Part 2

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Word Count: 1063

Y/N stood next to Sag and Ivy as they waited for Potions to start. She was brainstorming ways about how she could use Tom's interest with her to her advantage, while being safe. "What do you think, Y/N?" Ivy asked. "What?" Y/N said, snapping back to reality. "It's not important." Sag insisted. "But it is! Do-" Ivy got cut off by the Potions master opening the door. "I'll be back." Y/N said to Sag and Ivy, before following the professor to the top of the class. "Hi professor. I'm Y/N L/N, and I don't have any books for this class." she said. "Not to worry Miss L/N. There should be a spare in the shelf by the door." Slughorn said. Y/N thanked the professor and wove her way back to the door. She took out the book she needed and turned around. All the students were still talking, and Y/N spotted Ivy and Sag sitting together by the front of the class. At the desk in front of them, sat Tom Riddle, by himself. Sensing an opportunity, Y/N sat in the seat next to him and turned to the twins. "How hard, is this class exactly?" she asked. "Harder than you can handle, most likely." she heard from the seat next to her. Y/N faced Tom eyebrows raised. He was looking at her, with an almost challenging look on his face. "I think I can handle it just fine." Y/N replied coolly. Ivy sucked in a breath. Before Tom could say anything, the professor began speaking. "In groups of four, you can pick a potion to make for the duration of the class. There will be a prize for the winning group." he said. "Looks like we're a group." Sag said and eyed Tom with a look of fear. Y/N fought to keep a smile off her face. "We're making the Draught of Living Death." said Tom. The group mostly worked in silence, a few whispered words being exchanged between the twins. Slughorn was walking around the class, silently eyeing the students' potions. When he stopped in front of the quartet's table, he spoke the first words since the beginning of class. "The Draught of Living Death, a rather ambitious potion, is it not?" Slughorn said. "I can handle it." Tom said. "Tom m'boy I'm sure you could, but this is about teamwork." Slughorn said. "We can handle it." Y/N said, staring hard at Tom and then shifting her focus to Slughorn. The professor chuckled. "Good luck to you four." he said and walked away. At the end of the class, Slughorn walked around the classroom, testing each potion. When he got to their cauldron, he dropped a small leaf into the black liquid. Y/N bit her lip, hoping it had turned out. Then, the leaf shriveled up and fell to the bottom of the cauldron. She let out a small breath and realised Ivy and Sag did the same. Tom however, looked as if he expected that outcome. Bloody arrogant. She thought. Slughorn walked up to the top of the class. "The winning group is... Mr Riddle, Miss L/N, Miss Greengrass and Mr Greengrass." He announced. Y/N shared a bright smile with the Greengrass twins, while Tom just kept a straight face. Slughorn gave each person in the group a selection of sweets and dismissed the class. "I'm so glad we won." Sag said happily, munching on some Every-Flavour Beans. "Me too." Y/N agreed. "You should've seen Riddle though. He didn't show any emotion." Ivy said. "Yeah, does he always do that?" Y/N asked. "Yep. I don't know how though." Sag said, and screwed up his face, trying to hide his excitement. "Just know." Ivy said, elbowing him. "Oi!" He protested. Ivy smirked at him. "What class do we have next?" Y/N asked. "Transfiguration." Ivy informed her. "With Dumbledore." Sag added with a grimace. "What's wrong with Dumbledore? Is he a bad teacher?" Y/N asked, drawing her eyebrows together. "'s just-" Ivy tried to explain, but got cut off. "-he's very biased. He loves the Gryffindors." Tom Riddle said bitterly, walking up next to Y/N. Ivy and Sag flinched, but Tom didn't notice. No surprise there. Y/N thought, thinking back to her time, when he helped Gryffindor win the House Cup. "Oh right." She said. The four walked in silence for a bit, though Sag and Ivy kept sharing fearful glances. Then, the four joined the rest of their year outside the Transfiguration classroom. Sag, Ivy and Y/N sat at a table of three at the back of the classroom, while Tom - after glancing at Y/N - sat at the front. "I don't like Riddle's newfound interest in you." Sag said, warily eyeing Tom's back. "Me neither." Ivy said. "I-" Y/N was saved from having to comment by Dumbledore beginning to speak.

After Transfiguration, the three went to lunch before their last class of the day. Ivy and Y/N had Ancient Runes while Sag had Divination. "Don't know why he chose such a useless subject." Ivy muttered to Y/N. Y/N shrugged. "I'm going to the bathroom. Tell Professor March where I am." Ivy said. Y/N nodded and Ivy raced off. Y/N looked around at the students milling about the corridor. Her eyes landed on a particular dark haired Slytherin. He noticed her looking and strode over. "Can't keep your eyes off me, huh?" He smirked. Y/N scoffed. She didn't think he'd be so obviously arrogant. "No I'm just bored." She retorted. "Sure you are." Tom smiled. Y/N suppressed a smile. He could be quite charming when he wanted to. Ivy made it before the professor, and Tom shot Y/N one last smile that made her feel tingly on the inside before walking away. "Uh- what was that?" Ivy asked, staring at Tom's retreating back. "What was what?" Y/N asked, a light blush dusting her cheeks. "That smile that he gave you. What did I miss?" Ivy asked, turning her eyes back to Y/N. "We just talked." Y/N shrugged. Their conversation was cut short by Professor March letting them into the classroom. Always the professors. Y/N sighed and followed Ivy into the classroom.

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