16. It's Not a Date! (pt. 3)

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The sound of knocking on his door woke Y/N up. Before he could fully gain consciousness, his father walked into the room. No kinds of intelligent thought had graced the son's brain with their presence, given he had just woken up, so he looked up at his father with a groggy confusion.

"Son," the old man sat down on the edge of his bed, causing it to creak and tilt, "if you were going to bring a girl girl home, you could have just told us, you know." The father spoke in an almost hushed tone. Y/N squinted his eyes in a futile attempt to comprehend his father's words better.

"What?" It was all he could manage, groaning as he fiddled with the covers, trying to sit up. His father flipped through his smartphone for a short moment before pulling up a picture. It was so bright that even when the man showed it to Y/N, he had to close his eyes almost all the way to see it. "What is this? I can't even see." As he looked harder, and his eyes adjusted, he could vaguely make out an image of himself in bed, sleeping next to an unconscious Airachnid.

Adrenaline jumpstarted all of his senses as he thought of ways to explain the situation. Before he could sit up to speak, his father stopped him with a hand to his son's shoulder.

"I'll be honest, I don't care at all what you do in your personal life." The old man adorned a serious expression. "However, your mother-" Y/N grimaced, knowing what was coming next. "She has questions." He groaned, more reluctant to get out of bed than he was before.

"I know you don't care, but I still feel the need to tell you that it's not what it looks like." He admitted to his father. The older man just pursed his lips and patted Y/N on the back. As he walked out of Y/N's room, he closed the door silently.

Y/N quickly took his phone off its charger on his nightstand and put in his password. He used Airachnid's contact information for the first time, sending her a text.

Y/N: Where are you?

A few minutes passed

Airachnid: Oh thank Primus, I had forgotten you had my comm link. I'm stuck talking to your carrier, send help.

Y/N sat up instantly and practically sprinted into the kitchen where he heard his mother speaking. Upon hearing his footsteps, she stopped and looked at the doorway. Y/N looked hesitantly at the other side of the table, where he found an exhausted Airachnid. Smiling sheepishly and apologetically at the femme, he sat down at the table.

"Well, what's got you so energetic?" Y/N's mother asked him smugly. He hesitated, unsure what to say, before blurting out an excuse.

"I can explain-" he began, but his mother cut him off.

"No need. Aira already explained." Mentally, Y/N was confused. He had forgotten for a split second what Airachnid's fake human name was. Moreover, what had she explained exactly?

"Oh, alright." Y/N spoke slowly, uncertain. In all honesty, he had no idea whatsoever what Airachnid would have said to make the picture of them sleeping together make sense. Before he could draw any conclusions, his phone vibrated. It was a text from Airachnid, which was strange since he was sitting right next to her.

Airachnid: I told her I just happened to accidentally go into the wrong room while I was tired. I don't think she bought it.

Y/N focused his attention back on his mother, who was looking between him and the femme with a confident expression. He wasn't sure what she was thinking, but it had to involve the prospect of her future grandchildren. He rolled his eyes at the thought, given that Airachnid was an alien, but then he remembered his mother didn't have that little tidbit of information.

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