6- Uno

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"But, abuela—"

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"But, abuela—"

She shakes her head disapprovingly, "No pero yo, mi flor. Your parents and I have raised you to be a respectful person."
[Don't but me, my flower]

"But he's an rude asshole." I huff washing the dishes.

She seats my arm walking behind to the cabinet, "No uses ese lenguaje conmigo." She scolds me, "And if your going to curse do it in Spanish, mija."
[Dont use that language with me]

"You're suppose to be on my side. You're making me not want to tell you anything." I grumble like a child, dropping the wet sponge in the sink and drying off my hands.

"You're the one who came here telling me all your problems. Necesitas una terapeuta?"
[Do you need a therapist]

I couldn't help but chuckle, "No, I do not need a therapist. Can't you listen and tell me I'm right?" I lean against the counter turning towards her.

She shakes her head, "It's difficult doing the first thing." She mutters.

I love my abuela, she's my biological father's mom, and taught me half the things I know, including Spanish; though I mostly speak the language with her or sometimes unconsciously.

My mom and father were together she had gotten pregnant and he wanted nothing to do with me, even told her to abort.

My mom being the strong women she is decided she could do it on her own, and even told my abuela about the situation, which she was clueless about.

When my abuela told me the story to say she was livid would be understatement. She couldn't understand how her son could be irresponsible and not take accountability, so she stopped speaking to him.

I know she loves her son very much and would do almost anything for him, but she couldn't understand his lack of empathy.

She visited and help my mom take care of me, and was even there in the labor room with her to support her while she cried and my heart was failing.

Soon enough my mom met my sister's biological dad, Bryce, they fell deeply in love and after three and a half years they had gotten married.

Months after the wedding my baby sister was born, Delani, and Bryce adopted me and treated me like his own.

I'm happy with the family I have and feel sorry for the one who didn't want to be a part of it.

"Ha ha. Hilarious." I deadpanned.

She waves me off, "Como esta mi pequeña artista?"
[How is my little artist]

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