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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐀𝐍𝐘 𝐋𝐄𝐅𝐓 with the morning light

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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐀𝐍𝐘 𝐋𝐄𝐅𝐓 with the morning light. 

Luna followed them with Biblo, who finally started warming up to her. Well, more than he had done before. Those two were nearly inseparable now, and the Light Fury saw the Halfing as a hatchling, a being she had to protect. 

With a glance back at the glorious Elf settling, the dragoness let a sigh flit out of her, and she flicked her tail before continuing her trek beside the Hobbit. Soon enough, they had to take shelter, for the rain came pelting down like some Valar was angry with them. 

Luna hoped not because she did not know how to appease beings ten times stronger than her. Not to mention older. She has no idea about their customs. With a hiss, she dug her claws into the soil underneath her, but it wasn't any soil. It was just hard rock. 

She was too big to manage and go here with the others, but she kept Bilbo warm. Then, glancing over to the bottomless gap that stretched beside her, she took a quick decision before angling her head under Bilbo's body, hauling him over to her back. At first, he yelped and scrambled for a hold of her slippery scales, but soon enough, he found something even though he held on for dear life. 

And with a gentle spin into the air, the dragon drew herself away from the Dwarves so they could go alone without having a dragon up their rear. 

Most of them called after her and Biblo, but others just went on with a fleeting glance to make sure they were alright.t 

time went by, and soon enough, the night came, and it became harder to fly and see in the rain. But Luna kept on strong as always. Then, finally, a rumble caught her attention, and she whipped her head around, stilling in the air hovering as a giant rose to the air, a boulder flying toward her and Bilbo. 

With a shriek, she took a sharp turn and dodged. Bilbo screamed and groped her ridge for dear life. Then, knowing that Bilbo might be safer in her claws, Luna let him slide from her back despite his calls of protest and fasted her claws around him, keeping her grip tight but not too tight. 

He was heavier than she thought, but she managed at least until they could go on the fast ground again. 

They severed away and around the giant as more rose until it was 3. it seemed that all of them were having some battle. 

But soon enough, the giants fell to the ground leaving the arena lonely and silent. Taking this as an operation, Luna glided down to the safe ridge that followed the mountain and touched down before landing behind Bilbo, giving him a friendly nudge. "I am sorry I scared you master Bilbo. I just saw a way so we didn't have to squander with our friends. Now let us take this shelter and get some well-needed rest." 

And together, they slunk into the cave, cuddling up like a mother kitten to her kits. Bilbo knew now that there was nowhere safer than with Luna by his side. 


Luna woke to the coldness of the cave. 

Not that she wasn't used to sleeping in a cave. It was just that she also noticed the murmurs of Bilbo and a Dwarf. Peeling one eye, she glanced at her hatchling talking to Bofur, sitting night guard. They seemed to have some argument though bofur didnt seem very angry. 

He seemed more desperate than anything. The last thing Bilbo said cut even Luna's heart. "no, you won't understand! You're Dwarves. You're used to this life living on the road, never belonging anywhere," Bofur sighed, his face filling with sadness. Luna let out a silent croon, sad as the rain, and stood slightly silent in her footsteps. 

But before she could walk over, Bilbo was already on the way out, but he stopped when the sound of her alarmed growl entered the air. The floor was moving, the sandy ground beneath them cracked apart, and they fell before anyone could react. 

A yelp tore its way out of Luna's throat as she failed about trying to grab the passing walls with her claws. But all she did was nick them, resulting in sharp whips of pain sparking from her talons. Finally, a hiss drew itself, and she stopped trying to cool her descent and let the power of gravity do as it wanted with her. 

Soon enough, she landed in a heap, several dwarves piling upon her. Some of them even hit her wing, pushing it under their weight and making her let out a shriek of pain. 

A dragon's wing is very vulnerable as they used to come places, and they can be buried by very little, like stubbing against a stone. That would cause a mometiatly brushing, of course. But having several and no light Dwarves upon it can cause it to crack or bend under pressure. 

The Dwarves shielded their ears as much as possible, guilt welling in their hearts. But, of course, those who had landed on the dragoness had not meant it. They couldn't control their path. And those who were under her groaned at her weight. 

While she was light for a dragon, she was more significant than them, as a dragon shall be. And the size made a weight difference no different than a big horse. 

After a bit of failure, the Company just gave up on trying to come out of their heap and instead started looking around. But what they saw had their hairs standing up on their neck.s 

serval hordes of cittery, nasty slim goblins came scrambling over them, rotten weapons raised high. Their grabby hands soon grabbed the Dwarves dragging them away from each other, and as soon as Luna was free from teh pleasure under her, she flew up but fell to the ground again, her strained wing giving her a warning shot of pain.

She crashed to the ground knocking into some goblins and stones. One hit her head, beating her unconscious. The greasy beings took great delight in seeing a live dragon, and their smooth hands grabbed her, using many a workforce to carry the beast as a trophy. Many of the Dwarves saw this and let out shouts of anger and protest but soon got forced the same way.

All but one of the companies were forced to follow the goblins. And that one might change the future of this little haphazard. 

can you guess, dear reader?'

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