Chapter 10

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"Go away, Doma," Akaza snarled.
"Oh but, Akaza-dono, aren't we best friends? And best friends can trust each other with anything!" Doma said. Fumiko could tell that Akaza was not friends with this maniac.
"Doma, you were not invited to this conversation," Muzan hissed.
"Oh but Muzan-sama, it was boring back at my cult, so I came here instead," Doma said.
"They told you, didn't they? Leave," Fumiko said.
"Oh, who's this?" Doma asked. "Hello, I'm Doma! What's your name?"
"None of your business," Fumiko said coldly.
"Aww, why's everyone so mean to me?" Doma asked. "Can't we just have a little fun?"
"Doma...please leave..." Kokushibo said.
"Fine, but you have to tell me everything afterwards!" Doma said, smiling and waving as he walked away.
"So what is it?" Muzan asked.
"So you see, in short, I left and went to Yoriichi and learnt sun breathing and became a slayer then a hashira and then trained a boy named Tanjiro to do sun breathing and then we went on the train and killed Lower 1 and then Akaza came and took me to Muzan who told Nakime to take me here," Fumiko explained.
"Sun breathing...from... my brother...Yoriichi?" Kokushibo confirmed.
"Yes," Fumiko answered.
"Why Yoriichi?" Muzan asked. "No, why leave at all? Wasn't life perfect for you here?"
"Until you said that thing, yes," Fumiko agreed.
"What thing? What did I say? Tell me, Fumiko," Muzan said.
"Um, you called me a brat and told me you didn't want to see or speak to me again," Fumiko said.
"It was the opposite," Muzan protested. "You warmed my cold heart and soothed me when I was angry. I was just... too angry. I didn't want to speak to anyone, but that day, without you beside me, I felt like an empty shell. I wanted something. I wanted you. Not just for you to come back, I wanted to keep you. Forever. And I still do," Muzan admitted.
"I want to too, Muzan," Fumiko said.
"I...don't think... I'm supposed to be listening..." Kokushibo said uncertainly.
"It's alright," Muzan said. "Now, Fumiko, you can help us beat the demon slayers!"
"Muzan-sama?" a soft voice said. They turned to see a girl with pins in her hair and the words 'Upper 6' engraved on her eyes.
"Daki," Muzan greeted. "This is Fumiko."
"Hello Daki," Fumiko said.
"Ew, you're not a demon!" Daki squealed. "What's with her?"
Muzan glared at her, but Fumiko smiled. "You're right, I'm not a demon. At least, not fully. I'm a half demon. The daughter of Akaza," Fumiko explained.
"Impossible!" Daki exclaimed. "No way!"
"Yes way," Fumiko grinned.

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