23. Moving Parts

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     The instant Airachnid was clear of the Nemesis' dock, she flew straight towards the nearest cluster of clouds. With no time to dwell on what had just happened inside the cursed warship, the femme was aware that all the Decepticon leader cared about was retrieving Soundwave safely from her death grip. Once she was no longer dangerous, he would try to get his way regardless of his little deal, sending his loyal minions after her.

     She needed to get a territorial advantage as quickly as possible. Somewhere speed didn't matter, where getting an edge over other fliers was done with maneuverability. A thick cloud would do the trick, and it was a miracle one was nearby. The femme could hear the jets of Vehicons behind her, and realizing she needed to act fast, she flew straight up into a cloud.


     Knockout had just finished cleaning one of his surgical blades when he heard pedesteps outside of the medical bay. It was yet another vehicon.

     "Just how many of you are damaged? I'm going to unionize if--" His sentence was cut short once he turned around and saw what the vehicon was holding. "Ah, if it isn't our little bug. I'm still unsure how you got out of here, but regardless..." he held up a very sharp needle to accentuate his point, "I've got just the thing for you."

     "Megatron would like me to relay that you are to use stronger restraints on the human this time." The vehicon spoke up as it set the disgusting fleshie down on Knockout's pristine countertop.

     "I just cleaned that." He glared at the vehicon, but he or she (he couldn't tell which, even though just about every other Decepticon had figured out the difference by now) had already turned to leave, marching out of the medical bay. "You." Knockout pointed to his future experiment, "How did you get out of your restraints?" The tiny creature seemed to have an inner conflict with itself before answering.

     "Airachnid got me out." It finally answered, much to Knockout's surprise. In fact, the doctor just let out an uncontrolled chuckle.

     "I'll give it to you, it may have taken your fleshie brain a while to come up with that one, but it was funny." Knockout grabbed the creature and pinned it onto the medical berth once more. This time, he applied double the restraints, just to be sure.

     "I'm going to die anyway, why would I make things up?" The insolent creature continues to prod at the mech's patience.

     "Listen carefully, maggot," Knockout turned to face the human, pointing at it in frustration, "the day Airachnid risks her life to save someone else, let alone a human, I might as well paint myself gray and jump off the Nemesis, because I'd have have grown a pair of Starscream's wings! Don't waste my time with your mindless nonsense. Besides, how did you even get on this ship in the first place? I remember Soundwave picked you up, but not why." The red mech waited expectantly for a response, but one never came.

     "You wouldn't believe me." The human spoke after a while.

     "Oh let me guess," Knockout rolled his optics, "you and your best buddy Airachnid were just hanging out, playing cards, and Soundwave happened to ruin your perfectly good day together? Because you're right, I wouldn't believe you. One of Prime's stupid mascots would know better than to play nice with that sociopath." The Deception turned back towards his tools, looking for something absentmindedly.

     "That's not a bad guess, but I'm not one of 'Prime's mascots'. In fact, I only met the big rig because of Airachnid." That piqued Knockout's interest. Never had one of the humans denied involvement with the Autobots. They usually wore it like a disgusting badge of honor.

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