Part 1

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Word Count: 1380

Y/N dropped her time turner as she was turning it. "Crap!" she cursed and picked it up. Y/N checked it for cracks. She sighed in relief, and began turning it again. She knew something was off when she felt a sensation like Apparation. Panic bloomed in her stomach, but she ignored it, forcing herself to stay calm. She'd be able to fix it... Right?
She landed in the library, in the exact same spot she was back in her time. She needed to find out how far back she had travelled. Then, Y/N realised that her time turner was in bits in her hand. What am I going to do? She thought worriedly. As she was leaving the library, she realised there was a copy of the Daily Prophet on the desk. She checked the year. 1943. She was in Tom Riddle's year. The only good thought that came with that information was that Dumbledore was already working at Hogwarts. Y/N hurried to find the Transfiguration classroom. It was after curfew, so she wasn't expecting Professor Dumbledore to be in his classroom, but it was worth a shot anyway. She knocked on the door. After a few moments, a younger Professor Dumbledore opened the door. He looked confused. "Professor.... Can I have a word?" Y/N asked, a twinge of nervousness coloring her tone. Dumbledore simply nodded and let her in. "Professor, you don't know me... Not yet." she began. Dumbledore frowned. "You see, I'm from the future. I was using a time turner to get to my classes and such, and it broke and brought me here." Y/N explained to the perplexed Professor. "Show me the time turner." he said. Y/N held out her hand. A bit of the glass had cut her skin. "It's going to take a while to fix. For now, you will be a student here in Hogwarts." Dumbledore said. Y/N nodded.

"She was homeschooled by her pureblood parents, but then Grindelwald killed them." Dumbledore explained to Professor Dippet. The Headmaster spared Y/N a look of sympathy before turning back to Dumbledore. "Is that where you were?" he asked. Professor Dumbledore hesitated, then nodded. "Very well. We'll sort her in the morning." Professor Dippet said. "And where will she sleep tonight?" Professor Dumbledore asked. "I don't need to sleep. I'll go down to the library." Y/N cut in. The two professors shared a look. "Very well." Dippet told her. Dumbledore led her to the library. She bade him goodnight and then browsed the shelves. She took every book she could find on time travelling, even the ones from the Restricted Section. Y/N usually didn't break rules, but, considering the circumstances, she gave herself a break.

When morning came, Y/N was more tired than she had ever been before. All that research still hadn't given her an answer. She assumed that no one else had ever used a broken time turner before. Professor Dumbledore got her just as breakfast started. "What house were you in in your time?" he asked quietly. "Slytherin." Y/N replied. When Y/N was in her time, she had been wearing her full uniform. When she arrived, her robes were plain. The wonders of magic. Dumbledore led Y/N to the stool with the Sorting Hat sitting atop it. He picked the Hat up and Y/N sat down. Professor Dippet explained her situation, but Y/N wasn't paying attention. She only paid attention when the Sorting hat was lowered onto her head. Ahhh a L/N. You're very clever, perhaps Ravenclaw would suit you. Also very committed and loyal, Hufflepuff perhaps. Ah - but yes, something that cancels out all other options. The Hat said in Y/N's head. The last part had confused her, but before she could think about it, the Hat almost deafened her when it shouted "Slytherin!" Y/N was very relieved. She sat next to a girl with brown hair and light blue eyes. "I'm Ivy Greengrass." the girl said. "Pleasure. I'm Y/N L/N." Y/N told Ivy. "Pleasure." Ivy beamed. She then turned to a boy sitting across from her. He had brown hair and brown eyes, but his facial structure was similar to Ivy's. "That's my annoying twin brother Sagittarius. Everyone calls him Sag." Ivy said. "Pleasure." I told him. He returned it. "So... Your parents were murdered?" Sag ventured. "Sag!" Ivy reprimended, hitting her brother on the arm. "No, it's fine." Y/N assured her. "Yes, they were." she added, turning to Sag. "I'm so sorry." Sag said, eyes twinkling with pity. "Don't worry about it." Y/N said with a shake of her head. Both of Y/N's parents were alive, and she didn't like getting pitied, so this whole situation was uncomfortable. "Slughorn's coming." Ivy informed Y/N and Sag. "Why?" Sag asked. "Probably to talk to me." Y/N shrugged. "Miss L/N... Come with me to my office." he said. "I'll see you guys." Y/N said, getting up. "We have a free period first, we'll be in the common room!" Sag called after her. "Ok!" Y/N called back.
"Now, Miss Y/N, what classes would you like to take for your O.W.Ls? Other than the mandatory subjects." Slughorn asked. "Care of Magical Creatures and Ancient Runes." Y/N answered, remembering what she had on her original timetable. Slughorn tapped an empty piece of parchment with his wand. Y/N checked her timetable. She had a free period first. She bade Slughorn goodbye and hurried to the Slytherin common room. She found Sag and Ivy sitting in front of the fire, playing wizards chess. "Hey." Y/N said, slightly out of breath. "Hi." both Sag and Ivy responded, in unison. "I'm no good at wizards chess." Y/N joked. "Sag isn't either, he just enjoys losing." Ivy siad with a smirk as she moved her queen, forcing Sag into checkmate. "Hey! That is not true." Sag whined. "Well, I, always beat you, so it seems like it." Ivy countered. Sag didn't answer. Y/N smiled at their bickering and her gaze travelled the common room. It was pretty empty. By the entrance, there was a incredibly pretty boy with black hair. And he was looking right at her. "Say, who's that boy over there?" she asked, pointing with her chin. Ivy and Sag followed her gaze, then shared a dark look. "That's Tom Riddle." Sag answered. Y/N flinched slightly at the name, but no one noticed. "He's kind of a loner." Ivy admitted quietly. "Like, everyone's sort of scared of him, except, well, he likes it." she explained herself. "Right." Y/N nodded slowly, letting her gaze drift over to him again. He seemed to be studying her. She knew she'd have to be a lot more careful, especially if she had caught Tom Riddle's eye. And now she has. Despite being a Slytherin, she was still friends with Harry Potter and his friends, so she knew all about Tom Riddle being Voldemort. If she could recall correctly, at this time, Tom still hadn't made any horcruxes, which she knew about from her parents. If Tom pursued his odd interest in her, perhaps Y/N could use it to her advantage. "I just remembered,  I need to get some books." Y/N said standing up. The excuse was partly true, she didn't have any books, but she was also wondering if Tom would follow her. "What's your first class?" Ivy asked. "Potions." Y/N said. "We'll see you there." Sag grinned. Y/N shot both Sag and Ivy a grin, before turning on her heel and striding out of the common room. She made her way to the Transfiguration classroom. She wasn't in a hurry, but she wasn't taking her time either. She heard footsteps, but pretended not to notice them. She knocked on the door. Professor Dumbledore opened it. "Professor, I don't have any books." Y/N told him. "Don't worry about it. The professors will give you the books." Dumbledore replied. "Ok. I'll see you professor." Y/N said and turned around. Tom was there, looking at her. Then, he turned on his heel and walked back the way he came from.

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