24- Airport

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Hey babes :)

I find myself enjoying the late hours of my side job of being an amateur bartender at a strip club

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I find myself enjoying the late hours of my side job of being an amateur bartender at a strip club. The prescription I take for my heart condition makes it a struggle to go to sleep and though working isn't gonna make go to sleep automatically, but it gives me something to do while I'm up and tires me out.

The loud, almost sinful environment was something I've gotten use to and sometimes I find myself enjoying the small things like the color of the spotlights above the stage, the intricate designs and lace patterns on lingerie, or the curly citrus peels used as garnishes for drinks.

The smallest things can be the most fascinating simply due to simplicity.

I take note of the green and orange LED spotlights walking into the club, me and Astryd had passed the bar where Tyson was too busy making a customer a drink to notice our presence.

We walk to from the main area of the club to the back where the girls where getting dressed in their outfits, and I couldn't help but notice that they'll had animal prints on their lingerie.

It was a sexy version of a zoo as prints from zebra to cheetah everywhere I looked, and I pretty sure one of the girls gave up dressing in a dark grey silk two piece and told be she was a seal.

Me and Astryd make a beeline to the bosses office knocking before entering.

Blake sat behind his desk looking through some paperwork I won't try to understand and scribbling some things down. The scene reminded me of Carter when I show up at his office and he would usually be doing work before I come and distract him.

He's probably asleep right now.

"Good morning, sir." Astryd smiles greeting the man. It was twelve in the morning.

Blake cringes uncomfortably, "I thought we made an agreement that you wouldn't call me that." I didn't know what it was about the word 'sir' but it seems to make Blake grimace and make all signs of displeasure evident when it's said to him.

"That must've been a one sided agreement." Astryd pauses, "Sir." She grins.

He furrows his brows, "You do know I can fire you?"

Astryd seemed unfazed with her grin remaining, "You wouldn't fire me. I'm your favorite." She says confidently.

I sit on his plain colored couch, relaxing, watching the interaction in amusement.

"I don't have a favorite." Blake tuts shaking his head and Astryd looked at him offended. He continues, "I have two favorites."

His eyes land on me and I smile, which he returns. "Hey, Ivy. It's been a minute." He greets me.

"It's been two weeks. I should be fired." I scoff almost laughing.

"Can't fire you, you're one of my favorites." He chuckles using Astryd words.

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