23- Swimming

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"I would've never thought of you as clumsy

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"I would've never thought of you as clumsy." I mutter glancing up at Carter as I wash the cut that leeks blood from the palm of his hand.

"I like to think I have conquered gravity." He says with a small pout placed on his lips.

Carter had knocked over glass and during his attempt of cleaning up the accident he cut his palm picking up the glass, and instead of attending to his wounds he calls me as I was at my apartment, letting himself bleed out over his sink.

Now we're in his bathroom, with me tending to his wounds, as Bumblebee lays on the ground near the shower.

"If that was the case I wouldn't be here." I scoff, continuing to run his hand under the water.

"Maybe my lack of balance is a good thing then." He voices, his free, non-injured hand holding my waist as his arm wraps around me.

"Maybe that's why you fell for me." I mumble off the faucet, laughing at my own joke.

He smiles.

"It's the only reasonable explanation."

I narrow my eyes at him causing his smile to widen and he chuckles, "I was joking, girasole. There are a variety of different reasons why my heart beats for you." He spoke softly in my ear.

I take a q-tip applying antibiotic ointment to the cut, trying to seem unfazed as the warmth of my cheeks and the flutter in my chest makes it difficult to withhold my smile.

I gently place a bandaid over his cut, making sure it was on correctly.

When I don't to reply to soft spoken words he gently grabs my hand placing it over the left side of his chest, "Feel that? My heart beats in your name. It's yours, if you'll have it."

I felt the quick rhythm under my palm as my hand lays on his warm, tan skin and I couldn't help but think how he's giving his heart, and I all had to offer was broken one.

"You don't want my heart." I state, "It doesn't work like yours."

As my words are left in the air I realize that he  was talking in a figurative sense, I was being literal.

I feel everything the subtle breeze of the air condition, his heart beat under my hand, and I heard mine in my ears

I like to feel, but feeling is one of things that triggers my condition as it leads to emotions I can or cannot handle, and I could shut everyone out, blocking everyone and everything, but I don't.

I rather risk setting my heart off than not feeling at all.

He didn't ask questions, he mutters his words tenderly. "That's okay. It is yours so I will take care of it."

I could feel my heart grow in size with the fluttering in my chest and the warm ease being embedded into my skin from his soft touch.

"I'll have every part of you that you have to offer." I whisper, cupping his face as I stand on the tip of my toes, and he willingly bows his head as I place a kiss on his forehead.

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