15. It's Not a Date! (pt. 2)

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Airachnid slept for a total of ninety-five minutes, the end of which was marked by a sleepy groan from the femme. She sat up, having fallen all the way down into Y/N's lap while she slept, and stretched her arms. Her eyes were assaulted by the sunlight as they opened, so she shielded them with her hand.

"What happened?" She asked out of sleepy confusion. Y/N took his earbuds out, which he had been using to listen to music while Airachnid slept, and answered.

"You passed out after laser tag." She looked at him incredulously, eyelids still droopy.

"So, what, I've just been recharging outside? How could you let me put my guard down?" Airachnid tried her best to look angry, but he could tell she was still exhausted. She must have only woken up out of some kind of instinct.

"You were tired, and there's no imminent danger. Plus, I can tell you're still not fully recharged." Y/N argued. She just groaned in protest. He stood up, motioning for her to follow. She glared at him for a moment, and instead of standing, stubbornly crossed her arms.

"How long was I laying like that?" Airachnid began to speak a little quieter, and there was a reddish tint to her cheeks. She sat looking at the ground for a while before Y/N answered her. He smiled at her change of attitude before answering.

"About an hour and a half." He said simply, as if he were just talking about the weather. It made her even more frustrated.

"Why did you just sit there for that long?" She looked up at him from where she sat, eyes wide and the blush still on her face, creeping onto her ears. Y/N had to turn away. That feeling he was having, the one he really wanted to go away, flared up like wildfire when the femme looked at him like that. The blush, the eyes, the pout, he couldn't handle it. It was his turn to redden.

"Look, I didn't have anything better to do, alright?" He was just making excuses. He had plenty of better things to do, but he wanted the moment to last as long as possible. Therefore, he had sat there, as still as possible, for as long as he could. Currently, both Y/N and Airachnid were avoiding eye contact, finding the ground and the surrounding buildings incredibly interesting. "Do you want to run laser tag again before we leave?" The femme finally looked at him at that, a smile forming on her face. In an instant, it disappeared, replaced with a concerned frown.

"Don't you have to pay for that every time?" She asked with a serious tone. Y/N just shrugged in return.

"It's not that bad, plus it's worth seeing the smile on your face after you cause mass carnage to the other players." He answered honestly. He was so caught up in his thoughts, remembering their last few games, that he failed to notice Airachnid's entire face had turned red, which she was trying to hide with her hood.

"I wouldn't mind going again."


"Arcee, what's the matter?" The ever-calm leader of the Autobots expressed his concern for the blue two-wheeler. Arcee turned to face him, a bit surprised by the question.

"How'd you know something was wrong?" She asked him, curious. The bigger bot thought for a moment.

"You've just been looking stressed today." He explained. Arcee took a moment before answering, looking once again around the base. The children were absent, as they had other commitments. Ratchet was tinkering with the Ground Bridge, and Bulkhead and Bumblebee were both scouting. It was rather peaceful with so many members of the team out, though she did miss the chaos.

"As much as I didn't think I would mind the new guy taking Airachnid on a human field trip, I think my processor is having trouble shaking the worry I have about it." Arcee confessed. Optimus nodded in understanding.

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