7- Ragedy Ass Car

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I sniffle barging out the door as I take off my gloves throwing them in the bin as tears blur my vision

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I sniffle barging out the door as I take off my gloves throwing them in the bin as tears blur my vision.

I walk to Astryd's  desk at the front, "Can you give the Millers—"

"I got you, babes." She rises from her revolving chair and over to the family.

I sigh rearranging the sunflowers in the vase on her desks

Not long I hear the main door open followed by footsteps and small patters.

"Dr. Taylor."

"Carver?" I sniffle, turning around seeing the man dressed in his usual professional attire, hair neatly combed back as always, holding onto Bumblebee's leach.

His eyes met mine before scanning my face wave his lips subtly flinch downwards for a single second.

"Why are crying? Fucking stop it." His brows furrowed as his jaw clenches.

"No. I'll cry if I damn want to." I let more tears fall out of spite.

He watched tears run down my cheeks with a look of distaste as his movements falter before he wipes my tears with the back of his curled finger, "Hell you crying for?"

An odd feeling coursed through my stomach at his delicate touch though it differs from his harsh phrasing.

"Just got out of surgery. Benji, a Labrador, didn't make it. He was twelve and suffered from blood loss, and we couldn't pinpoint where the puncture was in time, and maybe if I—"

Sometimes I think I have too much sympathy or love for animals.

In high school, during history, they would talk about wars and millions of people that died, but all I could think was: What about the horses?

I just always had more respect for animals than I do for humans. I don't think it'll change.

"Alright." He interrupts me, his hazel irises looking into my brown ones, "I'm sorry about Benji."

"Thank you." I nod wiping my cheek.

"And I'm tired of hearing you talk." He mutters and I roll my eyes ignoring his rudeness taking Bumblebee's leach from his hands.

Odd feeling gone.

She wags her tail excitedly as she stands on her hind legs her front paws on my upper thighs, "Your dad's an asshole. Yes he is, yes he is." I coo scratching behind her ears.

"Don't use that language around her." He glares at me.

"Don't be a hypocrite. I'm pretty sure every time she barks she's cursing by the amount times I heard profanity come from your mouth." I glance up at him from Bumblebee.

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