Part 8

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Word Count: 939

Y/N appeared in Professor McGonagall's office. Luckily,  she wasn't there. She checked the time on the clock on the wall. 9pm. McGonagall was probably in her chambers or doing rounds. Y/N hurried out of the Transfiguration professor's office and up to Professor Dumbledore's office. "Lemon drops?" She said to the golden gargoyle guarding the office. It stood stock still. "Suagr quills?" She asked, and it moved, revealing a staircase. Y/N tore up the stairs and, out of breath, knocked on the door. The professor opened. "Y/N! How wonderful. You're back!" Dumbledore smiled. "It's good to be back professor." Y/N said. She looked down and was relieved to see she was still wearing the clothes from Tom's time. Dumbledore's eyes twinkled knowingly as he noticed her hoodie. "Well, you'd best be off to bed." Dumbledore said. "Yes, sir. Will I need a change of Time-Turner?" She asked, holding up the one she was holding. "You shouldn't." The professor answered her. Y/N bade him goodnight and walked down the stairs again. She put on the Time-Turner and went to her dorm. Pansy and Daphne were sleeping soundly in their beds. She wasn't friends with any girls in Slytherin, so didn't feel the need to wake her up. With a pang she realised that the bed Daphne called hers had once belonged to Ivy. Y/N lay in bed and sobbed quietly. What made matters worse was that Tom wasn't there to hug her and comfort her.

The next day was a Sunday, miraculously, so she stayed in the Ivy's clothes and Tom's jumper. In the common room, she spotted her Slytherin friends Lorenzo Berkshire and Theodore Nott. "Hi boys!" She said cheerfully. They turned around. "Merlin - Y/N - you're back!" Theodore exclaimed,  hugging her tightly. "We were worried sick! Are you ok?" Enzo asked, being his usual worried self and also hugged her tight. "Yeah, I'm fine." She promised, fiddling with her sleeve. "Tell us everything." Enzo demanded. "Over breakfast." Theo jumped in. Y/N laughed. She had missed these two. So she explained to them the whole story, including her relationship with Tom. At the end of it they stared at her open-mouthed. "So you're wearing the Dark Lord's jumper?" Theo asked incredulously. Y/N laughed. "That's your first question?" She asked him and he shrugged.

Her welcome from the Gryffindor's wasn't any less happy. She approached them after breakfast and, after loads of hugs, she dragged Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Harry out to the Black Lake and told them the whole story. She got similar reactions from them, and when she finished telling the story, Ron repeated Theo's exact question. "Do you miss him?" Ginny asked. "Riddle, I mean." Y/N sighed. "With all my heart." She said. Her eyes filled with tears and all four friends rushed to hug her. "You're much more chill about this than I thought." Y/N said directing the statement to Harry. Harry shrugged. "He wasn't Voldemort yet." Y/N grinned.

The next week flew past and suddenly it was O.W.L.S week. Y/N got barely any sleep that week between the whole time-travelling ordeal replaying in her mind each time she tried to sleep and studying. The teachers stopped giving homework, to give them more time to study, and the lessons became all about revising material they had learnt over the past two years. Her brain felt like mush. All the information she read and took down blended together. She could barely remember anything.

But soon enough she was walking into her last exam with Theo and Enzo. Defense Against the Dark Arts theory. She liked Defense, but she was rubbish at theory. Tom was great a theory. Of any subject. Y/N sighed at the thought of her love. I'll never forget you. She said in her mind. Then, she got her test. A blank sheet of paper which she would have to turn over in a matter of minutes. Her breathing quickened. She fought to slow it down, and it worked. Y/N swallowed. "You may now turn over your papers." The examiner said. The rustle of pages. Y/N turned over her page. She dipped her quill into the ink well and studied the first question. What is the counter-curse to the Dark curse Fiendfyre? Y/N remembered learning it.
She was lying on her bed with her head in Tom's lap. She was reading a book on countercurses their Defense professor, Professor Magella, recommended to her. She closed it and looked at her boyfriend, studying his beautiful face as he studied Potions. "You're staring love." He chuckled, looking at her. "Am not." Y/N retorted. Tom smiled. Oh how she loved that smile. "Then what were you doing?" He challenged. ".....thinking." Y/N answered. "About?" Tom asked, raising a perfect eyebrow. "The countercurse to Fiendfyre." Y/N made up. "It's not in this book." She said, showing him the table of contents. Tom laughed. "You don't listen in class do you?" He asked her, and she shook her head. "There is no countercurse." He told her.

Her heart hurt at the memory, but Y/N wrote down the answer. She got flashbacks from her time spent with Tom, Ivy and Sag for every question, so she was sure she was right. Then, just as she handed the exam to the examiner and turned around, Harry collapsed, clutching his scar. Y/N rushed over to him. "Are you ok Harry?" She asked. "He's got him." Harry said. Y/N looked at him confused. "Voldemort's got Sirius." Harry repeated.

Sorry for the shorter than usual chapter! But ugh, it's so sad missing him.

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