32- Upset

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Never have I ever wanted to gently strangle a person so bad in my life just for them to talk to me

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Never have I ever wanted to gently strangle a person so bad in my life just for them to talk to me.

The lovely man I call my boyfriend has barely talked to me for the last three days. For the last seventy-two hours it been wake up together "Are you okay?" "Did you take your medicine?" "I made you breakfast." "I am going to work." Then he'll spend a few hours at the garage, come back to mines go to sleep together, and repeat.

He willingly comes to my apartment, spends the night, and then barely talks me. I'm going to rip my hair out.

What bothered me even more was I couldn't stop stressing over it, even when I was meditating. That really pissed me off.

Meditation was a time for peace, being at ease, and relaxing oneself, but even then he barges into my mind. In my imagination he doesn't speak though his handsome face appears and I'm left dwelling on how my imagination is far to similar to reality.

Maybe if I run away he'll feel bad and talk to me again.

I scoff at the thought. That was nine-year old me talking after my momma whooped my and I wanted her to feel guilty. Never went through with the whole runaway plan though.

"What do I do? I mean I know need to talk to him, but how do I approach the topic?" I smack, pulling the spoonful of cookie dough flavor ice cream from my mouth and handing Astryd the carton.

"Seduce him. Bribe him." She suggests taking the ice cream from my hand and scoops the dessert with her spoon.

I hum sarcastically, "The essentials of any healthy relationship: seduction and bribery."

We were sitting on my living room floor talking about all that has happened over the few days. The club. The hospital. Carter.

She shrugs, "I wouldn't know. Not in a relationship."

I grab the tub of ice cream from her, "But you're in a love triangle, though. That's gotta count for something."

She waves her spoon slumping against my light grey couch, "Maybe, but I don't even try to seduce or bribe Leo or Sorren. If I did I would be setting them in the category of the men at the strip club, and I care for them to stoop them that low." She sighs, her head tilted back against the couch as she looks up at the ceiling.

I eat a spoonful, "Do they know what happened?" I can already infer her answer but I ask for confirmation.

She scoffs shaking her head, "Absolutely not. As quiet and calm Sorren is he'd lose his shit. Not like Leo would though. Ren would stress himself out." She takes the ice cream as I hand to her.

"I remember one time I had accidentally cut myself making dinner and they went out of their minds. Sorren hates blood so he was panicking while trying to assess the cut at the same time while Leo kept cussing, unhelpfully so, while looking for the first aid. Sorren tried to force me to the hospital and the cut wasn't that deep. Leo wouldn't let me out his sight, Ren kept checking the cut every five minutes, and they hid the knives for weeks." She chuckles, reminiscing, and I got a good look at her.

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