Part 4

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Word Count: 1593

The next was a Saturday, and it was Hogsmeade weekend too. "We should go get some butterbeer." Sag suggested. "Sure." Ivy agreed. "And you, Y/N?" Sag asked, turning to her. "I-I don't have a permission slip." She said. "You can still go." Dumbledore said with a wink as he was passing. "Yes!" Sag cheered. Once they got to the Three Broomsticks, Sag went to order three butterbeers, and Ivy and Y/N sat down at a round table beside the window. "I need to tell you guys something." Y/N told Ivy in a low voice. Ivy nodded seriously. Sag brought the butterbeers and then, sipping on her butterbeer, Y/N told her friends how she got to be in their time. "Oh my god." Ivy said, her hand covering her mouth. "That's harsh." Sag said. "Not really. I've been busy between school, you guys and Tom, I haven't really been missing much." Y/N admitted. "Makes sense. We're awesome." Ivy said smugly. Y/N smacked her arm with a laugh. Her eyes wandered to the door as someone walked in, and she found Tom, who was deliberately keeping his eyes off her. She looked away, a little disappointed.

As the days passed, it seemed like Tom was avoiding her. At first,  he just wasn't speaking to her or talking to her. Then, once he realised she was trying to talk to him, he physically started avoiding her. Exactly a week from when she told Ivy and Sag about the time-travelling, she couldn't fall asleep. She went for another walk around the castle. The first walk since the night of the kiss. The kiss. Maybe that's why Tom wasn't talking to her. After her walk, she sat on the couch in the Slytherin Common Room. She heard the sound of a door opening and closing and of someone walking down the stairs. Naturally, she was a curious person, but that night she didn't feel like looking up. Until she felt a weight beside her. She looked up and saw Tom Riddle sitting beside her. He looked beautiful in the green light coming from the fire. She swallowed and looked down. They sat in silence for a bit before Y/N gathered enough courage to utter 5 words. "Why are you avoiding me?" Tom sighed. "Emotions." He said, as if that explained everything. "What do you mean 'emotions'?" She asked, mimicking his deep voice on the last word. "The kiss. I didn't know what to think." He said, not looking away. Y/N sighed. "You should've said something." She said gently. "As I'm sure you know, that is not my forte." He said, finally looking away to study the fire. "Have you...come to a decision?" Y/N asked nervously. Tom shook his head. Then, he turned to look at her. They looked into each others eyes for a bit, before Y/N leaned in and kissed him softly. Realising Tom wasn't going to kiss back, she pulled away and went back up to her dorm, leaving Tom staring after her. She didn't quite know what to make of Tom now. He definitely didn't seem like the boy Dumbledore described him to be. He a normal teenage boy. Y/N tossed and turned that night and woke up tired. Ivy was already up, but she was reading in her bed, still in her pyjamas. "Something happened last night." Y/N blurted out. "Let's go wake up Sag." Ivy said with a small frown.

10 minutes later, they had chased Sag's dormmates  out and were sitting on the floor. Y/N recounted to the two the events of last night. "You need to get over him, Y/N. This isn't good for you. I know you'll have to leave our time soon but....get a boyfriend. Think of it as.....a summer love." Ivy said. "I know some boys that would love to go out with you." Sag added with a smile. "Oh alright. I suppose so." Y/N reluctantly agreed. What had she gotten herself into?

After lunch that Sunday, Y/N found herself on a walk with an incredibly handsome dormmate of Sag's. Charles Berkshire. She was pretty friendly with his son, Lorenzo in her time, and they looked pretty similar. Charles had honey blond hair and light blue eyes. He had a sweet face and a deep voice. And so far, his personality was to die for. Y/N saw potential in him. They sat by the Lake, and talked and laughed. She noticed Tom watching them jealously, but she looked away. This was to distract herself from him. At the end of the 'date' Charles kissed her hand. "Would you like to be my girlfriend?" He asked hopefully. "I- yes." She answered. Then he pulled her in for a kiss. As their lips connected, she realised two things. One, he was a phenomenal kisser, and two, different people kiss in different ways. Tom's kiss was gentle, as was Charles's, but they were completely different, in a way Y/N just couldn't describe.
After the date, Y/N told Ivy about her relationship with Charles. Ivy was really happy for her. Y/N was happy too. Or, she thought she was. Until she lay in bed that night, and realised she much rather be telling Ivy about Tom instead of Charles. Charles was sweet. He was good-looking. He was funny. He really, really liked her. Which is why she was going to stay in a relationship with him. Sure, she was deluding everyone, but it bet being upset about Tom. Nevertheless, Y/N went for a walk around the castle. And once again, she met Tom. Man, did this guy ever sleep? She had snuck into the Great Hall to admire the stars. When she started feeling sleepy, she left the Great Hall. In the Entrance Hall, she almost walked into a tall person. She froze thinking it was a professor, but then recognised Tom's curls. "You and Berkshire, huh?" He asked. "No- I mean yes." Y/N stuttered.  "I tell you I haven't decided how I feel about you and you run off with another guy?" Tom asked, backing her against the wall. "I- no....that's not what's going on." Y/N answered, looking Tom in the eyes. "Then what is?" Tom asked. "Because that's really what it seems like." He said, and licked his lips. Y/N swallowed. "I- I'm doing it to take my mind off you. I was unhappy." Y/N said. "And now you're happy?" He asked. Y/N fell silent. Tom smirked, knowing he had caught her. Then, he kissed her. But it was different to their last kiss. It was rougher. More dominating. Y/N still had her back to the wall, and Tom's hands were on either side of her head. Then, he pulled away and licked his lips. "Meet here at 1am tomorrow night. Don't tell anyone." He said and walked away, leaving Y/N staring into the darkness.

The next morning at breakfast, Y/N was wondering why Tom wanted to meet her. Was it to kiss, like last night, or did he want to make her his first Horcrux. She had to consider everything. Every. Possible. Thing. "Yoohooo! Y/N!" Sag snapped his fingers in front her nose and she flinched. "What were you thinking about?" Ivy asked. "Nothing." Y/N asked. The kiss. Thinking of the kiss, Y/N's lips tingled and she blushed slightly, but no one noticed. During all her classes that day, she sat with Sag, Ivy and Charles. She kept her distance from Tom, and didn't acknowledge him. Not that he acknowledged her either. Then, when the clock on,her nightstand read 00:45, she started heading down to the Entrance Hall. It was getting warmer, so she was in a sports bra and shorts, but she wished she brought one of the hoodies Sag lent her, because it was freezing in the castle. She found Tom waiting for her right where they had kissed the night before. "Good night." Tom murmured, scanning her quickly before looking at her lips. "Good night." Y/N said. She noticed her was wearing a black and green striped pyjama, with a Slytherin hoodie over top. "You're late." Tom said, looking her in her eyes. Y/N quickly checked the time on her watch, and realised it was in fact 5 past 1. "And?" She asked nervously. Tom smirked. Then, he pushed her against the wall and kissed her roughly again. She kissed back, wrapping her arms around his neck. He took her arms away, and pinned them above her head. Then, he pulled away slightly, so their lips were still touching each other, but only slightly. Y/N's lips were on fire. Tom pulled away fully, put he still had her pinned to the wall. He licked his lips and Y/N did too. Tom smirked at the effect he had on her. Then, he released her wrists and kissed her gently. Then, he pulled away, and walked back to the common room, not saying a word. Y/N no longer felt cold. But, as she walked back to the common room, the shivers returned when she remembered Charles. When she was with Tom, she completely forgot about him. That night, and the night before....that was cheating. She was cheating on Charles. She felt bad. Bad, but at the same time, she decided she wasn't going to leave him. Not yet, anyway.

Aaand I'm back, with an interesting chapter, too. A lot happened in this chapter. And I promise, she will get with Tom soon enough. Just not right away.

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