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"Luna, no!" Yelled a voice in the dragon's ears, and she swallowed her ball of fire and cooed, looking back at Gandalf, who was walking to her at a brisk pace

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"Luna, no!" Yelled a voice in the dragon's ears, and she swallowed her ball of fire and cooed, looking back at Gandalf, who was walking to her at a brisk pace.

He tugged at her smooth wing, saying she should get off. Then, with another coo, luna stepped off the brown-clad lad, who sputtered as Gandalf helped him to his feet again.

"G-Gandalf, don't tell me I'm the only one seeing this?" He asked, his face a frenzy of emotions. Luna scrunched her snout and sat down, wrapping her long tail aorund her.

Gandalf smiled "no, my freind, you are not. This is luna, the last Light Fury and my old freind." He said, gesturing to the dragoness, who watched the two with interest.

The rest of the company had come forth as well, weapons lowered. They all were startled by their female companion's sudden attack, but now that they saw a kind face, they weren't on a high pent all the time.

"Luna, this is Radagast the Brown, a fellow wizard of the istari order. he has been with me many moons." Gandalf said, and Luna crooned, a smile crawling over her features. "nice to meet you, master Radagasdyt. I am sorry I nearly incinerated you. I thought you were a danger to the company," she said, her fins flicking admisly, an action she did when she was nervous and guilty. But the brown wizard only smiled warmly.

"No need to apologize, my dear. I understand that sneaking up on a dragon is impossible, and I shouldn't have come as I did. We were both at fault here" the dragon and wizard grinned at each other before Radagast turned to Gandalf and started to talk about how the Greenwoods were sick.

Luna focused on this. This was a conversation she had wanted to hear in a while. Since she had placed herself in a different forest much smaller than Mirkwood, she didn't know about all the evil that resided there, but she was aware that it made her sick.

"but worse are the webs," Radagast said with a shudder, and Luna and Gandalf shared a glance. "the webs?" she asked, "what webs?"

Radagasdt sighed "spawns of Ungoliant, no doubt. or I'm not a wizard." Radagast said, his face drawn in worry and seriousness.

Luna listens, her head tilting here and there like a puppy. But that is how she is, like a giant puppy with big blue eyes. Soon her heart hitches in her chest, and she sighs but then snaps up at the scent of something foul creeping near. And before anyone in the company can blink, the white fury has pinned a big raggy warg down her face, drawn in a hiss before her mouth lights up with a purple plasma ball.

A squeal and then the sound of fire spreading quickly alert the company. A second beast comes right after. But that is brought down by Thorin's sword. "scouts!" he snaps, turning to face his company. Luna steps up beside them, her snot twitching.

"what do you smell? are they close?" Gandalf asks, and the dragon croons out, "yes. lead them away, Gandalf. I will take care of the orcs" before anyone can stop her, the blue-eyed dragon lunges into the air, crashing through the tree tops in a rainfall of branches and pine-needles.

When she reached the plains, she let out a hiss and charged toward the Orcs waiting outside the forest, giving them a scare with a plasma blast right by their feet. Luckily, they managed to doge the deadly fire, but Luna didn't care. She wanted them to follow her and lure them away.

Killing them would be a last resort if they were too close to her friends.

Zipping over the blue sky, the Light Fury kept low enough for the orcs to see her but never to catch her or to be able to shoot at her with their poison arrows. Her eyes scanned the landscape below, and her ear plates flicked to and fro, lusting after her friends.

She heard them behind her to the left away. A growl rippled out of her throat as an orc tried its luck to shoot an arrow at her tail. It skimmed it, leaving a slight sting behind, but that was all.

Taking a sharp turn, the LightFury led the Orcs and their wolves toward some elves she could spot not far away. They would surely do the work for her killing those pests.

With a shrill, taunting roar, she stooped low, knocking the first Orc on his head and making him tumble a bit, letting out a shrill. That attracted the attention of the elves, and a horn was blown.

Luna rose higher when the two forces crashed, grunts and screeches filling the air. she stilled over the battle, watching with a scrunched snout and slitted pupils. one Elf saw her, but he was busy with defending off an Orc even to care for her.

Luna let a fireball go, which hit the Orc, who was pinning down the Elf with nut-brown hair. The way he carried himself, he was oblsily their leader. It hit the Orc and made him burn where he stood — his warg with him.

The lead Elf snapped his eyes to her, and she gave him a shrill welcome before flying off, seeing that her assistance was no longer needed.

Following Gandalf's scent wasn't that hard at all, and she let out a coo of surprise and confusion when she came to an outsourcing stone.

But she landed anyway and slithered inside, vanishing in the darkness.

When she had twisted through the narrow path within, she gasped as she came to a valley that gleamed in golden sunlight.

Rivendell, Luna thinks with a smile forming.

At last.

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