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Luna snulk after the Dwarves as they made their way to the camp. The Light Fury had accepted the proposal of joining the Company.

She wanted no payment because being with her friend was enough. During the journey the next day, some of the dwarves started to warm up to her. after all, who wouldn't? Luna had that playful air around her, which made her hard to ignore. Even Thorin was having a hard time giving the dragoness the cold shoulder.

The way she gurgled with laughter when one of the dwarves told her something funny or when she found Bilbo's shyness cute. It made it hard. Her heart was gold, never once holding a grudge toward anyone. Gandalf was happy that his old friend had fitted so fast into teh mass of dwarves, the people who swore they would hate dragons forever.

But here they are, warming up to one of the most, if not the most, dangerous dragons ever recorded in history.

Soon enough, later that very day, somewhere in teh afternoon, the company came across a run-down farmhouse. The white dragoness recoiled at the smell of the foul creatures that had torn apart this poor place.

Gandalf was worried, for if his old friend sensed something dangerous, then it was. If her smell weren't enough to hold the creatures at bay, they were all in danger.

"I think it would be wiser to move on. We could make for the Hidden Valley." the grey wizard said as he and Luna walked over to thorin. teh Dwarf grumbled, and the white dragon lolled her head to the right. "I have told you already; I will not go near that place." the Dwarf growls.

"why not?" the dragoness croons. Thorin throws her a stern look and turns his back on the two. Gandalf sighs, patting his friend's shoulder.

"go to bilbo Luna. Keep a watch on him," the wizard said, and Luna snorted, her snout scrunching up, but she soon bounded off at the wizard's orders. This left the two males alone.

"Luna is right; why not? The elves could help us. We could get food, rest, advice." Thorin turns to glare at the wise wizard. "I do not need their advice." he snaps. Gandalf sigh through his nose. his patience is starting to run thin.

This Dwarf is more pigheaded than any other Dwarf he has ever met.

"We have a map that we cannot read. Lord Elrond could help us." he tries, but this is only answered with a cold, withering glare. "Help? A dragon attacks Erebor; what help comes from the Elves? Orcs plunder Moria and desecrate our sacred halls; the Elves look on and do nothing. You ask me to seek out the people who betrayed my grandfather and my father." the dwarf king snarls.

Gandalf bit his cheek and pressed, "You are neither of them. I did not give you that map and key to hold on to the past."

That only gets a witty remark. Gandalf keeps his anger in check, storming off huffing. Luna pops up beside him, her pale blue eyes wide. "Everything alright?" she asks. Gandalf stops for a minute before looking at her and giving her a pat on the snout.

"I'm fine; I just had enough dwarves for one day." He storms further on. Luna hangs back before glancing back at the dwarves meeting Thorin's eyes. Her eyes fled to how her old friend had left, but she followed him.

Someone had to protect the Dwarves, and it could be her.

So with a hanging head, she walks back into camp, her tail trailing in the shrubbery.


Angry growls and hisses filled the air as Luna charged at the wanton trolls of old.

They tried to bash her skull with a frying pan, but nothing touched her iridescent scales, and her fire of lavender left her maw. Finally, the trolls were to the ground, limp as a fish on land. 

The Dwarves started owilesly as the dragon they had come round to accept land in the clearing softly as a bird on a branch. Her blue eyes were burning with a glow that caused even Thorin to draw back. 

She turned her burning gaze to her company, and her fire softened her pupils, dilating. Her wings ruffled, and she slithered over her teeth, hooking the fabric of the sacks the dwarves had been so coarsely thrown into. 

Soon out and freed of those prisons, the dwarves started to thank the dragon, who smiled and sat down, washing her nails and waiting for the grey wizard to turn up. She had heard his footsteps and smelled his scent before she had gone feral. 

He would come, and sure he did soon enough. 

He then had a conversation with Thorin; one Luna found herself paying little attention to. Before they knew it, they were on their way again, this time in the reach of something smelly. 

Luna let out a shriek of disgust when they reached the troll hoard and flapped her ivory wings. Gandalf calmed her as much as he could, placing a hand on her snout and brushing her cheek "stay here old friend. you needn't go in there," he told her, and the cat-like dragoness hummed before giving him a lick and curled up to keep watch outside. 

The dwarves soon found themselves gagging at the smell, but they all filed inside. 

Gandalf and thorin find glittering dusty swords made by no troll or man. 

"These were forged in Gondolin by the High Elves of the First Age," Gandalf says as he studies the relics in his hand with awe. throin, on the other paw, does not. Instead, he sneers at the fine weapon sliding it back into its health.  "You could not wish for a finer blade." Gandalf scolds before Thorin turns to face his friends and calls them out. 

When they come out of the cave, Luna greets them with a cackling, her spine flaring and blinking in the sunlight, a fine display of color and beauty. 

Such beauty no one has ever seen before. 

But the dwarves get no time to awe at her companion, for the snap of branches gets the dragon's attention, and a sharp hiss leaves her throat, her eyes turning to slits, and a pounce later, a man is down and nearly burned to death. 

~ ▬▬ι═══════ﺤ ~

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