Just the Way I Think

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This is just me dumping on my mindset because I have weird thoughts and none of my friends care to hear them. (+ me projecting onto Jake for almost the whole oneshot)

Devon's POV:

  It's weird how someone else can see the world differently than you. Some people see the world in black and white, others see in color. Sometimes I think that's how Jake sees the world, everything is black and white for him but the things he loves. When he looks at cats, he can see their full color, their full potential. But when he looks at a book, he can't see any color, it's all faded. That may sound weird, and it probably is. But that's just me.

  You can see a color differently than everyone else. What if red isn't actually red? What if blue isn't blue and it's actually purple? Who are we to tell? What if it's red to me but it's blue to them? Who are we to decide what a color is?

  I feel like everyone's thought of this, but, what is the true meaning of life? Why was I chosen to be here? I realize, I'm almost done with school. I'll graduate, get a job, grow old, and eventually, I'll know what it feels like to die, and I'll know what the afterlife is like. Maybe I'll become a ghost. For some reason, Lexy thinks the concept of ghosts are stupid. I don't get it. If you really pay attention, there's so many things that don't add up, what if it was a ghost that changed it?

  Jake thinks art is extremely important. He enjoys going to art museums to look at the art people have created. He can look at some painting and say "oh this painting represents loneliness." I've never been able to understand. He'll do the same with music. He pays attention to the lyrics and he'll be able to tell me what the song is about and what they are feeling. I think it's crazy but not everyone is the same. He sees things differently than I do, and I don't have to problem with that. Actually, I find it rather cute. Art means everything to him and it makes me happy to see how much he enjoys it! It's impressive, the things he can point out. Even though I think he's going blind.

It's weird how everyone can think so differently and how differently we can understand and comprehend things. Me, I really like reading. That's always been my thing. I'm able to read anything at anytime. Jake, he usually needs a visual. Like if a book has a movie, I'll read the book and he'll watch the movie. He can't read anything that doesn't interest him. He can't concentrate when he reads and it confuses him. He doesn't understand anything that's going on and it's always just been hard for him. Lexy, I'm not really sure. Sometimes she'll read, other times she'll watch a movie. I think it really depends on her interests as well. Maybe what she's in the mood for. She's too confusing and complexed for us to keep up with.

  I'm convinced that Jake thinks of Conan Gray and music eighty-percent of the time, ten-percent me and Lexy and ten-percent half of the things I think of. That may sound crazy but only if you knew how much he talked about Conan and whoever else's music he listens to, you'll come up with the same hypothesis. Sometimes I think he loves music more than he loves me. But that's just my observation. I guarantee that he thinks the same way I do. 

  I don't understand how someone can be homophobic, racist or anything. They act like that is something they can control. I didn't choose to be black and gay. I don't choose to be a man. Just like how some people didn't choose to be transgender, or a women. It doesn't make any sense to me. How can you judge somebody for the way they love someone, or who they love. How can you judge someone by their race and sex? If people could change those things about themselves, I'm sure, a lot of them would. I can't change the way I am! They can't change the way they are! So, why should we change at all? Why should we cross paths just to argue and be hateful?

  I believe I'm too nice. Yeah, maybe I can be mean to Lexy and some of my old friends as a joke. But they understand it's a joke and I don't mean anything! And I stand up for myself, I enforce my boundaries and I can be mean to people who deserve it. But, no matter how much someone hurts me. Like my old friend, he would be so mean to me, I tried telling him that I didn't like how he was treating me and he still continued. He hurt me, I didn't like being around him. But, I was still always there to help him with his projects in class, I was always nice to him. I don't get why. I can be mean to anyone else. I told him that I don't think we should be friends anymore. And that's where we left off. I haven't seen him since.

I don't really know what I'm doing right now. Im supposed to be asleep, Jake somehow is. But my mind is just all over the place. I think about this and think about that just a second later. My mind can switch subjects so quickly. Is this what Jake does when his insomnia keeps him awake? Seems a bit boring and tiring, just keeping up with everything you think about in a day, what you did today, what you ate. It's all so exhausting! My eyes are heavy, but I'm not tired. I can feel Jake move in his sleep.

"Dev, are you okay?" Jake says, drowsily, he's looking up at me with tired eyes.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just, not tired." I respond.

"Hm." He hums, laying back down and cuddling into my side, falling back asleep almost instantly.

  Maybe I do really need some sleep. I lay back down and cuddle into Jake, closing my eyes, hoping for sleep to pass by soon.

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