4. A Decepticon Shaped Problem

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     "Rub your eyes as many times as you like, human, it's not going to rearrange my atoms into something more palatable for your miniscule processor." Y/N looked up at what used to be a helicopter, but was now something unbelievable and terrifying.

     "I know I promised I wouldn't freak out, but-," Y/N started, but before he could finish, the giant waved her arms in a gesture to silence him. She sighed and let her head sag in frustration. Y/N could only stare in shock.

     "I promise I've heard it all before from your kind, so instead of letting you pester me with questions, how about you get me what I need, and I'll explain once you get back." The giantess seemed frustrated, and with no better options that didn't end with a beheading, Y/N kept quiet. "Two things, fleshbag, one much more difficult than the other." Y/N nodded, and when she glanced down at him, he stood up straighter and responded.

     "Yes... ma'am?" He tried cautiously. She grinned mischievously despite her predicament.

     "Good guess," the titan chided, "and before you do something stupid with that disgusting voice box of yours, bring something to cut up this tree I'm stuck in." She looked down again to make sure Y/N had understood. He simply nodded and swallowed phantom saliva that wasn't present in his desert dry mouth. "Once you return, we'll discuss your second task." When she seemed finished with her statement, Y/N forced his body to start moving as he turned around and started to walk back to the house. Just as he was contemplating ways to get out of his predicament, his new acquaintance spoke up again.

     "Oh, before you go," she began as Y/N turned back around to face her, only to find something flying towards his face, "do take this with you. Not as if I'm giving you a choice." When the object made contact with his hands, which he had put up instinctively to protect his head, Y/N felt a crawling sensation and then a burning pain in his spine.

     "What-" he began but was cut off again.

     "It's a tracker. Don't bother trying to leave me stranded or tell anyone about your little situation. Trust me, I'll know." Y/N's eyes were closed shut from the pain, but if he had to guess, the metal giantess was likely smirking at him and his feeble attempts to claw at the device now embedded in his back.

     After collecting himself, he finally regained his composure enough to stand and walk. Deciding there was nothing he could say to better his situation, Y/N just began walking in the direction of his house, willing his legs to move every step of the way.

     Upon reentering the house, Y/N's parents rushed to him with concerned expressions. Their worry was only heightened when they saw how exhausted he was.

     "Son, where on Earth have you been? I've tried to call you about a million times, but it kept telling me you were unavailable." For the first time in a while, his father's words were laced with genuine confusion, fear and even anger. Y/N couldn't even look up to meet his father's stare.

     "I need a chainsaw." Y/N said weakly. His father brushed it off and tried to nudge him further into the house. As if in warning, Y/N felt a sharp pain in his back. With more strength this time, and the most serious expression he could muster, he tried again.

     "Dad, I need a chainsaw. Immediately." Y/N tried to hide the fear in his voice, but his father clearly didn't miss it. The man stood up straighter, and responded in a matter-of-fact tone.

     "Best I can do is an axe, bud." He said with a hint of sorrow in his eyes. He seemed to realize that whatever Y/N had gotten himself into, he needed to get himself out of. Y/N just sighed and motioned for the man to show him to the shed.

     Meanwhile, his mother didn't seem satisfied.

     "Now hold on a minute, John, our boy comes back looking like a wreck and you're just going to send him on his way? What is wrong-" Whatever Y/N's mother was going to say was cut off as his dad handed him the keys to the shed and whispered to him.

     "I'll keep her busy, just come back in one piece, alright?" For the first time in a while, Y/N felt his father give off real fatherly energy. He just nodded in acknowledgement of the old man's sacrifice and made his way to the shed.


     Airachnid stared intently at the edge of the small forest clearing, knowing her little errand bug would be back shortly. In a few minutes, he had crossed the distance to her and stood, exhausted, but very much present. Putting aside her exhaustion from Energon loss and internal damage, Airachnid did her best to sound arrogant.

     "So, you came back after all." The femme mused, a genuine smile playing at her lips as she analyzed his rudimentary tool. Instead of the retort she was expecting, the bug asked a rather out of place question.

     "You never told me your name." It spoke as if it even had a right to know. Bold words, but ones she would have to put up with if she hoped to get off of this Primus forsaken rock at some point. There would be no help coming from the Deceptions after she betrayed Megatron and stole a relic, and there would be no sympathy from the Autobots, so long as Arcee had a say in the matter. So this little fleshie would have to do. After a pause, The giantess responded.

     "My designation," she spat with disgust, as if she were teaching a sparkling something rudimentary and basic while she corrected the human, "is Airachnid."

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