only reason they are not known about is because no one is allowed in them. They are very dangerous woods. The Forbidden Woods." He gave brief information about these woods. He knew a bit of it based on the little things in books he read over as a kid. There wasn't a lot of information out there about it either. Only bits and pieces. Most were the same and most indicated to stay the fuck away from those woods.

"Before he left, he saw the king and queen send off Kirishima and Bakugo. They are going after her." Inko added to the information load she gave her warrior son. Midoriya furrowed his brows, a bit curious and surprised at this news. He never expected Bakugo to go after you. Considering he only just met you, at least according to what you have told them, this raised many questions. 'What did (Y/n) do or tell him to make him follow her? He is too stubborn to listen to anyone. Orders or not, he does things on his terms. This is weird of him. Maybe she did something to piss him off to the point where he went after her out of revenge? Oh, poor (Y/n) if he had.' He snapped out of his thoughts when his mother called out for him. He cleared his throat. "She will be fine. Kacchan is going to be with her eventually. She is in good hands . . . Sorta." He subconsciously chuckled at the last part. He knew you were skillful on weaponry since you couldn't use your magic quirk just yet but you were capable of taking care of yourself without using any quirk magic . . . However . . . With your speaking-of-mind personality, he couldn't guarantee Bakugo or you would get along. Or even tolerate each other since Bakugo's personality challenges yours greatly.

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