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𝐋𝐔𝐍𝐀 𝐋𝐄𝐓 𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐒𝐄𝐅 𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐃𝐄 down from the cliff and soar over the Elf city

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𝐋𝐔𝐍𝐀 𝐋𝐄𝐓 𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐒𝐄𝐅 𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐃𝐄 down from the cliff and soar over the Elf city. the smell of her friends are strong and new to this perfect place.

A deep purr rattled her chest as she let herself fall, her blue eyes closed, and before she hit the concrete, she opened her eyes, snapping over her ivory wings and landing like a swan to a lake. she looked up and saw the confused faces of the Company as well as a few awe-stricken expressions.

She beams at them, straightening herself up and towering above the dwarves. Bilbo is the first to break the silence with a happy whoop as he throws himself onto her making her stumble. "Eek!" she yelps, her wings snapping out to steady herself, but as soon as the surprise passes, she sits on her hind legs, grabs bilbo with her front ones, and wraps her wings around him.

A draconic version of a hug. "what is wrong, master Baggins?" she croons, her chin resting on the Halfing's furry head. He doesn't answer but instead presses into her. The Dwarves look on, some wearing jealous expressions, but smiles don't fade.

This moment is cute, but alas, every moment has to stop once in a while. Gandalf clears his throat, making Bilbo gasp and let himself fall from the dragon's grasp. She looks down at him tilting her head to the side, her ear plates twitching. "welcome back, Luna," Gandalf says, bringing her attention to him.

She grins at him, a toothless one showing her retractable teeth.

"I would like you to meet the lord of this place, Elf Lord Elrond," he says and sweeps a hand toward a tall, dark-haired Elf who stands before the Company. The dragoness smiled at him, standing to all fours and rounding the Dwarves, going up to him and giving him the dragon version of a bow.

"stars shine upon our greeting, my lord," she says in elvish startling the elves around her and the Dwarves. But Elrond only smiles, his hand reaching out to the beast as she rises. She sniffs his hand, her ear plates parking. Then she presses her chin into his hand, allowing him to stroke her over her head. "they do Light Fury. Tell me, what made you grace us with your presence? Gandalf told me you singlehandedly adverted those Orcs we found crossing the hidden pass."

Luna gives a shy snort moving away from teh Elf Lord. Being away from citations made her more scared than she usually was. "I did not take care of those singlehandedly, my lord. You helped me," she said, her tail swishing, almost knocking into the dwarves.

Elrond beamed and patted her snout before calling to his subjects in Elvish, "Light the fires, bring forth the wine. We must feed our guests." the Dwarves being the beings they are, took these words as an insult yelling out things like "What is he saying? Does he offer us insult?"

the Dwarves begin to chatter among themselves until a loud ear-piercing hiss echoes fills their ears and make them shut up. "get a hold of yourself!" Luna snaps her pupils, drawing to slits showing her displease and anger. The Dwarves lower their head uncointiosly as her stare burns.

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