Unexpected helper (Chapter 7)

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Let's have a moment of silence, for the voice actress of a beloved character, Mrs. Pots. We love you.

Bella's POV
I was with Tuck, testing the dessert and food. It was amazing.

"Mrs. Pots, I just love everything." Bella said.

"Thank you, Bella and Tuck. I'm happy you love it." Mrs. Pots said.

"Hey, where's Chip? Haven't seen him in a while." Tuck said.

"He's on a friend's trip. He'll be back."

"Ok and this Cloudberry cake with Zepherian Vanilla Bean taste like a dream." Tuck said.

"Hello!!" Briar said walking into the kitchen.

Bella faked smile, "Briar, what are you doing here?" Bella questions, not happy.

"To help you Bella-Wella. I heard about the sabotage so I thought I make myself useful." Briar said before walking over to Tuck. "And I can be useful for you, cowboy." Briar said flirtily.

Tuck laughs, unfortunately.

"Briar, off my future husband." Bella pushes her off of Tuck.

"Sorry, not sorry. Now, looking at the designs of the cake, you must for pink, with gold flowers." Briar said.

"But that's not what..." Bella said before getting interrupted by Briar.

"Of course, it's what you want." Briar said.

Briar kept changing the cakes, and food. I got tired and annoyed with Briar that I dragged Tuck out of the kitchen.

"You don't look happy." Tuck said.

"I'm not. I just don't want Briar helping, she makes it all about her and makes it her way." I said annoyed.

"I know what you mean. I got uncomfortable with Briar, again." Tuck said.

"Come on, let's go on a date and we'll fix everything later." I said.

Tuck and I went to get ice cream and went straight back to the castle after being chased by photographers and reporters. Luckily Briar left and we fixed everything. The cake and flowers were replaced because they went missing.

The next day...

I was at Evie's house trying on my new wedding dress. I love it better than the first one.

"It's just what I've dreamed of." I said.

"It's incredible. Even though it's not Auradon style, it's gorgeous." Evie said.

"Woah, what in the world are you wearing, Bella-Wella?" Briar said walking into the room with a pink dress.

"My new wedding dress. My last one got destroyed." I said.

"It's cute but it's not good enough for the wedding." Briar said.

"But this is what I..."

"Forget it. Try on this dress." Briar said.

I decided to do it because I didn't want to fight Briar. I may hate her, but I'm not a fighter. I tried it on, but it was so horrible, it was not what I wanted, not my style and it was too much. Plus, it's pink. I want my dress to have purple and blue, not pink. I hate Briar.

I came out to show Evie and Briar, while cringing. Evie hates it but Briar was smiling.

"It's perfect." Briar said.

I got mad and was about to go dragon on her.

"No, it's not. Look, Briar, I know you're trying to help but this isn't what I want. This is what you want." I explained.

"Not it's not. It's perfect and I have the perfect dresses for the bridesmaids, except for Cassidy, Chloe, and Jo." Briar said making me mad.

"No, they're a part of my wedding." I said.

I got out of the dress and went back to the castle.

A week later...

I flopped on my bed, exhausted. I was trying to keep Briar away by telling her that I have queen duets but it wore me out. Then my parents and the Haywoods came in.

"Ok, you've been working all week, ignoring us. What's going on?" My mom said.

"I'm sorry. I just want Briar to stop helping and taking over my wedding. I just can't take it anymore." I said.

"We know. So we called Audrey and Harry, and they told her that someone wants her to help with their wedding somewhere else but it's actually on the Isle of the Lost so she's been busy until the wedding comes, which is in three months." Ben said.

"Good. I just want Briar out of my wedding." I said.

"Why do you guys hate Briar?" Beau asked.

"Briar and Bella were a spoiled brat duet but after Bella was unspoiled, she never talked to Briar so Briar tries to ruin Bella's dresses, birthday, parties, you name it. Audrey got Briar a scholarship at a traveling Pirate Academy so she never bothers Bella or anyone again." Mal said.

"Yikes. Let's hope we never have to see her again." Tuck said.


Tuck's POV

I was walking home after calming down Bella when someone came behind him.

"Hey, handsome." Briar said, scaring Tuck.

"What do you want Briar and don't call me any nicknames you want because I'm in love with someone else and that is Bella." I said.

"Why do you want her, she just does boring. I bet she doesn't satisfy you." Briar said.

"She does satisfy me, more than I think you can. So leave me alone." I said.

"Oh come on Tuckie, I know there's chemistry between us." Briar flirts and walks to me.

I got uncomfortable but I notice some missing pink diamonds on her necklace. Did Briar sabotage the wedding?

She tried to touch me but I pushed her off.

"Briar, you're a beautiful girl but I'm not cheating on Bella with you. I'm getting married to the love of my life and I'm not the Tuck Haywood from four years ago, where I flirted with girls or dated and leave for another. I'm not that person and I have Bella to thank for that. So leave me and Bella alone." I said before storming off home.

I walked inside and slammed the door closed.

"You know, you're gonna owe me a new door." My dad said before. "Are you OK?"

"I'm fine but Briar tried to flirt with me." I said

"Briar?" My dad questioned.

"Yeah. She even tried at my engagement party, I'm glad I didn't expect and I had to trick her to get away from her and she tried again. I just don't want her at my wedding. But did notice something. Remember that pink diamonds that Bailey and Ben found where the wedding things were sabotaged?"

"Yes?" My dad questions.

"I saw on Briar's necklace that she has the same pink diamonds and some of them were missing?" I explained.

"That's weird. We better tell the Beast Family as soon as possible." My dad said.

It looks like we have a suspect. Did Briar do it? Comment your thoughts.

So my Matric / Senior year begins now so this is my last update until probably after exams. So I'll see you in two to three months. Bye.

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