Part 3

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Word Count: 1194

After their last class, Ivy and Y/N met up with Sag and went to the Black Lake. They sat under a tree and Y/N took out a book to read. "Aww come on Y/N, don't read!" Sag whined. Y/N closed her booked but kept her thumbs in so she wouldn't lose her page. "Why not?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. "Reading's boring. Let's go swim in the Lake." Sag suggested. "I don't have a swimsuit." Y/N said, marking her page and closing her book. "Me neither." Ivy agreed. "Does it matter?" Sag asked. "Sag!" Ivy reprimanded. "What?" He sounded exasperated. "Loads of people go swimming in their underwear." Ivy and Y/N sighed. "Not with their brothers." Ivy spat. "Or with friends of opposite gender." Y/N pointed out. "Please, girls." Sag pleaded. "Fine. But don't look." Ivy said. When Sag was in the water, he turned around. The girls took off their uniforms. "Your brother is one of a kind." Y/N murmured quietly. Ivy nodded and they waded into the cold water. Y/N sucked a breath in through her teeth. "SAG! The water's bloody freezing!" Ivy shrieked. "So? It's hot outside." Sag defended. Y/N rolled her eyes but smiled. When they were neck deep in the Lake, Sag turned around. "Was that so difficult?" Sag asked the girls. "No." Y/N replied at the same time as Ivy said."Yes." Sag rolled his eyes at his twin sister. Then, he splashed her. Outraged, she splashed him back. As the siblings splashed each other, Y/N studied the other students. A group of Ravenclaws were studying in the shade of a tree. Some students were swimming and playing in the Lake. Others sat around on the grass and chatted happily. Then she saw the boy who seemed to be everywhere. The one and only Tom Riddle. He was walking towards their tree, but he hadn't spotted their discarded robes, nor realised that Y/N was watching him. She quickly tore her eyes away and swam off to join Ivy and Sag. Ivy was in the process of trying to drown Sag (as a joke obviously). "Gosh, I can't leave you two alone for five minutes, can I?" She asked. "Nope." They chorused, Ivy with a grin. The three soon decided to go dry off. As they lay down in the grass, Y/N realised someone was watching them. She rolled on her stomach and saw Tom sitting in the tree, smirking down at her. She scrambled up. "Oi! Get down from there!" She exclaimed. Ivy and Sag turned around to see Tom jumping down from the tree and turned back again, scared to look at him. Tom's eyes quickly scanned her body before snapping up to her face. "It's not nice to spy." Y/N said coolly, crossing her arms. "Pretty good view, though." Tom smirked, mimicking her posture. "Shut up." She muttered. Tom raised his eyebrows at her. "Oh? What was that?" He asked. "You know what you heard." Y/N said. Tom's eyes travelled again and Y/N smacked his arm. "Stop." She said, but she was blushing. "Enjoy." Tom said and walked up to the castle. Y/N lay down next to Ivy and closed her eyes. "How did you do that?" Sag asked in awe. "Do what?" Y/N asked. "That. He never banters with anyone. Except you, that is." Sag grinned. Y/N shrugged. "And the way he was looking at you..." Ivy trailed off with a smirk and Y/N smacked her. "What?" Ivy defended. "It's true." Y/N sighed. "I guess. But why does he look at me like that? And banter with me?" She asked. "Beats me." Sag said. "Very helpful." Y/N shot back.

That night, Ivy slept soundly in their dorm, but Y/N just couldn't close her eyes. Maybe it was being in another time, or maybe it was the whole Tom Riddle business, or maybe both, but she just couldn't fall asleep. She got out of bed and pulled on some shoes and socks. She shivered. She was wearing a tank top and shorts to bed, so she pulled on a hoodie Sag had lent her in case she got cold. She had no clothes for outside of class, so she used Ivy's. Then, she left the common room and walked around the castle. She jumped at every small sound, every shadow, but there was nothing anywhere. When she got to the Entrance Hall, Y/N decided to turn back, but froze when she saw the dark outline of a person leaning against the wall, twirling their want in their hand. "Lumos." She murmured. In the light of her wand she realised it was only Tom. Or, rather, it was Tom. She couldn't forget that in her time, he was still the evil monster known as Voldemort. Now, in the dark of the castle, there'd be nothing stopping him from killing her and making his first Horcrux. "What are you doing up?" He asked quietly. The air left Y/N's lungs. Why was he so handsome? He stepped closer. "C-couldn't sleep." She said. "You?" Another step closer. "Something like that." He mumbled, eyes flickering between her eyes and lips. Y/N's heart pounded as she allowed herself a quick look at his pale lips. Then, Tom pushed her gently up against the wall and kissed her lips. After a second of confusion, she kissed him back. Then, he pulled away. They both stood there panting before he walked away. Y/N stood against the wall and watched him leave. Her brain was short-circuiting, barely processing what had happened. Still in shock, she made her way back to her dormitory and fell asleep.

"He kissed you?" Ivy shrieked the next morning at breakfast. Y/N had just told Ivy and Sag about what had happened in the night. "Shut up." Y/N said, checking to make sure no one had heard. She was also checking if Tom was there. She hadn't seen him at all that morning. Sag shook his head. "Unbelievable. And you like him too?" He asked, making sure. Y/N nodded timidly. "Just- be careful." Ivy pleaded, looking Y/N in the eyes. Y/N nodded.

Y/N saw Tom in all their shared classes, but he didn't even look at her, let alone talk to her. She was confused and hurt, but she kept telling herself it was for the best. He was Voldemort, after all. She couldn't believe she had let herself fall for Voldemort. But, on the other hand, he wasn't Voldemort yet. Right now, he was Tom Riddle, a ridiculously handsome and charming boy. Y/N had never had any boyfriends. She had no experience at all. Of course, her first crush - her first potential boyfriend - had to be complicated. Because, even if they did get together, she'd have to go back to her time eventually. What would they do then? Going to bed that night she knew two things: she had to tell her new friends everything, and she had to talk to Tom Riddle.

Hi guys! Hope you're enjoying the story! Tomorrow I'm going on a cruise for a week and I won't have Internet so this is the last chapter until I get back.
- Cosybooks

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