3- Salad & Tenders

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"Did you take your meds today?" Astryd ask

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"Did you take your meds today?" Astryd ask.

We're on our lunch break in the hospital's break room eating red velvet cookies I made yesterday with some pesto pasta Astryd made.

We were both dressed in scrubs, mine navy blue with a Spider-Man pin near the collar, and her's a burgundy color. I was sitting on her lap since someone decided to take all the chairs from the break room.

I shake my head taking a bite of pasta, "No, I decided to live on the edge today."

She looked as if she was about to lecture me, but I interject, "Kidding. Yes I took my meds."

She rolls her eyes tapping the side of my hip, "Switch. My legs falling asleep."

I get up taking her spot in the chair and she sits down on my lap, "Do you have plans for today?" I ask.

She turns on my lap looking at me, "Did you forget!? We have the business dinner tonight!"

I groan miserably letting my head fall back closing my eyes, "I was hoping you forgot."

She grasp my face squishing my cheeks manually shaking my head, "Uh uh, babes you're not getting out of it. If I'm going so you're going."

"That doesn't seem fair." I grumble.

"Too bad." She kisses my cheek before getting up off my lap and grabbing a cookie.

"Where are we going to eat?"

"I don't know, some fancy restaurant." She shrugs.

"Can you find out? I need to look at the menu before hand."

"I'll give Leo a call."

When I reach for a cookie she slaps my hand away, "No, you already had one. You're not suppose to have too much sugar anyways." She puts the top back on the cookies and putting them away.

I nod understandingly, "Fair."

Eventually our lunch break ended and we had to go back to work. Walking the to the front desk, half way I heard barking from the entrance.

I had to balance my myself when a golden fur ball nearly jumps on me.

"Hey, Bee." I coo scratching the golden retriever behind her ears, "Here for your check up?"

Someone clears their throat in front of me and my attention was taken away from the energetic puppy.

I suppress a groan when I make eye contact with apple juice guy dressed professionally in a button up with slacks.

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