3. If a Tree Falls and No One Hears It...

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     As stupid as it probably was, Y/N couldn't get over his urge to go back into the forest after his encounter. There had to be something going on in there for a helicopter to make an appearance. A week after the incident, he finally found an excuse to take a walk. Stepping outside, he was relieved to find it wasn't nearly as hot as before.

     Y/N had actually come prepared this time, packing a water bottle and flashlight in case anything went awry, as well as a first aid kid to avoid infection if he were to be injured. He had found out the last two times he was in the forest that it had plenty of dangerous things to offer him. Aligning himself in the direction of the encounter from a week ago, Y/N set off, hoping to find something interesting. Preferably something harmless.

     As he neared the small clearing from before, he could tell that things were different. Some of the trees in the surrounding area had burn marks, and others were broken or knocked completely over. There was sharp metal debris all over the ground, and patches of the forest floor were burned away. As he found his way around some particularly difficult trees that had been knocked over, Y/N noticed something much more curious than some damaged trees. The helicopter from that day, or at least one very similar, had crash landed into the side of the clearing, pushing up against a few trees that dangled at a precarious angle.

     "Holy shit, what happened here?" Y/N wondered aloud. As he made his way closer to the fallen vehicle, one of its propellors twitched, and the same voice he heard from the other day spoke out to him again.

     "Stay back! This is no time to be testing my patience, bug!" It seemed whoever was in there was stuck, and was likely hostile. Y/N decided he needed to diffuse his or her - probably her - anger if he wanted to be of any assistance.

     "I apologize if I startled you, but I'm not here to do any harm. I didn't realize there was still someone stuck inside there. Are you injured?" He hoped that would be sufficient, but it just seemed to make the downed pilot angrier.

     "Do I not look injured to you, meatbag?" She angrily spat. Confused, Y/N spoke impulsively in response.

     "How would I know, I can't see inside your banged up ride!" He practically shouted back. "And besides, there's no need to call me names. If you don't want my help just say so." After a moment, he sighed and made to turn around when the pilot spoke again.

     "Why are you here?" The anger in her voice has softened a little, but was still present in the aftertaste of her words.

     "I was curious what happened after you intruded on my leisurely stroll a week ago." Y/N turned back to give the pilot a sideways glare, though he wasn't sure if he was being seen. A sound almost like a hum of recognition came from the loud speaker.

     "Ah, it all makes sense now," the pilot reasoned, "it was you who was in the way of my Energon deposit so many solar cycles ago." Y/N snorted in confusion, now fully turned towards the vehicle, a gesture that went seemingly unnoticed.

     "So it was you." Y/N started the obvious, deciding to ignore the strange words she used. The pilot grunted through the speaker, seemingly frustrated by his slow mind.

     "You said you came out of curiosity, yes? How about we make a deal." The pilot drawled. Y/N raised his eyebrows. She continued, "If I tell you all about what is in front of you, you will help me in return for the sparing of your life." Y/N couldn't help but let out a laugh at that.

     "Not that you seem to be in any position to threaten my life to begin with, stuck inside that thing, but I was planning on helping you anyway." He figured he should at least present a confident front to whoever was inside, as that way he would be more likely to get the full story out of her. The pilot simply huffed through the speaker and corrected him.

     "First of all, fleshie, you have no idea what kind of danger you are in right now, just standing there. Second, once you find out exactly what you will be helping me with, I will likely need to threaten your life to get you to comply." The pilot seemed satisfied with her speech, but Y/N smirked, realizing his opportunity.

     "Well then, if it's so dangerous, how about I just leave right now." He smugly turned around and began walking. He got exactly the reaction he was expecting.

     "Wait!" The pilot practically shouted through the speaker, though miraculously it caused no static or peaking. There was a tense moment of silence before Y/N spoke again.

     "How about this, you crazy bitch. Instead of your terrible deal, I make one of my own. First of all, you're going to tell me exactly what happened here. Second, you must be pretty important to be holed up inside that thing in the middle of the forest, so you'll owe me a favor, and I can request anything within the boundaries of the law. If you agree to both of those things, then I will help you. Deal?" Y/N breathed a deep, shaky breath. As confident as his words were, he was still a little shaken by the shouting. Following another tense moment of silence broken by grumbles through the pilot's speaker, she finally spoke again.


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