Part 9

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Word Count: 1822

That was how Y/N found herself riding a Thestrel to London, sitting behind Harry, her eyes tightly shut. She couldn't see Thestrels, so to her it looked like she was floating in thin air, about to fall a couple hundred meters. "Calm down, Y/N, and enjoy it!" Harry said. "Not going to happen!" Y/N said. Then they landed. Harry slid down first, and then he helped Y/N down. "Harry." Y/N said. "This is muggle London." And she looked at him as if he was crazy. "The visitors entrance is here." He said. Y/N raised her eyebrows but didn't question it any further. So she, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Neville and Luna piled into the small, red telephone box. "State your name and your business." A woman's voice called out as they descended, much like a lift. "Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Y/N L/N, Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood. We're on a rescue mission." Harry said. After a few seconds there was a sound as if someone had dropped a bunch of coins onto metal. Neville took something- or, rather somethings - out of the metal chute and gave one to each person. It was a silver badge with Y/N L/N written on it. And under that was written Rescue Mission. Y/N pinned it to her school uniform. Then, they stopped descending and the door opened. Harry went out first and the others followed. They stood in the welcome atrium. Or the foyer. Y/N wasn't sure. There were some golden statues beside an empty desk. There was a wizard, a centaur, a goblin and a house elf. "Where do we go from here?" Y/N asked aloud. "This way." Harry said, and he led them down a couple of flights of stairs. Then, he led them into a corridor with lots of silver doors. "The Department of Mysteries." Harry said unnecessarily. The plan was to go there after all. He led them to the door at the very end, and turned the handle. It opened. They stepped inside. Y/N saw a large room with a high ceiling. The room was filled with wooden shelves. Each shelf had a thousand glowing blue orbs. Probably prophecies, judging from Harry trying to find Sirius through the shelves. Y/N followed the group, keeping to the back. She saw Neville look at a particular orb. "Harry... this one has your name on it." Neville said. Harry rushed over and picked it up. "Yes, hand it over." Came a cold voice. Y/N could never forget that voice. It was the voice of one Lucius Malfoy. Everything after that was a blur. All Y/N remembered was running through a low black door into and empty room. Then, she fell to the floor as she felt a piercing pain in her temples. Her vision flickered with a bunch of colors and there was a low buzzing in her ears. Then, she felt like she had been splashed with ice cold water, and her senses sharpened. Her flickering vision morphed into a million memories. Every moment ever spent with Tom flashed before her eyes. The buzzing turned into a soundtrack matching the memories flashing in her mind. Then, she saw one last scene. When she left Tom's time. Then, everything faded. Y/N realised she was still on the floor, and there were tears rolling down her face. Good she thought grimly you deserve to be upset after when you did to him. She saw a second low black door and raced out of it. She ran into another empty room, except this one had a black arch on a raised dais. And everyone was here. Her friends....death eaters....order members. Then almost in slow motion, Bellatrix Lestrange raised her wand. Y/N turned her head and saw who it was pointing at. Sirius Black. Y/N didn't think much of Sirius's, but she didn't want him to die. For Harry's sake. Then, a hush fell, and Y/N saw Sirius fall back and disappear into the veil hanging from the arch. Harry let out a piercing scream. Bella tried ran away. Harry shook Lupin off him and raced after her. Y/N ran after Harry. She reached him just in time to hear him say "Crucio!" Belltrix fell to the ground in pain, but turned around instantly. She smirked. And that's when Y/N noticed a black mass flying around. It transformed into Lord Voldemort. With a pang Y/N realised that's her ex. No she thought firmly this monster isn't my ex. And she noticed six things that were different about him.
Number one: his dark hair was gone.
Number two: instead of his beautiful dark eyes, they were red slits.
Number three: his skin was always pale, but now it was paper white.
Number four: he had no nose.
Number five: his nails more akin to claws, as they were long and sharp.
Number six: his skin had the texture of snakeskin.
Then, their eyes met. And a memory flashed in both of their minds.
"Ok. I'll see you professor." Y/N said and turned around. Tom was there, looking at her. Then, he turned on his heel and walked back the way he came from.
His skin lost the snakeskin look. Another memory.
"How hard, is this class exactly?" Y/N asked her friends about Potions. "Harder than you can handle, most likely." she heard from the seat next to her. Y/N faced Tom eyebrows raised. He was looking at her, with an almost challenging look on his face. "I think I can handle it just fine." Y/N replied coolly. Ivy sucked in a breath. Before Tom could say anything, the professor began speaking.
Voldemort's nails turned back into normal human nails. Another memory flashed.
As the three friends lay down to dry after their dip in the Lake, Y/N realised someone was watching them. She rolled on her stomach and saw Tom sitting in the tree, smirking down at her. She scrambled up. "Oi! Get down from there!" She exclaimed. Ivy and Sag turned around to see Tom jumping down from the tree and turned back again, scared to look at him. Tom's eyes quickly scanned her body before snapping up to her face. "It's not nice to spy." Y/N said coolly, crossing her arms. "Pretty good view, though." Tom smirked, mimicking her posture. "Shut up." She muttered. Tom raised his eyebrows at her. "Oh? What was that?" He asked. "You know what you heard." Y/N said. Tom's eyes travelled again and Y/N smacked his arm. "Stop." She said, but she was blushing. "Enjoy." Tom said and walked up to the castle.
His nose grew back. The memory changed again.
When she got to the Entrance Hall, Y/N decided to turn back, but froze when she saw the dark outline of a person leaning against the wall, twirling their want in their hand. "Lumos." She murmured. In the light of her wand she realised it was only Tom. Or, rather, it was Tom. She couldn't forget that in her time, he was still the evil monster known as Voldemort. Now, in the dark of the castle, there'd be nothing stopping him from killing her and making his first Horcrux. "What are you doing up?" He asked quietly. The air left Y/N's lungs. Why was he so handsome? He stepped closer. "C-couldn't sleep." She said. "You?" Another step closer. "Something like that." He mumbled, eyes flickering between her eyes and lips. Y/N's heart pounded as she allowed herself a quick look at his pale lips. Then, Tom pushed her gently up against the wall and kissed her lips. After a second of confusion, she kissed him back. Then, he pulled away. They both stood there panting before he walked away.
His skin changed from paper white to a regular pale skin tone. The memory changed.
Y/N went for a walk around the castle. And once again, she met Tom. Man, did this guy ever sleep? She had snuck into the Great Hall to admire the stars. When she started feeling sleepy, she left the Great Hall. In the Entrance Hall, she almost walked into a tall person. She froze thinking it was a professor, but then recognised Tom's curls. "You and Berkshire, huh?" He asked. "No- I mean yes." Y/N stuttered.  "I tell you I haven't decided how I feel about you and you run off with another guy?" Tom asked, backing her against the wall. "I- no....that's not what's going on." Y/N answered, looking Tom in the eyes. "Then what is?" Tom asked. "Because that's really what it seems like." He said, and licked his lips. Y/N swallowed. "I- I'm doing it to take my mind off you. I was unhappy." Y/N said. "And now you're happy?" He asked. Y/N fell silent. Tom smirked, knowing he had caught her. Then, he kissed her. But it was different to their last kiss. It was rougher. More dominating. Y/N still had her back to the wall, and Tom's hands were on either side of her head. Then, he pulled away and licked his lips. "Meet here at 1am tomorrow night. Don't tell anyone." He said and walked away, leaving Y/N staring into the darkness.
His beautiful dark eyes came back. The memory changed for the last time.
It was the memory from the exam. The one when he taught her about Fiendfyre not having a countercurse. And then his hair grew back. And Y/N found herself staring at Tom Riddle. The Tom Riddle she left behind in his time. "Y/N." Tom said mesmerised. Y/N was aware that Harry and Bellatrix were watching. But she broke down anyway. Tom rushed over to her and pulled her into a hug. She sobbed into his chest. When she calmed down he pulled away and looked her in the eyes. "Why did you leave me?" He asked. "I couldn't bring you here. And I couldn't stay." She explained. "At least you're here now." She added. "At least I'm here now." Tom repeated with a smile. "I missed you so, so much." Y/N said. "Me too. I love you." Tom said. "I love you too. And I never forgot you." Y/N told him. "I don't doubt that." Tom chuckled.
"I'll never forget you." Y/N said on one of the last nights they had together. "I know. I'm unforgettable." Tom laughed. "I'm serious." Y/N sighed. "I won't doubt you." Tom promised.
Y/N was infinitely happy that she had Tom again. Dumbledore allowed him to attend Hogwarts again, and he would sleep in the guest room in Y/N's house. This was how it was meant to be.

Next chapter is the last chapter! How many of the moments did you recognise from the story? I hope you like the way it ended because, yes, this is technically the end.

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