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Luna hissed and trashed in the small monster's hold.

But her tries were in vain, resulting in a swat to the snout. She arched her neck to glance behind her but wasn't allowed. And before she knew it, she was thrown to the ground in front of something big and nasty.

A gag rolled its way up her throat, and she snapped at a goblin that tried to hold her down but had no luck. as soon as she stared up, her pale blue eyes widened, and her ears pinned. In front of her stood a giant being bigger than any Man she had ever seen. she was still on the ground, her wings being bound by her side as she studied the being.

It has to be him, she thought with a shudder, the Goblin King. from the shock, she rose to an angry unquenchable, and a raor tore her insides, and the walls of the mountain shook shuddering by the force of her cry. The Dwarves cried out, too, their ears being priced by teh sound. The Goblin King cackled in pain, his giant mace coming to land a blow to her head, but she let a fire blast go knocking the deadly weapon out of his hand.

The king yelped and scrambled back onto his throne, his small eyes wide, "a-a Light Fury!" he bellowed, pointing at her, "the dragon that killed a thousand lives. the one that can kill Smaug the Golden! bind her! knick her, bind her!" he roared commands. His minions scrambled to do his bidding, but before reaching the seething dragon, a deep voice echoed in the chamber full of authority and anger.

the goblins stopped parting as the king under the mountain made his way over to the beauty of a beast. "do not touch her." He growled, a sword in his hand. Some goblins at his feet chittered mockingly up at him, but their king silenced him with an evil smile encasing his face.

"Well, well, well, look who it is! Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror, King Under The Mountain." The Great Goblin gives a mocking bow. "Oh, but I'm forgetting, you don have a mountain. And you're not asking, which makes you nobody. But I know someone who would pay a pretty price for your head — just the head, nothing attached. Perhaps you know of whom I speak. A vengeful enemy of yours."

The Dwarf king hovers closer to the white dragoness whose eyes are wide, pupils blown. "Azog... that is absurd!" she hisses, a fireball lightening up in her throat again. The Goblin king chuckles darkly "so you think his defiling days are over, do you?" he cackle and turns to the little goblin scribe who sits in a casket glowering " send word to the defiler and tells him I found his prize," he glances at the dragoness "both of them" the scribe cackles and writes down this message on a slate. Then, with a cackle, he pulls a lever and sails off into the dark caverns below.


Luna had never felt this pain before the pain of being abused.

The pain of being whipped into shape and darkness filled her visage, her scales throbbing as the crude whip smacked again, reaching her flowing spine. A squeal tore out of her before the Goblin King's voice boomed in her ears "alright, that's enough. she has learned her lesson. Set her to the bindings and have her bound up. Azog should come soon to collect these prizes."

Luna let her gaze travel to her Company, the pain in her face reflecting in theirs. They hated to see their only female companion like this. their friend and protector sacrificing her well-being for her. But this was how a dragon was. Well, some of them, at least the females.

Thorin's deep blue eyes scanned the white one giving small huffs of anger, and fear gripped his heart as he saw the dragoness hold his gaze for a moment longer before dropping her head in submission.

The Goblins were so close to breaking her, and if they did, there would be no more Luina. There would be no more feriucus dragoness.

No more friends that would be there to the day's end. Thorin knew that he couldn't let her get beaten again. This was the 5th or 3rd beating she had resided after she had tried to scorch the whole place to the ground.

So with a hammering heart, he reached out to his sword that was lying just a few faces away from him but before he could reach it a vast expstiopon of white light. The goblins and the torture machines fly while the dwarves are knocked to the ground. Luna groans in her spot, looking up once the light has dimmed. A shadow is framed against the dim light. It is Gandalf, armed with a sword and staff.

A smile rises on her weak face once he yells out commands going over to her briskly, "Take up arms. Fight. Fight!" he cuts her free, helping her to her feet with just as bruskness as her compmah. Soon enough, the fight for freedom ensues, and new strength returns to her bones. Luna spreads her wings, her face drawn in an angry expression, the others cowering slightly, but her fireball blasts the Goblin off his throne and down to the abbys, scorching a few others.

Soon enough, she flies her slender body zipping here and there as the Company makes its way to the outside. Finally, with the help of Luna, they come there relavitbvy fast, but the white edraogness stops short in the air hovering above the others who pay her no attention as they clamber their way out.

A slight draw her way, and she basalt anotehr5, going that tree to hump up and grab her. she knows someone is here.

Her eyes flash as she catches the scent of bilbo hiding in the shadows. She breaks, rolls, and dives, grabbing him before doing a summersault and flinging out of the herednos place out into the light.

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