6. Exchanging Numbers, Twice

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     After yet again having to make excuses to his parents for his continued absence, Y/N had driven his car out to the coordinates Airachnid instructed him to be at. As soon as he got there, he got a call, and his phone vibrated in his pocket. It was Airachnid, which he could tell by the caller ID. She had tapped into his phone before he left, and he grimaced as he answered.

     "I'm here." Y/N said shortly. He heard static for a moment before his caller responded.

     "I know, little one. Be careful, the blue Autobot is dangerous. It would be best if she didn't come at all, but neither of us can control that." Y/N nodded, even though she couldn't see him. After a moment, a huge swirling, green disc appeared in the air in front of Y/N.

     "Holy mother of-" He stopped talking as an absolutely massive red and blue Autobot stepped out of what Y/N assumed was a portal. Airachnid clearly left out some details, and just as he thought to ask, she hung up on him. He was on his own.

     The bot, who Y/N knew was Optimus Prime from his crash course with the titaness, said nothing at first, and just looked down at the man. It made him nervous in a way Airachnid could not. Shortly afterward, a rotund green Autobot stepped through as well, and his reaction was significantly less calm.

     "A human? What on Earth is it doing here? This is the place, right Prime?" The green one, who Y/N knew was Bulkhead, set the precedent of confusion for the rest of the bots as well as they walked through the portal.

     "What do we do with it?" A small blue bot, Arcee, spoke up. Y/N scowled as he recognized Airachnid's rival. He was unsure why he felt some protective urge when it came to the psychopath ex-Decepticon, but it was certainly there when looking at Arcee. He did not like her one bit. Before anyone else could speak up, Y/N decided he needed to establish his presence, as well as end the confusion.

     "I'm the middle man you were told about in the message." When it registered in the Autobots' "processors" that he was working with Airachnid, they were just as surprised as he would expect.

     "You," a white bot spoke up from the back of the group, who Y/N identified as Ratchet, "a human? You're Airachnid's liaison?" He was astonished. Y/N couldn't blame him.

     "Like it or not, I've got your coordinates, and you've got my Energon. No questions necessary." Y/N did his best to sound confident. The bots looked at each other, not exactly certain how to proceed.

     "He's right. Ratchet, prepare a Ground Bridge, we must ensure the human is giving us accurate coordinates." The leader spoke up, clearly holding back his suspicions about Y/N for the possibility of getting his servos on the relic. Y/N didn't even know enough to know what the relic was. He did know, however, that the big bot was ahead of himself.

     "You didn't think I was going to give you the coordinates before I got my hands on the Energon, did you?" Y/N tilted his head in mock confusion as he spoke, taking Airachnid's advice to heart about being overconfident in front of the Prime. Ratchet stopped typing on his device and looked up to bear witness to the human who was acting so high and mighty above his magnificent leader. Y/N had no respect for the Autobots, if not because of what Airachnid told him about them, then because of the way they were acting in front of him, as if Optimus were a saint. "It's not like I can turn tail and run once I get it." Y/N reasoned.

     The massive mech pondered Y/N's words for a moment before nodding at one of the Autobots. As he stepped forwards, Y/N realized two things. One, this was Bumblebee, the one who couldnt speak. Two, he was holding a tray with at least ten Energon cubes. They were massive, each one reaching a little higher than Y/N's waist. The scout set the tray down next to Y/N and then looked at him expectantly. Y/N nodded and gave the Autobots the coordinates in return.

     "Autobots, Ground Bridge to the coordinates, and be prepared in case it is a trap." Optimus turned as he spoke to his faction. "I will remain here to ensure the human does not leave with the Energon until you have commandeered the relic. Understood?" The rest of the bots nodded as a portal opened up behind them, which they then walked through, weapons out. Just then, it occurred to Y/N that he hadn't seen whether Airachnid had any weapons herself. He assumed she did, but she hadn't pulled them on him yet, which he was grateful for.

     Once all of the Autobots had left, the Prime turned back and faced the man. Y/N had some questions to ask him while he was alone, but the bot spoke first.

     "What is your name?" He asked. Y/N gave it to him, and in response, Optimus nodded. "I assume you will not enlighten me about your situation." He reasoned. Y/N just nodded before asking a question of his own.

     "All Cybertronians have integrated communications, correct?" Y/N asked, and in response the Prime nodded. "Could you patch my phone to yours?" Y/N asked. "For security reasons." He added. He hoped he could rely on the Prime in case Airachnid became a threat to his life. He knew about Optimus' declaration to protect humanity, and Y/N hoped it extended to him.

     "I don't understand why you would align yourself with a vile being such as Airachnid, but I will not deny I have my suspicions about whether or not she threatened you. If having a way out by contacting me is what you desire for security, so be it." He nodded as he spoke, keeping his stern expression. He was silent for a moment, but it was broken by the voice of Arcee coming from his comm link.

     "Optimus, we have the relic."

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