2. The Itsy Bitsy Helicopter

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(I promise I'm working on it I'm just a slow writer - DB)

~The next day~

     It was nothing short of three digits of Fahrenheit flavored suffering outside, and Y/N wanted to do absolutely anything other than take a step into it. Unfortunately, his father had different plans.

     "If you plan on sitting around our house doing nothing but applying for jobs for the next couple of months, you can at least help us maintain it." The man sternly spoke. Y/N just rolled his eyes and grabbed one of the pitchforks his father had brought out. As the two made their way behind the house, Y/N spoke up.

     "What're we doing with these anyway?" Y/N asked. His dad just looked at him for a moment and then pointed ahead and above the path they were on. As Y/N's eyes drifted upwards to match his father's line of sight, he noticed the all too familiar white webs dangling from the same spot he saw them yesterday. It seemed like there were less of them, but before he could ask why, his father walked over to a pile of the webs lying on the ground next to the path.

     "So that's what you were doing yesterday." Y/N noted aloud. His father nodded.

     "That's right, and today you're going to be helping me clear the rest of them out." Realizing what he had gotten himself into, Y/N groaned with discontent and shuffled on his feet. After collecting himself, he joined his father at the pile and began to sweep the webs down into the vile collection, stomaching his disgust as well as he could.


     Meanwhile, a pair of eyes watched the father-son pair through the trees with curiosity.


     "What on Earth is that boy going to do with a graphic design degree?" A male voice asked from the other room, trying and failing to whisper. Y/N had accidentally overheard his parents discussing his future, and try as he might, he can't help but agree with them somewhat.

     Instead of staying to listen to something he already thought about many times before, Y/N decided it would be better to take a walk and clear his mind. The sun had gone down, so it had cooled off since earlier in the day, and the forest was a much more inviting place. Y/N slipped his shoes on and began aimlessly walking away from the house, no goal in mind.

     The plants around Y/N that caught his eye joined the others in his sketchbook. A few of them he recognized from his time in Georgia, but many were foreign to him. While a lot of the foliage was dead and brown, or a dark green, there was one interesting plant that had bright red leaves. After about an hour of walking, he got a call from his dad.

     "Hey" Y/N spoke unenthusiastically. He heard movement on the other end of the line, but no voices. "You there?" Y/N spoke again.

     "Where did you run off to?" The man's gruff voice assaulted Y/N's ears through the phone speaker. Y/N sighed, not fully sure how to answer.

     "I'm outside, why?" He chose not to divulge why he left or how long he had been out if it wasn't necessary. Y/N heard background noise created by what he presumed was the TV his dad was likely watching.

     "Maybe you shouldn't be, it's pretty dark." He seemed only a little concerned. Y/N looked around at the ever darkening landscape and found he agreed.

     "Yeah, maybe. Hey, look, I know it seems like I'm just leeching right now, but have a little confidence in me." Y/N tried to sound reassuring. "I'm on my way back right now, okay? See you in a bit." He hung up the phone and sighed, taking another look around to determine the best path back.

     Before Y/N could make a decision, there was a bass-y rumbling all around him that slowly got louder. He looked up and saw the faint outline of a sleek, small helicopter that was above and to one side of him about fifty yards. He quickly hid behind a nearby tree, not wanting to show himself but also curious about what it was doing out here.

     "There's no point hiding, little fleshling, I can see you." A syrupy feminine voice rang out, sounding almost like it was from a loud speaker. Y/N assumed it was coming from the sleek airborne vehicle that just arrived. "Scurry on out of here if you would like to keep your puny little life, I have no interest in your kind today." The voice spoke again.

     Eyes wide and adrenaline high, Y/N turned towards his parents' house and ran without looking back. Whoever was in that helicopter clearly knew he was there and did not have the patience to bother with him, which he was grateful for. However, he still couldn't lose that curious feeling he had. Why would either a military vehicle or someone of high status (he couldn't decide which) be all the way out in the forest in a helicopter?

     With no interest in losing his life or a few limbs, Y/N made a decision to wait a day or two before going back to that spot in the forest to check it out.

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