1: Moving to Nevada

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Nothing made Y/N quite as happy as spending a few hours outside with a sketchbook. He finished up his sketch of the collection of foliage in front of him with a sad smile, as it would be the last time he saw it. He was sitting outside on a bench at the University of North Georgia on the final day of his college career.

After not having made any friends, the only thing Y/N was going to miss was the scenery. Living in the mountains had it's perks, and his sketchbook as well as his folder of digital art grew quickly with drawings of plants and landscapes inspired by what he found around him.

     As he packed up and began to walk back to the parking deck, he thought about his decision to move in with his parents temporarily so he could find a job

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As he packed up and began to walk back to the parking deck, he thought about his decision to move in with his parents temporarily so he could find a job. During the time Y/N was at college, his parents moved from their home in Georgia to a town in Nevada that borders a desert. When he asked why, they just told him it was cheaper to live out there.

Y/N closed the trunk on his SUV and sat down in the driver's seat, mentally preparing himself for the excruciatingly long drive from the East Coast to the the Western US. He knew the roads would all look the same and he would get tired pretty quickly, so he hoped the upbeat music he decided on would be enough to keep him conscious. The longer he drove, the more he became lost in thought about where he would end up, both literally and metaphorically.


Y/N had to park fairly far out from his parents house once he arrived. The last thing he wanted to do was take a hike after so many hours of driving, but it did feel nice to move his legs a little bit. There was dense forest on one side of the town they lived in, and a desert on the other, with no parking in between. The only area to leave cars was a quarter mile out into the forest. How this nowhere town had managed to survive this long was beyond comprehension.

Even worse was the collection of webs that lined the trees, making it look like a Halloween theme park. Y/N had been terrified of spiders as long as he could remember, but hadn't had to deal with them for a long time. He could see his parents' house coming up in the distance, but there was something blocking his way. As he got closer, he saw a massive collection of ropes draped from some of the trees.

"What the hell--" Y/N started, but he stopped talking mid sentence as he touched the ropes with a stick. They were adhesive, and very strongly so. He tried to pull the stick off, but it just broke. Looking up, Y/N finally understood what was in front of him. The 'ropes' were put together in a massive pattern, similar to the other spider webs in the area.

"This better be a bad dream. What kind of monster makes webs as thick as my arm?" He wondered aloud as he decided better of trying to go through them and began looking for a way around. Shuddering, he began walking as he took the long way.


"Y/N! You're here!" His mother shouted as he opened the front door. Y/N meandered around the doorframe, trying to avoid getting his backpack caught on anything.

"Yeah, I made it," he said, "but you might want to check out your spider problem." His mother adorned a confused expression and looked at the man next to her, Y/N's father.

"I know you've got a problem with spiders, but I haven't seen any around here." The man observed. Sighing, Y/N set down his backpack.

"I know there is no way they made all of that in one day, so it must've been a while since you've been in the forest." Y/N countered. His father then mimicked the confused expression his mother displayed.

"Well, I was there just this morning." The man said as he put a finger on his chin. Y/N grimaced and shook his head.

"You might just want to go out there and see for yourself. It's a nightmare." Y/N advised his father. The man nodded and moved to go out the door. In his absence, Y/N dragged his backpack into the spare room his mother pointed out and prepared to shower.

"Y/N," his mother called out, "you might not want to take too long in there, hot water is a commodity around here." Y/N rolled his eyes.

"Your worry is understood, but misplaced. I plan on taking a cold shower anyway." He responded. Y/N ignored whatever his mother said in response as he focused on the sound of the shower water impacting the ceramic floor. He looked out the small window on the back wall of the bathroom, catching just a slight glimpse of the forest. He couldn't see any of the massive webs, but he knew they were there.

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